Začátek formuláře

LILA Application for the Cambridge CELTA course

Please note: For your application to be accepted, information should be entered into all fields.

*) Data fields, which are marked with star, are mandatory.

Basic Information

Title (Mr. Ms, etc):
First name(s): *
Surname: *
Date of birth: *
Nationality: *
Present occupation: *
Permanent address: *
Address for correspondence (if different):
Dates of course applied for: *
How did you hear about the CELTA course offered by our school, LILA? Please be as specific as possible.
Do you want help with accommodation?
E-mail: *
Telephone: *
Next of kin: name and telephone number
General educational qualifications: *
Brief career history (excluding TEFL): *
Teaching qualifications –
if any:
Teaching experience - if any (give dates):
Languages spoken, other than English (indicate degree of fluency): *
If your mother-tongue is not English, please indicate your level of proficiency in both spoken and written English:
General health
(Please mention any medical problem that may affect your performance on the course and include any allergies, or a medical condition for which you are receiving treatment.) *
Any other relevant information:

Please indicate where you would like your certificate to be sent on successful completion of the course (this will be 4-6 weeks after the end of the course). Please note this cost will be added to your final invoice:

Destination / Cost / Please tick as appropriate
Collection from Lila / FREE
Registered post within the UK / £5
Registered post within the EU / £10
Registered post outside of the EU / Courier charges apply

Pre-Interview Task

Part One
For each of the following sentences:
1.  Correct the student error by writing the corrected sentence in the first box.
2.  In the second box explain, as simply as possible, why we use the corrected version.
Example: I watch TV at the moment.
1.  I'm watching TV at the moment.
2.  Used here to express the idea of an action taking place at the moment of speaking.
1)  The flat cleaned yesterday.

2)  When I sat down in the restaurant I realised that I've been there before.

3)  Nobody could answer the question what was harder than usual.

Part Two
How would you explain to a learner of English the difference in meaning between the following pairs of sentences?
1a) He's gone to the beach.
1b) He's been to the beach.
2a) My brother who lives in Italy is a teacher.
2b) My brother, who lives in Italy, is a teacher.
Part Three
Comment on the meaning of the underlined word in both sentences.
1a) When I was a child I would walk to school each day with my friends.
1b) Would you like a drink?
2a) He used to be my best friend.
2b) He used a knife to open the letter.
Part Four
Add two more similar items to each list:
1) I’ve, Won’t, He’s, …
2) in, next to, near, …
3) gone, ridden, chosen, …
4) fast, hopefully, actually, …
Part Five
How would you explain to a learner of English the difference in meaning between the following pairs of words?
1) win : beat

2) laugh : giggle

3) borrow: lend

Part Six

Which word in the sentence below would you stress each time in order to express the three given meanings?

I wish I’d married Dave.

1) I didn’t, but Sally did.

2) I married Paul instead.

3) Dave and I had an affair when we were young.

Part Seven

Mark the stress on the words below.
EXAMPLE: hospital/understand
Allow prediction controversial prefer preference
photograph photographic photographer record (noun) record (verb)

Part Eight

We call these labels (i.e. ‘Inviting’, ‘accepting an invitation’) FUNCTIONS. It is simply a way of categorising the speaker’s intention. Look at the short dialogue below and label the function of each utterance.

X: ‘Hey, Bob!’......

Y: ‘Yeah?......

X: ‘Give me a hand with this suitcase, will you?......

Y: ‘Sorry, but Jenny’s waiting for me.’......


X: ‘O. K. Never mind.’ ......

Part Nine

Having read all the information on the LILA / Cambridge ESOL website what do you feel will be your strengths / weaknesses on the CELTA course? Please, write 100 - 120 words.

Part Ten

From the perspective of your best friend write a short character description of yourself. Please write this in third person and in 100 – 120 words.

Having read all the information on the LILA / Cambridge ESOL website what do you feel will be your strengths / weaknesses on the CELTA course? Please, write 100 - 120 words.Having read all the information on the LILA / Cambridge ESOL website what do you feel will be your strengths / weaknesses on the CELTA course? Please, write 100 - 120 words.Konec formuláře