Hughes Needs You!

WE ARE BEGINNING TO FILL OUR COMMITTEE POSITIONS FOR THE 2012/2013 school year. If you are interested in any of the positions listed below, please so indicate in the box next to the position. If more than one position appeals to you, please indicate them in order of preference. While some current chair people may elect to continue in their positions, do not assume any position has already been filled. Shuffling of people between positions may occur. Please place form in an envelope marked “PTO Nominating Committee” and return it to school by Friday, March 23RD. Thank you.

Name: Phone Number: E-mail:

Student(s) in grade(s) in 2012:2013______

o PRESIDENT: Preside over the monthly PTO meetings, coordinate the work of the officers and committees, attend BHPTO meetings, and represent the PTO at specific school functions.

o VICE PRESIDENT: Attend BHPTO meetings and report back to the PTO at the monthly meetings, take over for president when necessary. Chair Nominating Committee and serve on the By-Laws Committee, when applicable. Attend alternate Board of Education meetings.

o RECORDING SECRETARY: Take minutes at monthly meetings and provide a summarized copy for the lunch menu and a complete record for the president and PTO members at the next PTO meeting.

o TREASURER: Prepare and present annual budget, present report at monthly meeting, balance checkbook, and maintain ledger for all PTO expenditures and receipts. Prepare and file state and federal tax returns.

oCORRESPONDING SECRETARY: Present PTO correspondence at monthly PTO meeting, send gifts and cards on behalf of the PTO when appropriate.

o AGENDA SALE (2): Coordinate sale of school agenda in May, 2012 to incoming 3rd, 4th and 5th graders; assist with distribution of agendas in September, 2013.

o BIRTHDAY BOARD (1) Compile and create calendar of student birthdays for hallway on a monthly basis.

o BOARD OF EDUCATION LIAISON: Attend Board of Education meetings and report back to PTO members at the next PTO meeting.

o BOOK FAIR (3): Work with the Principal and a vendor to determine the dates for the event. Organize the event—including publicizing to the Hughes community, determining a class schedule, organizing volunteers, and setting-up and taking down of materials. Work at the book fair to oversee purchases. Coordinate with vendor on book orders.

o BOX TOPS/A+ BONUS BUCKS: Collect Box Tops from the Hughes School community. Administer Stop & Shop A+ Bonus Bucks program. Establish goals and create and distribute flyers.

o BULLETIN BOARD (2): Design and set-up 4 to 5 bulletin board displays on PTO bulletin board in front hall of school.

o CLASS PARENT CHAIRPERSONS (2): During summer, obtain class lists, contact volunteers to be class parents for each classroom. Hold a class parent meeting in September.

o CULTURAL ARTS (2): Arrange 4-5 special assemblies for students based on PTO budget and Principal’s time constraints. Attend meetings with cultural arts chairs from other BH schools and Assistant Superintendent. Ideas for programs come from literature received from entertainment groups; attending cultural arts showcase events, and discussion with other chairs and the Principal.

o CURRICULUM LIAISON (2): Meet bi-monthly with Assistant Superintendent. Will be updated on planned curriculum changes, and may be asked to give input. Report pertinent information to PTO. Committee is a conduit between PTO and the Assistant Superintendent’s Office.

o DIRECTORY (2): Compile Hughes student directory. Coordinate the student “cover art” contest. Distribute directories to all families in the fall and sell extra directories. Computer access is required. Familiarity with WORD and EXCEL is helpful.

o DRAMA DRAGONS (2 or more): Parent-led 5th-grade drama club. The club performs a play in the spring. Select and direct play, choose a cast and recruit volunteers for scenery, costumes and cast party.

o E-MAIL DATA COLLECTION: Gather and input e-mail addresses from parents for school-related email.

o ENVIRONMENTAL: Heighten students’ awareness of the earth and how we depend on its resources. Provide activities to students that will empower them with the ability to make a difference.

o EXPO (3): Coordinate Hughes’ participation in this district-wide exhibit of student work. This includes transportation, set-up and take down of all exhibits. Event is usually held in the spring. Volunteers need to be recruited.

o FAMILIES CARE (2): If the need arises, coordinate meals, carpooling, etc. for families in need.

o FAMILY FUN NIGHT (2): Arrange for a family get-together in the winter at Hughes including games and pizza.

o FAMILY PICNIC (2): Arrange a welcome-back picnic for Hughes families in September. It can be a bring-your-own, or food may be provided. Recruit volunteers.

