Issue 7, 15thMarch2011 Week 7 Term 1, 2011
Dear Parents and Students,
What would you do if you were confronted with this statement?
“You have been created in order that you might make a difference!”
Frightened? Confused? Overwhelmed? Motivated to action? Wait and see how things work out?
We all make a difference, individually and as a whole...... this creates an attitude that encompasses positive values on a daily basis and gives direction for each of us.
Butterfly Effect
Robert Ruggeri
Newsletter Links
It is impossible to activate any of the links provided in the Newsletter if you receive it only as a ‘hard’ copy. Unfortunately the PDF version of the Newsletter placed on the school website will also not allow links to be followed, so a Microsoft Word document will be uploaded in future. Many of the links can be found on the school website.
Thank You for a great Carnevale! Take a look -Carnevale Video Clip
GRAZIE, to the Pignataro Familly – The pizzas at Carnevale were delicious!
GRAZIE, to everyone for a beautiful Carnevale celebration, for the lovely costumes and masks.
GRAZIE, to our younger students who decorated beautiful masks.
GRAZIE, to all the students who completed their researches on Carnevale.
GRAZIE, to Mrs Parola, Mrs Timpano, Mrs Aramini and Mrs Neroni for the delicious "crostoli".
Maestra Cristina e Manuela.
Year 3 and Year 3/4 Pikelets
Grazie to all students in Year 3 and Year 3/4 for preparing and distribuiting so many pikelets on Carnevale Day. We think our students have learnt a lot on Products and Services.
Maestra Cristina and Mrs Johnston.
Year 3 and Year 3/4 Assembly – Friday 18th March
Please note that the assembly on Friday 18th March will begin at 2.30. During this assembly we will make a small presentation to celebrate the 150 years of the Unification of Italy. All parents and friends are most welcome.
Maestra Cristina.
Harmony Day – 21st March
Listen to Senator Kate Lundy talk about Harmony Day
The children and staff are asked to wear somethingorangeon Monday 21st March.
Honour Roll
The school is continually growing and we are hoping to place an ‘Honour Roll’ at the front Office area that will record the past leaders of the school to keep a perpetual reminder of the school’s proud history. Any ideas?
Volunteers Needed!!!!!
Do you have a few spare hours to assist in the covering of school books? Please let Rina know if you are available on any of these dates - Tuesday 9:30 – 12:00, 22nd and 29th March.
ANZAC Day Service
Year 5/6 will be representing IBS attheRSL and Schools Remember ANZAC Commemoration Service at Hyde Park South from 11:30AM - 12:30PM on Wedneasday 6th April accompanied by Mrs Cabarrus.
We are still looking for any parent volunteers to come and join us each fortnight. Please give your name to Rina in the Office. If you are available on a regular basis, a roster for Term Two will be organised.
Scholastic Book Club
Order forms for Scholastic Book Club are being sent home this week. Every order that you place entitles the school to free books, so this is a great way to help build up our library.Please try to return the order forms by Tuesday 22ndMarch. If you have any questions please contact Leanne Hart on 0412 368117 or
Hearing Test
A hearing screening test day at The Italian Bilingual School has been set up for the 2nd of May 2011 for children aged 5+. The screening will be carried out by TAFE, OTEN Audiometry students and supervised by Audiologists, Pia Luppino Doss and Monica Summers.
If you wish for your child to have a hearing screening test, please complete the consent form and return to the Office.
Parents and Friends
- P&F Nominations. If you are interested in becoming an executive member of the P&F committee, do not forget nominations close next Tuesday 15th March. All you have to do is pick up a nomination form from Rina at the front Office, fill it in and place it in the box marked P&F in the foyer. Do not delay do it today! The AGM is on the 23rd March.
National Ride2School Day – 16th March 2011
All children riding to school tomorrow need to check their bicycles or riding apparatus at the black gates. Tara Brookes and Matteo Comastri (Student Leaders)
Assemblies for Term One Lunch at PioneerPark
Friday 18th March – Year 3 and Year 3/4 Monday 21st March
Friday 1st April – Year 1 Monday 4th April
Kindergarten will have their first assembly in Term Two.
Mensa this Thursday Pizza$4
Link to School Calendar
Diary Dates: Notes Sent Home
15th Mar ASSISA Swimming Carnival
16th March National Ride2School Day
21st Mar Harmony Day
22nd Mar CIS Swimming Carnival
23rd MarchParents and Friends AGM
8th April Last Day of Term One