Final Project Proposal - Individual Project
The Final Project Proposal (FPP) develops further the Project Outline (PO) approved by the Swiss authorities by taking into account in particular the conditions statedin the Decision Letter on Project Outlineand other conditions specified in the NCU letter announcing the approval of the PO to the applicant.
Final Project Proposal / Submitted on: / Registration number:Project Outline / Approved on: 26.4.2011
1. Basic information
1.1. Project title
1.2. Priority area
1.3. Location of the project
1.4. Planned project duration
Starting date / Completion date / Number of months
1.5. Costs of the project / CHF / as % total costs
Total eligible costs / 100 %
Grant requested
1.6. Justification
-why this project is submitted within the Swiss-Czech Cooperation Programme
-a declaration that the project cannot be financed from EU structural funds or other programmes
2. Applicant
2.1. Name and contact details
Name of the applicant
Legal status
Statutory representative
Registered address / Address
Postal address
(if different from above registered address):
Contact person
Name and surname
Job title
Telephone / Fax / Mobile
2.2. Description of the applicant
-a brief characteristics of the applicant, description of the applicant´s main activities, organisational structure, etc..
2.3. Experience with project management
-experience with similar project implementation, brief description
2.4. Project partnership (if relevant)
-a brief characteristics of the partner
-partnership with Switzerland (if relevant)
-description of the partnership, what is the partner´s contribution to the project (e.g. know-how), how the partner participate in the project, etc. (Note: The Partnership Agreement/Agreements have to be attached to the FPP as the Annex 4)
3. Description of the project
3.1. General project description
-overall objective of the project
-description of single project activities incl. objectives, expected results and outputs
-introduction of starting points and justification (necessity of implementation), expected contribution/results of the project; how the project will contribute to reduction of economic and social disparities between the Czech Republic and the more advanced countries of the EU
3.2. Compliance with the development of regional/sectoral strategies (with other relevant documents)
-introduce compliance with these strategies for a given area (state / regional), exact reference to relevant documents
3.3. Activities and schedule
-brief and clear description of particular activities of the project (what and how will be implemented within the project),
Activity / Duration of implementation
1 / Activity description
2 / Activity description
3 / Activity description
4 / Activity description
5 / Activity description
3.4. Target group
- which target group will benefit from the project implementation, who will be the beneficiary of project results
3.5. Risks and proposal for their elimination
-description of possible risks, their probability and impact, proposal for their elimination
-potential / assumptions for the successful implementation of the project
Risk analysis
Risk identification / Risk rate
1- low,
3 - medium,
5 – high / Probability[1]1- low,
3 - medium,
5 – high / Proposal for risk elimination
3.6. Project sustainability
-by what means and by whom will be the project sustainability ensured, incl. the period (e.g. 5 to 10 years) after the completion of the project, who and how will ensure financing of the project outputs/results after the completion of the project
4. Project organisation and management
4.1. Organisational and management structure for project implementation
- description of the organisational and management structure, incl. financial management – who is responsible for what, who and how will participate in what (division of responsibilities, setting up project work load) etc.
5. Budget and financing
5.1. Indicative budget
/ as % of total eligible costsTotal eligible costs / 100,0 %
Grant requested
Management costs as a part of total eligible costs)[2]
Non-eligible costs
(state the amount of non-eligible costs and explain to which kind of expenditure it is related; list also the total figure of non-eligible VAT) / Total: X
-- item 1 x1
-- item 2 x2
-- item 3 (VAT) x3
-- etc.
5.2. Co-financing
Indicate sources from which the project will be co-financed and pre-financed
Public sources – state , regional or local budget (as % of total eligible costs)
Other sources (as % of total eligible costs)
5.3. Indicative schedule for disbursement of funds inCHF1
Partial costs / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / Total
Construction works
Purchase and equipment supplies
Management costs
Others(it is necessary to specify them in Annex 2)
5.4. VAT and its reimbursement-The applicant can / cannot ask for the VAT reimbursement for the activities within the project in the Czech Republic; if the applicant cannot ask for the VAT reimbursement in the Czech Republic, then the VAT is considered as an eligible expense of the project.
