Fall 2009
Kean University
Union, New Jersey
Mathematics and Science in Elementary Education
Course Number: EMSE 3123
Semester Hours: 3 credits
Prerequisites: At least one course in college mathematics, one
course in college laboratory science,
EMSE 2800/2801/2802
Limitations on Enrollment: 20
Required:For K-5 and 5-8 education majors
Catalog Description
Mathematics and science content and methodology through hands-on group experiences. Current programs, materials, technology, assessment, and national/state standards for diverse K-8 student populations.
N.B.-In order to ensure full class participation, any student with a disabling condition requiring special accommodations (e.g., tape recorders, special adaptive equipment, special note taking or test taking procedures, sign/oral interpreter) is strongly encouraged to contact the professor at the beginning of the course.
Kean University
Union, New Jersey
Mathematics and Science in Elementary Education
I. Course Objectives: Students will achieve growth toward becoming informed, dynamic professionals by demonstrating (K)nowledge appropriate to the subject, application of learned (S)kills, and (D)ispositions toward teaching. The student will:
A. explain basic mathematics and science concepts in preparation for teaching at
the elementary school level. (K)
B. explain contemporary philosophies, research, and standards in elementary
mathematics and science education.(K/S/D)
C. apply current research, theory, methods, and standards to the development of
experience-centered approach to elementary mathematics and science
education. (K/S)
D. plan and execute mathematics and science lessons utilizing appropriate
instructional strategies and assessment procedures for diverse student
populations in varied settings. (K/S/D)
II. Course Content
A. Mathematics and science topics relevant to elementary education including:
- Problem-solving
- Critical thinking
- Place-value number theory
- Mathematical operations with base ten blocks
- Addition and subtraction
- Multiplication and division
- Decimals and percents
- Geometry, statistics and probability
- Measurement systems and associated units
- Metric length, mass, volume
- The Moon and Sun
- Light and sound
- Ecosystems
- Electricity
B. Contemporary philosophies, research and standards, including:
- New Jersey Core curriculum Mathematics Standards
- New Jersey Core curriculum Science Standards
- Learning theories of Piaget, Vygotsky, Bruner
- Inquiry lesson planning
- Waite-time
C. Development of experience-centered activities in mathematics and science using:
- Attribute and tangram blocks
- Base ten blocks
- Fraction and Cusinaire blocks
- Rulers, scales, graduated cylinders
- Batteries and bulbs
- Plants and aquariums
D. Mathematics and science lessons which address societal needs, individual student
needs and needs in the inclusive classroom
- Planning lessons and assessment procedures meeting the needs of diverse populations in varies settings
- Mini teaching experiences
- Unit plans
4. Lesson Plans
III. Methods of Instruction:
A. Lecture
B. Discussion
C. Demonstrations
D. Readings
E. Films
F. Hands-on work with manipulatives
IV. Methods of Evaluation
A. Written work on assigned projects.
B. Hands-on work on computer assignments
C. Class presentations
D. Class quizzes
E. Lesson evaluations, lesson plans and TWS plan (Knowledge/Skills)
V. Suggested Text:
Charlesworth, Rosalind (2010) Math and Science for Young Children, Belmont, Ca.: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
VI. Bibliography
Bahr, Damon, Garcia, Lisa (2010), Elementary Mathematics is Anything but
Elementary, Belmont, Ca.: Wadsworth Cengage Learning
Bell, R. Gess-Newsome, J., (2007), Technology in the Secondary Science
Classroom, Arlington, Va: NSTA Press
Lawson, Anton, (2010), Teaching Inquiry Science in Middle and Secondary
Schools , Los Angeles, Ca: Sage Publications
Moyer, Richard, Hacket, Jay, Everett, Susan,, (2007), Teaching Science as
Investigations, Upper saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall.
Troutman, Andria, (2006), Mathematics: A Good Beginning, Pacific Grove, Ca:
Brooks/Cole Pub. Co.
Van De Walle, John (2010) Elementary and Middle School Mathematics:
Teaching Developmentally, New York City, Pearson Education
Victor, Edward, Kellough, Richard; Ta ,Robert (2008) , Science k-8 An
Integrated Approach, New York, Allyn & Bacon
B. Seminal Works
Abruscato, Joseph. (2000). Teaching Children Science: A Discovery
Approach, Boston, Allyn and Bacon
Abruscato, Joseph. (2001). Teaching Children Science: Discovery Activities
and Demonstrations for the Elementary and Middle Grades. Boston: Allynn
and Bacon.
Bentley, Michael et. al. (2000). The Natural Investigator. Belmont, CA:
Bybee, Rodgeer, ed. (2002). Learning Science and the Science of Learning.
Reston,VA: Teacher’s Press
Ebenezer, Jazlin V. and Sharon Haggerty. (1997). Becoming a Secondary
School Science Teacher. New York, Appleton Lange.
Eichinger, Joseph. (2000). 40 Strategies for Integrating Science and
Mathematics instruction. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Gega, Peter C. and Joseph Peters. (2001). How to Teach Elementary School
Science. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill
Howe, Ann C. and Linda Jones. (1998). Engaging Children in Science. Upper
Saddle River NJ: Merrill.
Hurd, Paul DeHart. (2000). Transforming Middle School Science Education.
Columbia Teacher's College, NY: Teachers College Press.
Lawson, Anton, ((1995), Science Teaching and the Development of
Reasoning, Belmont, Ca; Wadsworth Pub. Co.
Marshal, Patricia,(1997) Math Plans: Lessons From the Field, Boston, Ma:
Allyn and Bacon
Mason, Diana, (2003), Intergating Mathematics, Science, and Technology: A
Skill-building Approach, , Boston, Mass: Allyn and Bacon
Ostlund, Karen, (1992), Science Process Skill: Assessing Hands-On Student
Performance, Menlo Park, Ca: Addison-Wesley
TIMSS. (1997). Third International Mathematics and Science Study.
Philadelphia, PA: Mid-Atlantic Eisenhower Consortium for Mathematics and
Science Education.
Piaget, Jean and Inhelder.B., (1969), The Psychology of the Child, New
York: Basic Books.
Vygotsky, I. ( 1978). Mind in Society. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Wadsworth, Barry, (1971), Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development,
New York: David Mckay Co.
C. Non-Print
Madelyn Hunter, DVD Series, Teaching Mathematics.
VII. OnLine Resources
On-Line simulations
Educational Java Programs
Integrating math and technology
Resources from TeacherVision
NCTM Math Standards
NJ Core Mathematics Standards
NJ Core Science Standards
Activities that Integrate Mathematics and Science Materials
A to Z Teacher Stuff
Essential Science for teachers video series