o FLAG POLE MAINTENANCE: Responsible for the planting and weeding of the area around the flag pole.

o FUNDRAISING SOCIAL (3): Organize and coordinate this annual fundraiser. Responsibilities include selecting and decorating a banquet facility, soliciting local merchants and members of the Hughes community for donations, setting-up and publicizing a raffle and creating baskets for the raffle. Event is usually held at the end of February or early March. Planning begins in September.

o HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE (2-3): Organize, coordinate, set-up and take down inventory of items for this shopping event. Includes working with a vendor and shopping independently. Coordinate with teachers for each class to attend. Usually occurs in December.

o HOSPITALITY: Provide and serve refreshments at PTO-sponsored functions and PTO meetings with the help of volunteer bakers.

o HUGHES GARDEN: Work with 5th grade staff and students to maintain the Hughes Garden.

o IN-CLASS PROFESSIONALS (4 to 6): Work with teachers to arrange grade level, in-class programs that enhance the curriculum. Arrange author visit for all grade levels. Attend meetings with chairs from the other BH elementary schools and Assistant Superintendent to share information and facilitate district-wide grade-level programming.

o IN HONOR OF BOOKS: Coordinate the collection of money for the “In Honor of Books” program, affix bookplates in the purchased books and send acknowledgements to contributors. Usually takes place in November and December.

XX INVENTION CONVENTON (2): Coordinate event schedule with Principal, create information flyers to be distributed in class by teachers, oversee set-up and viewing of inventions. As this event occurs every other year, volunteers will not be needed for the 2011-2012 school year.

o LIBRARY: Compile a list of volunteers. Schedule volunteers to work in the library. Familiarity with EXCEL or another spreadsheet program is helpful.

o MEMBERSHIP (2): Responsible for distributing PTO membership forms and collecting dues.

o MIDDLE SCHOOL TRANSITION (2 – 3): Organize the fifth grade transition events such as the field day and breakfast. Coordinate with 5th grade class parents.

o NEWSLETTER (2): Prepare and distribute 3 PTO Newsletters per year containing articles written by committee chairs, teachers and Principal as well as other relevant information.

o PLAYGROUND: Check PTO shed monthly to determine if any playground supplies are needed and replenish as necessary.

o POOL PARTY (2-3): Work with staff at the Community Pool to plan and organize a year-end pool party for Hughes Families.

o PUBLICITY (2): Provide pictures and articles to local newspapers about events at Hughes School.

o SAFETY/BIKE ROAD-EO (2): Work with the Principal and possibly local authorities to address safety issues. During March and April, attend planning meetings with the Assistant Superintendent and representative from the Berkeley Heights Police Dept. Organize the Bike Road-eo, held in May.

o SCHOOL SUPPLY SALES (2): Maintain relationship with school supplies vendor. Work with teachers to obtain school supply lists. Coordinate and publicize the sale of school supplies to the Hughes community in spring. Arrange for distribution of supply kits before start of new school year

o SHOWCASE (2): Arrange different displays in 2 showcases in the front of the school on a monthly basis.

o SIGN MAINTENANCE: Responsible for the planting and weeding of the area outside the front entrance and around the Hughes School sign. Set-up a schedule of volunteers for the summer months.

oSPECIAL EDUCATION LIAISON (2): Represent the interests of special education students and families at PTO meetings. Meet with the Special Education Administrators to plan educational programs and share information.

o SPIRIT-WEAR (2): Coordinate sale of school logo sportswear and items.

o STAFF APPRECIATION (3): Provide special treats for teachers and staff during appreciation weeks. Provide gifts for new teachers and arrange for staff breakfast a few days before the first day of school.

o TILE FUNDRAISER (2): Organize, coordinate and set up fundraiser to create handprints on tiles for Hughes school hallway.

o TRANSITION: Coordinate the transition of information to and from chairpersons from one school year to the next, including collecting and distributing transition folders as necessary.

o UNICEF LIAISON: Coordinate “Trick or Treat for UNICEF” program with Student Council teacher representatives. Order and distribute UNICEF boxes, collect coins, bring to bank coin-counter and send money order to UNICEF.

o WEBSITE: Maintain PTO website. Update website with pertinent information when necessary.

o YEARBOOK (2): Assist teacher in production of yearbook. Help with orders, collecting money, and distribution. Traditionally, a 5th grade parent.



If you have any questions, please contact