Project Profile D R A F T
Project Name: US_Building Detail Web Page Re-Architect / Submitted By:William Kanfield
/ Department/Sponsor:
Brian Swanson
U Services Strategy Alignment:
☐ Optimize the University’s Physical Assets ☐ Ensure a Safe Campus ☒ Maximize the Student Experience
Business case
Problem Statement:Currently the U of M building detail pages/on-line facility directory contains basic facilities data via static, HTML pages. Independently, reports, maps, data sets and useful information is being generated but stored elsewhere and communicated randomly. URelations owns the pages, with limited capacity to exposing wider facilities data to broader audiences. This is despite over 1,000,000 pages views per year. / (Impact rated as High, Medium or Low)
UServices/U of M / Public
Students / Faculty/Staff
Medium / High / High
Stakeholder Impact / Benefit:
Project Approach/Next Steps:
This project would introduce an ‘expandable’, scalable and interactive Building Detail Web Page consolidating relevant building and facilities data into one, highly-trafficked and universally accessible location.
Thoughtfully architected, the pages will be able to present all facility content organized and secured for different users. Importantly, facility content will be automated, sourcing real-time content from target systems with little manual updating and content maintenance. / Potential Benefits:
Priority / Description
1 / Organize the many facility related resources currently available and those envisioned into a logical, easily accessed on-line resource.
2 / Reduce the manual labor and lag time for updates by system-to-system automation, presenting real-time systems data on the pages.
3 / Prepare facilities information business processes for EAM automation.
Specific Measureable Actionable Realistic Time-based
GIS, Space, Facilities Management, Capital Construction, Public Safety, OIT/NTS and University Health and Safety would be the initial system-to-system automation targets.
Other Departments Impacted:
UServices Communications
FM (Records, Energy, BSAC, and Central Srvcs)
CPPM (Space Planning and Project Delivery)
DPS / Impact Analysis:
Area / Change Impact
People /
Process /
Policy /
Tools/Technology /
Additional Considerations:
Area / High-level Requirement
Management Information/Reporting/BI / Linkage to BO/UMAnalytics for additional information
Mobile Computing / Mobile ready web pages
GIS / GIS strong integration
Vendor Management / Unknown
Project overview
Project Description:In Project Scope:
- ID the group to redefine Building Detail Page content
- Confirm a UServices Web Management resource for Web Development and ongoing support
- Lobby URelations to transition page ownership.
- Review existing facilities content currently NOT linked via the current pages (WiFi coverage, building hours/FSSO access control points, current capital construction, emergency management (shutoff valves, mitigation closets, etc.), permitting activity, key inventories (AED, etc.), building support staff, FCA, 311, etc.)
- Document and prioritize features, content and functionality with a focus on systems automation
- Incrementally build out drill-down content – keeping a clean and functional landing page but using roles and security to expand access to deeper content and functionality for staff, faculty, students, staff and the general public.
- Assign content updates to the appropriate product owners.
- Communicate and launch incremental enhancements as they are made available.
- Maintain and enhance to the UServices’ high-level of standards
Staff Labor 1,500 hours @ $65/hour) / $97,500
Consulting / $10,000
Hardware/ Software/ Licensing/Maintenance / $0,000
Other (training, travel, etc.) / $0,000
Constrained Resources:
(Constraint level rated High, Medium or Low)
Funding Dollars / Technical Resources / Business Resources / Executive Sponsor
Medium / High / High / High
Delivery Timeline: 9-12 months
/ / /
Date needed by: New services with no dependency date.
Executive Steering Recommendations:
Name / Area/Department
Pam Wheelock / UServices
Brian Swanson / UServices
Michael Berthelsen / FM
Suzanne Smith / CPPM
Michael Berthelsen / FM
Out of Project Scope:
- Direct EAM integration
- Non UServices content at this time (Student Unions, Research, Academic programs, etc. NOT ALREADY on the existing pages.
Proposed Team Members:
List the proposed project team members.
Name / Role / Area/Department
Brian Swanson / Sponsor / UServices
PMO / Program/Project Delivery / US PMO
Dan Sward / GIS Lead / US PMO/GIS
Peter Wiring / SME / URelations
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Decision Tools
Use the strategy alignment and risk/challenge assessment to help make a decision about proceeding with this project. This information is also in the Microsoft Enterprise Project Management (EPM) system and is used to prioritize a list of projects based on the criteria selected.
Strategy Alignment:
Description of Key Drivers / RatingNone / Low / Moderate / Strong / Extreme
Enterprise Culture: The degree to which a project helps foster a single enterprise culture in University Services and/or the U of M / X
Excellent Service – Effectiveness: The degree to which the project advances the ability to provide the right services at the right level, at the right time by enhancing effectiveness / X
Excellent Service – Efficiency: The degree to which the project advances the ability to provide services at the right cost by reducing service costs, increasing efficiency or avoiding costs / X
Mandate: Is this project mandated to meet a legal, security, safety, regulatory or contractual obligation of University Services at the U of M. / X / Rate either None for No Mandate or Extreme for Yes Mandate.
Model Campus (Functional, Well-maintained campus): Is this project mandated to meet a legal, security, safety, regulatory or contractual obligation of University Services at the U of M. / X
Motivated People: The degree to which the project creates opportunities for people (students, faculty and staff) of the U of M to develop and contribute. / X
Safe Campus (Safe and Secure Environment): The degree to which the project promotes and advances a safe and secure environment for the University Community. / X
Valued Partnerships (Engage and Partner with customers): The degree to which the project helps U Services engage and partner with the units and people we serve. / X
Project Risk (subjective summary from table below): Summary from Risk/Challenge Assessment Table / X
Risk/Challenge Assessment:
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