Friday 6th November

Dear Parents / Carers,

November 2015 Newsletter

During the half-term holiday the temporary classroom on the car park was removed. This means that the expansion / building project is now almost over. There are a few ‘snagging’ jobs but essentially everything is complete. At last!

We now have an extended hall, a new classroom and 2 newly refurbished classrooms in the main building, refurbished children’s toilets, a new library and (much smaller!) ICT suite, a new staffroom, office and staff toilets. During the works we have also completed essential maintenance to many areas of the school. The wonderful Early Years building environment now matches the quality of teaching and learning which takes place.

As a result of this significant investment in the Cale Green community we can now admit 45 children each year to school instead of the previous 30. This means that more children from the local area can attend their successful primary school.

School Car Park

From next Monday (9th November) the staff will begin using the school car park again.

The car park gates close at 8.30am and are locked until 3.30pm.

Children who arrive for Breakfast Club before 8.30am and / or leave after 3.30pm (if they have been at the after-school club or activity club) MUST not walk across the drive and MUST use the pedestrian gate entrance to school.

We would ask all parents / carers to encourage the children to do this and to set an example by using the pedestrian gate.

The school car park must not be used by parents / carers at any time.

We would all like to give our thanks and appreciation to our neighbours and local businesses during the time our car park has been out of use.

End of 1st Theme Class Presentations – Wednesday 11th November

On Wednesday, between 9.00 and 9.30am, you are all invited to visit your child’s class to view their books and displays on their 3rd theme. The visit will end with the children showing their class ‘Animoto’ presentation.

You are invited to view all the other class ‘Animotos’ during our weekly Family Assembly on Friday 13th November.

Family Forum – Friday 13th November – Safeguarding

Following the Family Assembly next Friday we are holding our first Family Forum of the year. This will be on the theme of ‘Safeguarding’. We received a comment on one of our questionnaires asking exactly what is safeguarding and we would like to talk you through all the different ways we work to keep children safe at Cale Green.

Please come along and share any questions you may have about this vital area of school life.

Family Forum – Friday 20th November – Restorative Approaches

Just like a bus - two come along at once!

After the Family Assembly on Friday 20th November we are holding a Family Forum on the theme of ‘Restorative Approaches’.

This approach seeks to repair, maintain and build relationships and it is being introduced across the whole of Stockport as part of the Stockport Families Project.

At the meeting we will introduce Restorative Approaches and give you the opportunity to take part in a ‘Circles’ activity which the children use in their classes!

As this will also be at the end of anti-bullying week we will show you what some of the children in school say about bullying and then discuss our approach to dealing with bullying in school.

Our school defines bullying as:

‘Behaviour by an individual or a group, usually repeated over time, where an imbalance of power is used to intentionally hurt another either physically or emotionally.’

Cale Green in the News!

We have recently featured in the local press as a result of being the first school in Stockport to receive the Sustrans GOLD Award.

We have also just had another cycle shelter and a scooter park installed to encourage children to cycle, scoot or walk to school and have completed the ‘Walk to School’ fortnight!

Special Achievement

Congratulations to Tyrese Partington and Hollie Hall who have both achieved 50 stars on their Cale Green Achievement Charts. They will soon visit Simply Books in Bramall to choose their book prize. Well done!

As always, if you have a concern or observation to make please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

