Columbus Indiana Area Emmaus Community

Board Meeting

Date: August 12, 2006 Location: First Baptist Church, Columbus












Jon Carlstrom –
Spiritual Director /
/ Dick Yeaton–
Gatherings/Hospitality / / x
Mike Riley – Web Site /
/ Jane Hien - Secretary / x /
Chuck Goode - Data Coordinator /
/ Brian Teater– Music /
Ed Tower- Supplies /
/ Christine Griggs – Agape /
Kathy Bush - Supplies / x / /
James Hoppus -
Sponsorship/Reunion /
/ Robin Everhart –
Team Selection / / x
Pat Shoemaker- Agape /
/ Gary Fuquay –Treasurer /
Bev Earley - Community LD Acting Past Lay Director /
/ Renee Kasting –
Registrar / / X
Ron Povaleri–
Facilities/ Transportation /
/ Venetia Green –
Chrysalis Lay Director / / x
Debbie Raynor – Newsletter / / x /

Bev welcomed everyone to the meeting.

PRAYER and DEVOTIONS : Jon Carlstrom led in the morning devotion. The devotion was taken from the second chapter of Colossians. When we see the word “therefore” that is a signal for us to pay attention. God is in Christ, Christ is in us, so God is in us. We can be diverted from the purpose of Emmaus. We need to keep focused on His Purpose for us. We are to be renewed. We are the clay and He is the potter. The challenge of Emmaus is to provide the opportunity for others to “walk in Him”. After prayer concerns Jon lead in prayer.

The July 8, 2006 minutes were reviewed, corrected, and approved. Jim Hoppus made a motion to accept the minutes. Brian Teater seconded the motion. Motion carried.


1.  Minutes from the July 8, 2006 meeting were approved. Jim Hoppus made the motion to approve the minutes. Gary Fuquay seconded it. The motion was carried.

2. Combination Gathering/Hoot in 2007- (July? August)-

The discussion was to have this event. Jim Hoppus made a motion to have a

combined Gathering and Hoot in July 2007 with both boards deciding on the actual

date. Gary Fuquay seconded the motion. Motion carried.



Action / Person Responsible / Completion Date
10/08/05 Operational Procedure Manual for each service area on the web site: give Mike information on the running of your area of service / Data Coordinator/web site
Team selection
Sponsorship & Reunion

Mike Riley will continue to update the operational Procedure Manual as information comes in to him.

Items for Discussion:

Info List

1. Walk # 61 (Arine Elmerick) & Walk # 62 (Anita Beeker) Lay Director Reports-

Arine thanked the board for the opportunity to serve as LD of walk # 61. He

discussed the team selection process and had a very few positions to fill. He

covered the supply list needed for team meetings; if he was to get those items or

get them from the supply person. Ed Tower said that he could get them for him if

that was what he needed. He also needed clarification on the date of the fourth

day meeting. Ron Povaleri would check on the date with Ausbury UMC.

He asked if the Community had a Lap top computer to use at the

team meetings and at the walk for talks. The community doesn’t have one of it’s

own. Individuals were supplying their own if they presented a talk and needed one

to do so.

Anita wasn’t able to attend this meeting but had given Bev a short report that her

team selection was complete and would attend the next meeting with an update.

2. Linda Bryer’s $2000.00 Estate gift- pending since June 2004- We have

received this Estate gift.

3. Emmaus/Chrysalis Celebrations

a.  Nov.3-4, Houston, TX

Bev asked for us to pray about attending this event.

4. Walk Lay Directors for Walk # 63 & # 64 update-

Robin Everhart was absent. Bev reported that those contacted would be praying

about serving. It was discussed that the positions had been filled but we were

waiting for confirmation from Robin.

5. Walk to Emmaus International Newsletter-

Bev and Jon had received a paper copy of this newsletter and passed it around

for all the board members to look at. If you wanted to get a copy it is available on

the website.

Study List

1.  2007 Board of Directors nomination procedure- The board was to pray and ask those ones coming to mind if they would consider serving on the board if contacted. Robin was absent so Bev will give her the information brought to the meeting of prospective candidates to send letters to about serving on the board.

2. Walk manual update- The discussion centered on getting recruits to help with

manual updates. Jack Mendell and Diana Boyer were mentioned. Bev will contact

them to see if they would be interested.