-If the applicant can ask for reimbursement of the VAT in the Czech Republic, then the VAT is not an eligible expense of the project.
-If the applicant can ask only for the reimbursement of a part of the VAT (e.g. relatedto certain activities) it has to be explained in detail. Relevant costs of the non eligible VAT are to be stated in the above Article 5.1. and this part of the VAT is not an eligible expense of the project.
6. Cross-cutting issues - very briefly, in case of need reference to relevant legislation
6.1. Environmental aspects of the project
-impact on the natural environment, sustainability from the aspect of environmental protection, how will be possible negative impacts on environment settled etc.
6.2. Social aspects of the project
-possible social contribution of the project – social inclusion of marginalised groups, their direct engagement in the project implementation, possible negative social impacts and their elimination, social dialogue etc.
6.3. Economical aspects of the project
-how and by whom will be the economical life of the project after its completion ensured
-how, when and who will use the results of the project
-how will be the expenses on operation and maintenance after the completion of project implementation ensured
6.4. Gender equality
-contribution of the project from the aspect of gender equality, participation in decision-making etc.
-equality, human rights, economic and social rights, prevention of violence etc.
7. Procurement procedures for works, goods and services
-the applicant will explicitly state which public procurements and for what are to be carried out within the implementation of the project - incl. the type of procurement
-the applicant will specify the nature of procurement (works, supplies, services), the type of procurement in line with the Czech procurement law and the Manual for Public Procurement within the Swiss-Czech Cooperation Programme (e.g. open tender, restricted tender, etc.) and the estimated price
Remarks and additional information of the applicant
-if relevant
8. Publicity
Describe in detail the publicity plan - description of activities for ensuring publicity including also description of realization means.
Publicity costs which are to be co-financed by the Swiss grant must be specified here and must be in line with the part 5 “Budget and financing” and the Annex 2 “Indicative budget”.
In case there are any publicity measures fully financed by the applicants own means, specify them too.
9. Annexes to the final project proposal / Note*
1. / LogicalFramework (in English in the attached format; if available also in Czech, please attached it)
2. / Indicative budget(in English in the attached format)
(Note: A detailed breakdown of the budget must be attached to the Annex 2)
3. / Building Permit (in Czech, a copy with the date of entry into force – “s vyznačením nabytí právní moci”)
(Note: the complete documentation for the building permit in Czech will be submitted on a separate CDs as requested by the NCU)
4. / Partnership Agreement (if relevant, in English with each partner of the applicant;specifying partners role in the implementation of the project, including the financial aspects and financial flows where relevant)
5. / Feasibility study (study with indicative budget in English)
(Note: study including all its annexes in Czech will be submitted on a separate CDs as requested by the NCU)
6. / Authorization form of statutory representative (if relevant, in Czech)
7. / Detailed implementation schedule (in English in the attached format)
8. / Other documents requested by the Decision Letter on Project Outline
9. / Declaration of preparedness for the project implementation(in English in the attached format)
10. / Co-financing statement(in English in the attached format)
11. / Other supporting documents (at the discretion of the applicant)
*Note: The applicant submitting the Final Project Proposalmust indicate with an “X” which annexes are enclosed.
10. SignatureI declare that I am duly authorized by the applicant organization to sign this Final Project Proposal and that I have thoroughly reviewed all statements and information provided in this form and that they are correct and accurate. I confirm that this project will be implemented as described in this application and that the grant requested correctly states the minimum requirements for the project to be implemented and completed.
Name: …………………………………………………………….
Signature: …………………………………………………………….
Position: ……………………………………………………………
Date: …………………………………………………………….
Swiss - Czech Cooperation Programme
[1] Risk rate 1-low=low probability means the probability approaching zero point (0). Risk rate 3-medium means 50% probability (0,5) and risk rate 5-high means 100% probability (1).
1 The exchange rate from the open call - 1 CHF = 17,691 CZK