A/C B & S Carroll

Saturday 25th November
commencing at 10.00am

Machinery & Cars:
Inter truck AR 160 petrol (not registered), Fiat 1000 tractor with cab, irish slasher 5 ft, P.T.O slasher 4 ft, grader blade 3PL, post hole digger 3PL International 2322, Hilux ute petrol (not registered), Holden Astra SLX 1988 (working condition, not registered), Ag-Ware super spreader hydraulic, Vicon hay rake 4 wheel, bulka bin (tare-3850, gross-11,500), bale buggy, shearer lever lift scarifier- 20 tyre, hammer mill, auger Mobil Co, combine International a 61 rubber stars small seed box, fertiliser cart, spray unit all bulk wrecking, pipe layer 3PL, single ripper berrends 3PL, trailer 6x4, Lister mister unit, Triton 4x4 1992 (not registered), rotary hoe 5HP M.T.D, Nissan two-door 4x4 ute, 915 auto header, field bin P.T.O. electric pencil auger, Fiat tractor, International bale loader- small square, aluminium camp box to suit trailer 7x4.

Hydraulic Rams- numerous, Jacob pedestal drill, Honda G400 motor, Victa edger, Honda GS 160 firefighter, Briggs & Stratton 4HP generator, electric hacksaw, Makita 9 inch angle grinder, Hashing hazard lights, timber hand tools, Gen-Co air compressor, hand post-driver, AEW Pulsar welder, painter aluminium scaffolding, plastic traffic bollard, large industrial fan 750mm, Lincoln welder pack, generator a/c arc welder, Mitsubishi generator 2KVA, assorted jacks, electric roller-door motors x 2, 2 x Greenfield ride-on mowers, 1 x Viking ride-on mower, Baumri Ag pro SX- 72.

Tanks & Troughs:
Polymaster tank 4500L squat x2, Polymaster tank 4500L tall x1, Polymaster tank 2270L squat x1, Polymaster trough SPT 9450L x4, Polymaster trough SPT 12 600L x3, Poly round trough 600L x1, steel water tank on skid x1, steel tank stand.

Stock Equipment:
Lyco lamb marking cradle, various sheets of pig mesh, pig crate on trailer, 94cm Waratah droppers, Cyclone fence strainers, concrete strainers & stays, ‘Give Way To Stock’ signs, numerous drench guns and sundries.

Household Items & Sundries:
Office partitioning, numerous cupboards and draws, Baier twin tub washing machine, Coonara wood heater including flu, carpenters horses x2, numerous kitchen electrical appliances, painters tray & platform, oil bar heater, 2 bar electric heater, ex school tables x 60, ex school chairs x5, table tennis table, pool table complete with accessories.
Shed 30ft x 20ft- roof frames& uprights, corrugated iron lengths- numerous sizes.

Terms of Sale: ID essential to be able to register. Buyer number system will apply. Payment strictly on sale day only, cash, cheque or card only.
Directions: 23kms from St Arnaud- take Charlton Rd to Coonooer Bridge. Turn right onto Hall lane. Turn right onto Coonooer-Gower/Logan Rd. Turn left onto Carroll Rd and follow for 1.5km.
Light refreshments available.
All proceeds to Bendigo Cancer Centre

Elders St Arnaud
5963 Sunraysia Hwy, St Arnaud, 3478
03 5477 5000
Mark Swanton0407 105 050
Glendon Hancock 0429 829 613

Vendor- Steve Carroll 0458 653 236