3. Combination Gathering/Hoot in 2007- (July? August)-

The discussion was to have this event. Jim Hoppus made a motion to have a

combined Gathering and Hoot in July 2007 with both boards deciding on the actual

date. Gary Fuquay seconded the motion. Motion carried.

4.  How to support Chrysalis, a developing Emmaus community, or Kairos-

We will be having a combined Gathering/Hoot to support Chrysalis. After discussion on Kairos, we will provide our community with information from the website. Mike Riley will add a link to our website on Indiana specific Kairos events.

Action List

1.  Approve the Board Member Nomination letter-

By consent of the board we will use the letter Chuck drafted for this process.

It is available on the board members site.

2.  Bylaws review and ratification-

After review by the board some sections were to be removed because they did not apply and some re-wording was implemented. Mike will have the bylaws old and revised on the website for those community members wishing to review. Bev will provide a few paper copies for those wishing to look at them. The voting

will be at the September Gathering. Bev will provide information for the August newsletter.

3.  Annual community-wide training event at August Gathering-

Bev had provided us with a agenda to possibly follow for the gathering. After discussion she would finalize the agenda and e-mail us a copy to follow for that evening. We all took different areas to be available for the community to attend and ask questions.

Board Member Reports:

1.  Agape / Pat Shoemaker / Christine Griggs - They reported they were finalizing their area of responsibility. Pat reported that the signed Community letters that are in color are expensive to copy. Jon asked Pat to contact him when she needed to make more copies. She shared she has sent a lot of letters to other communities but wasn’t receiving as many as back from other communities.

Chrysalis / Venetia Green (absent) - Bev attended the board meeting and the Hoot went well but they had hoped for better attendance. The Flight’s were at 2 boys and 4 girls at this meeting.

3.  Community Events / Dick Yeaton (Absent)– No Report.

4.  Community Spiritual Director / Jon Carlstrom – Jon shared some concerns of churches supporting pilgrims and Emmaus/Chrysalis movements. Everyone is not as receptive as others. Please continue to pray.

5.  Data Coordinator / Chuck Goode – Chuck stated there had been a mix up with Prestige Printing on sending the newsletter. He has contacted them and will continue to monitor this.

6.  Web site / Mike Riley- Mike reported there has been 10,800 hits on the website since March 2005. He will also change the Team Service Application Sheet for the Spring 2007 walks and make it available for community members to fill out and send in. Mike and Chuck will bring a recommendation before the board at the next meeting on the Community acquiring a Lap top computer.

7.  Team Selection / Robin Everhart (absent) – No report.

8.  Facilities / Transportation Ron Povaleri – Ron’s asked that we continue to keep his family in our prayers. Everything is in place for the fall walks. He will check on the 4th day meeting date. The chapel fees for 2007 have been paid. Ron is to be gone at the time of the fall walks and Mike Hien is to cover for him on camp set up and tear down.

9.  Music / Brian Teater – Brian reported that he is working with Lee Marshall and they are adding some new songs to the book. The master copy of the CCLI is with Lee also at this time. There are some new music members involved do to the past few walks.

10. Newsletter / Debbie Raynor (absent) – The deadline for the August newsletter articles will be Friday, August 18th .

11. Registration / Renee Kasting (absent) – No Report.

12. Secretary / Jane Hien– No report.

13. Sponsorship & Reunion / James Hoppus - Jim reported he has all the information now and will update the job description.

14. Past Community Lay Director / Bev Earley – No report.

15. Supplies / Ed Tower / Kathy Bush- No Report.

16. Treasurer/Gary Fuquay – Balance of $11,553.63


1. Bylaws Revision: Bev Earley & Jon Carlstrom

2. Walk Lay Director Training Committee: Ron Povaleri, Bev Earley &

Mike Riley


Newsletter articles to Debbie Raynor are due 8/18/06.

August Gathering: August 18 at 7:00 PM

Cornerstone Community Church, Seymour

Snacks A - I

Childcare leader – Ron Poverleri

Chrysalis Team Dedication/Community Annual Training

The next board meeting will be September 8, 8:30 AM at First Baptist

Church - Fairlawn

The next Chrysalis Board meeting Tuesday, September 5, 7:00 PM,

Submitted by Jane Hien, Secretary.