All students are expected to:

1. Keep books covered (No adhesive covers please).

2. Have a book bag that fits inside a locker 12 inches wide and 15 inches deep.

3. Label all items properly.

If your child runs out of any of the following supplies during the school year, we would appreciate your replenishing the missing item(s) as soon as possible.

·  1-dozen #2 sharpened lead pencils or mechanical pencils

·  erasers (pencil cap type)

·  heavy duty screw top handheld pencil sharpener—please look for something that will not spill contents easily or break easily

·  one rosary with a container to hold it (I will ask Father Pat to bless them if they are new.)

·  2 dry erase black markers and small dry erase eraser (for small white boards)

·  1 box 16 Crayola crayons

·  12 Crayola colored pencils

·  8 color Crayola semi-moist watercolors

·  8 Crayola markers

·  2 poly heavyweight 2-pocket portfolios (for Spanish and Music)

·  pair of student scissors (no sharp points)

·  1 thin point black Sharpie

·  2 packs loose-leaf notebook paper

·  2 heavy duty 2 pocket portfolios with 3 fasteners for inserting notebook paper (green, orange)

·  1 box of tissues

·  1 container of organic, non toxic type wipes for cleaning desks, etc.

·  5 pair of disposable gloves

·  small white Elmer's type glue

·  1 roll of paper towels

·  1 large glue stick

·  long pencil box to contain supplies (12 ¾" x 5" x 2 ½ ")

·  3 non-spiral black and white composition notebooks

·  1 ream of copy paper

·  2 packages of blank 3x5 index cards

·  1 white binder (1½ " wide)

·  1 zippered 3-hole punched pencil pocket to fit in binder

·  3 white poster boards (for classroom projects and posters)

·  Homework Assignment Book - purchased at orientation