WebQuest on Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry

The Great Depression

[Control] Click on PBS on the Great Depression

1.  During what years did the Great Depression occur?

2.  What percentage of African-American people were out of work during the Depression?

3.  List three major problems that the U.S. faced during the Depression.





[Control] Click on A Photo Dossier on Sharecropping

  1. Study the photographs. What stands out to you about these images? Describe the quality of life for sharecroppers.

[Control] Click on History for kids

  1. Define sharecropping.
  1. How is sharecropping similar to slavery?

Mob Violence/KKK

[Control] Click on Ku Klux Klan by PBS

  1. What groups of people does the KKK oppose?
  2. During what time period did the KKK have the most political power?

[Control] Click on Jim Crow Stories

  1. What things did the KKK do to frighten people and maintain power over non-whites?

Jim Crow Laws

[Control] Click on The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow

1. What are the Jim Crow laws?

2. What years (roughly) did the “Jim Crow” laws occur?

  1. List 2 horrific events that occurred in American history due to these laws

Segregation in Education

Watch the six minute video on segregation. [Control] Click on How Stuff Works video

1. What was the Brown vs Board of Education case about?

2. Who were the “Little Rock Nine”?

3. List three things that you learned or surprised you in this video.

·  Now your mission is to decide which topic you will research. There will be 2 groups of Segregation researchers AND Great Depression researchers. Make sure you do different parts of the topic. Register your topic with Ms. Robinson. 10 people may sign up for Great Depression (will be 2 groups) and 10 for Segregation (also 2 groups).

·  Next you need to look on WWW.ncwiseowl.org to research your topic. What info does your group need. Take notes using the reference sites on Grolier, especially.

·  Next you need to look on the Destiny Library Catalog Icon to search in Webpath Express. You will take notes on your topic.

·  Your team will divide up the jobs required for the finished Animoto project. See Ms. Robinson’s checklist of components.

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