Child Development
Chapter 20
Class Notes
Learning centers-areas of the early childhood classroom meant for certain types of learning and play.
Learning centers offer children choices.
Transitions-time allowed in the early childhood schedule where children move from one activity to another.
A good daily schedule: keeps the school day flowing smoothly, allows for short attention spans, provides sequence, direction, security
A good daily schedule should have the following components:
active and quiet times,
small, large and independent learning activities
snack time/restroom
indoor/outdoor play
free time/structured time
transition time
Promoting Positive Behavior in the EC Classrom
Child Care providers must:
Have classroom rules
Act as role models
Use positive reinforcement
Have strategies to deal with inappropriate behavior in a safe and nurturing manner
Class rules:
1. too many is overwhelming
2. should tell what to do, not what they shouldn’t do
3. should have a clear purpose
4. should be age-appropriate, the younger the child, the shorter the rules
Classroom management-everything a teacher does to assure that she will have a well-organized classroom where students can be successful.
Classroom rules- a positive way to guide children and help them learn acceptable behavior
· give children limits
· encourage development of self control
· should be few and simple stated in a positive way
· review often and post in classroom
Positive reinforcement- one of the most powerful ways to encourage good behavior. Is much more effective than negative reinforcement.
Negative reinforcement may stop the behavior but doesn’t teach correct behavior. It creates hostility and destroys self esteem
Patience, persistence and consistency are keys to making positive reinforcement work
“catch them being good”
Praise exactly what you liked…..not just “good boy!”
3 types of reinforcers:
Social-smiles and verbal praise
Activity-a special privileges
Primary-stickers, something material or tangible
Discipline is not punishment---it is guidance, a training process that takes time and patience