Name: Date:
Part I- Vocabulary Matching (10 pts.)
____ 1. empower A. drowsiness
____ 2. meticulously B. intriguing
____ 3. stealthily C. of special beauty or charm
____ 4. frazzled D. give authority to
____ 5. emphatic E. suffering
____ 6. exquisite F. worn out
____ 7. anguish G. strongly expressed
____ 8. lethargy H. precisely
____ 9. sinuous I. furtive
____ 10. tantalizing J. curvy
Part II: Recognizing and matching details (20 pts.)
____ 1. Red A. held by the Receiver
____ 2. Music B. danger when Jonas escaped
____ 3. Pain C. limited in most households
____ 4. Books D. Jonas’ first evidence of seeing beyond
____ 5. Rosemary E. Author
____ 6. Lowry F. Killing
____ 7. Release G. The Giver’s special awareness
____ 8. Memories H. Medication
____ 9. Snow I. largely eliminated
____ 10. Relief-of-pain J. The Giver’s daughter
Part III: True or False (10 pts.)
1. ______Jonas’s mother had the assignment of agriculture study.
2. ______Jonas received memories for a year.
3. ______Jonas chose to do his volunteer work in a variety of places.
4. ______Lily never talked much.
5. ______Asher’s assignment was Nurturer.
Part IV: Fact or Opinion (10 pts.)
1. ______Jonas believed that memories should be shared.
2. ______Lily received a jacket at the Ceremony of Eight.
3. ______At one time, The Giver had a daughter named Rosemary.
4. ______The Giver gave the memory of snow to Jonas.
5. ______The Giver felt he should stay in the community to help after Jonas escaped.
Part V: Matching Characters (20 pts.)
1. _____ worked for the Department of Justice.
2. _____ leaders of the community.
3. _____ the most important member in the community.
4. _____ Jonas’s “funny” friend.
5. _____ assignment was to work with the new children.
6. _____ became the new Receiver of Memory.
7. _____ left the community with Jonas
8. _____ Jonas’s sister.
9. _____ in charge of the ceremonies.
10. ____ child who drowned in the river.
Part VI: Sequence of Events (10 pts.)
_____ Jonas and Gabe make it to Elsewhere
_____ Jonas has first Stirrings.
_____ Jonas learns The Giver has many books.
_____ Jonas learns what happens in Release.
_____ Jonas learns the memory of war.
Part VII: Essay (20 pts.) Choose one of the prompts believe and write a 2-3 paragraph response on the back of this paper. You may complete an EXTRA response in 2-3 paragraph form for extra credit.
1. Explain how memories, good and bad, were given to Jonas and tell how each affected his increasing “wisdom.”
2. Convince Jonas to change his mind about leaving the community.
3. Compare and contrast Jonas’s world with your world.
4. The “discipline wand” was used to correct children. Do you think corporal punishment should or should not be used in schools?
5. How would it feel to be a part of the community? What role would you like to have?