INSERT Marking System


Insert is an active reading strategy designed by Vaughan & Estes (1986). It is a particularly helpful way for readers to become proficient at “coding” information. You can mark in the textbook or use Post-It notes, separate sheets of paper, or strips of paper in the marginsto code the text.

Your initials / Connects with previous learning
/ New information
/ Person to remember
/ Place to remember
/ Key event
/ Essential for timeline
/ Need to ASK about this.
These cells left open for you to add to the coding as you desire.

You should read the text and note how it provides information to aid you in his course – and transferring your new skills/knowledge into your classroom. Additionally, you are asked to respond to the text based on your own experiences, situations, and challenges.

The Insert Marking System provides you a way of marking or coding your text so that you can quickly and easily use the information. You can use the “letter” codes in the left column in the table above, highlight or mark with different colored highlighters/markers, or develop your own way of noting where the information is found and in which assignments that information needs to be accessed/used. Submitting the following summary sheet for each chapter will be worth 5 points toward that particular assignment. Again, the purpose is to make your reading meaningful and useful to you in terms of completing the requirements for this course.

Do not assume this is “busy work.” There is a direct correlation between your use of the information/resources in the text and your success in the requirements for this course.

Steps to using the Insert Marking System

  1. Read the text using a coding system to identify information/resources you might use in development of the assignments for this course.
  2. You may use the suggested coding in the table above or develop your own symbols that are meaningful to you.
  3. After you read, complete a “summary sheet” for each chapter.
  4. Submit your summary sheets via the Assignment Section of Blackboard.
  5. You may duplicate the following summary sheets and use as many as you need per chapter.
  6. You may alter the tables – you can make the cells larger to include more text/notes. You can use color to designate or highlight information that you need to access quickly. You can add more columns, pages, etc.
  7. While I do want to review your work using the Insert Marking System, the information should be formatted so that it is most meaningful to you.
  8. If you would rather HAND WRITE the summary forms, that is fine. You just need to SCAN and save as an image (jpg). Then you can upload that file(s) in Blackboard. I do not want to receive your summary sheets by snail-mail. Either submitting them electronically typed (or copied and pasted from your e-text) or scanned and saved as an image is fine.
  9. There is no certain number of entries that are required, however, remember that the depth and quality of your work is primarily the basis on which your can be evaluated.
  10. See the syllabus for information on how you will USE the coded information as you participate in the discussion boards.

Your name: ______

Summary Sheet for Insert Marking System Chapter ______

Code / Page # / Quote/resource / Comments:

Implication Statement: This is the "so what" for this chapter. What impact should this information have on literacy instructors? (4-5 sentences)