Dear Friends,
It seems no time since we sent our last letter requesting Easter Eggs, that we are now approaching Christmas 2017 and requesting, among other items Sweets for the children for Christmas presents. It seems so long ago that the minister of the church in Oradea, Dr Paul Negrut, said to Ken Price (my co-driver in 1990) and myself on that November trip: ‘Do you think you could bring back sweets for some of the children in Romania?’ On our return we contacted as many churches in the South Wales area, and beyond, together with some schools and youth groups and we returned in December 1990 with a van, full of sweets. For some of the children, they had never had sweets. Here we are, many years hence and we still travel to Romania, although with much more than sweets.
We sent a truck to Romania in August with items for summer camps, together with handicapped items, incontinence pads, clothes, shoes etc., all needed still in Romania. Although things are much better now in Romania many people cannot afford the high prices with salaries so low.
In April we attended a church where we have supported the pastor for many years. We went for the first time on a Sunday and attended his church for a morning service in Ploiesti. 200 people at the morning service: 120 children in the Sunday school: 30 in the Youth department!! God is still blessing His church in Romania
- CASA GRACE:We continue supporting the social workers where there is still much poverty in the Oradea area.Families are supported by sponsors in this country. Can you help support a family?
- EMANUEL HOSPICE: The basement has been completed. We are continuing to raise money for the construction of this building. The Hospice team are still working hard in the community giving palliative care to patients in their homes. Can you help with a gift for the new building?
- CIPRIAN BOGDAN:He is a pastor to the Gypsy community in Aiud and have built a new church as the old one was too small. It will include a centre for children’s activities before and after school.
- IOCHEBED GROUP:They continue their work in Suceava to prevent abortions. We help to provide Baby Milk and Clothes for the mothers and babies so saving the babies lives. They also work with teenage girls teaching them ‘How to stay sexually pure from a Christian viewpoint’.
We also visit and support other people and projects in manyplaces in Romania. In April a pastor friend took us to a very poor village just outside Tecuci. There we visited a family of ten children and Mum and Dad who lived in one room of approximately20 x 20 yds. They cooked, ate and slept in this one room. If you wish to support any of these needs please make cheques payable to ‘SUPPORT FOR ROMANIA’ letting us know where you would like your gift to be given.
Our 162nd trip will leave on Monday 13th November and we will be taking 2 vehicles with 4 drivers. Please bring items to our depot in Llanishen onMondays 23rd & 30th October (9am-1pm) and 6th November (9am-5pm). Please note times of opening. Remember the drivers in your prayers for this next trip
COFFEE, TEA & CAKES will be available when you visit our depot.
With Christian love, Alan & Ann Penrose (on behalf of the trustees)
Treasurer: ALAN PENROSE Secretary: ANN PENROSE Minute secretary: ADRIAN NORTON
VAT No. 542 7947 17 REGISTERED CHARITY No. 1007614