HSI Regional Networking Luncheon
Location: UCSB's Mosher Alumni House, Haughton Living Room
When: 10:00-1:00pm, Friday 05/08/2015
Bill Hart
Virginia Estrella
Erik Nebeker
Jan Schultz
Jens-Uwe Kuhn
Marilyn Spaventa
Erica Johnson
Mario Castellanos
Phyllis Brady
1. Welcome and Quick Intros (Campus, Name, Title)
2. Housekeeping:
- Change Name: HSI Regional Alliance (of Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties), others?
- Everyone is fine with this name
- Bi-monthly beginning in August, 2.5-3 hours
- Everyone is fine with the length of time
- Suggestions for best day of the week.
- Erica will send a doodle poll (after finals)
- Calendar meetings, 2-3, 3-4 months in Advance, etc.
3. Campus Updates on HSI and/or STEM Program related Initiatives (5 minutes for each campus)
- Bill Hart
- Partnering with CSUCI on HSI grant “A.l.a.s”, Spanish for Wings (changes before I started tracking..)
- Provides PD by CSUCI faculty of VC faculty and more articulation of the curriculum between VC and CSUCI
- 3rd year of grant and CUSCI have already met most of their goals.
- next steps are to look for external funding to leverage for continuing services to students
- Virginia Estrella
- Noche de ciencias – about 150 participants!
- 25 SBCC students volunteer
- Virginia has notes - please share with group
- Jan Schultz
- Discover Science day
- Between 600-800 participants from all over the county
- Piloted a math boot camp over spring break – HS seniors
- 3 day intensive training where students who did not pass their assessment were given diagnostics based on assessment
- tutors came in and gave them specific coursework based on their weak points
- almost all assessed at appropriate level or higher
- Mario
- Maybe make some plans to connect this math assessment (MDTP) to our Pathways students in collaboration with SBCC
- Jens
- Recently able to get the S-STEM proposal funded (who?)
- Also have a sub award with CSUCI on their title v grant (project ACCESSO) going into the last year
Trying to shift gears in the embedded research projects
- Biology, Chemistry, Marine sci, Env. Sci, Physics
- Focus on getting grants to sustain projects
Need more faculty on board (they are hesitant to give up lab time)
Need to embed smaller parts of research projects within their courses that donot need a ton of curriculum development
Who is doing the assessment and evaluation?
- Struggling with getting math projects on board
- Marilyn Spaventa
CC Campuses have a lot Student Success and Support Program (SSSP)
- and Equity funding for student support
- Money is categorized so it is difficult to use – want more sustainable use, not one time events
Number of activities will take place next year
- Professional development for faculty
- Workshops for students- decreasing the gender gap
- Pilot: Faculty-student cohort groups
- I-Path: launch in the fall giving students who test in with college level english and math the opportunity to (…?)
- Developing a logic model for all the programs
- Erica
- Simplycast – send information out everyone again
(Robo-calls need to be set up)
- WOW week Friday September 25th, ESB 1001
- Phyllis Brady
- MESA Prelims and Regionals
Students get an opportunity to work with faculty and grad students
Event planning professional development
- MEP Banquet
Phyllis would love to host cc students who are transferring
May 16th, Corwin Pavillion
- MESA will cover their dinner
- Mario
- Smithsonian DC project – still in the recruiting process
- 14-20 students, 1 yr minimum
- Smithsonian will develop a weeklong curriculum
4. Discussion Item: Symposium on Best (and almost a best) Practices
- Suggested dates: Friday, November 6th or 13th), UC Santa Barbara
- Send this out to the group to get a final tally via Doodle Poll
- Outline topics for discussion, see attached handout.
- Internal (regional) symposium
- 1 adhoc meeting in the summer for us all to narrow down our topics for presentation
- Shared Ideas:
- Marylin – Topic 1 – Addressing the gender gap in STEM (Physical sciences)
Express to success program
- Bill Hart –Topic 2- How to evaluate High Impact Practices – presenting a problem
- UCSB- Micaela Morgan with HERG
Mario will reach outto Micaela to talk about Higher Education Research Group
- Defining and frame real issues which effect our campuses
- Change symposium to Best Practices + Challenges
- Marilyn - Frame the general things that all the campuses are trying to do so we don’t have to all speak to everything
- Create a matrix of what each campus is doing in advance for participants to use as a reference
- We will create the matrix and share as a google doc
- Need to set up method of identification so we know who has edited/entered what on the google doc
5. Discussion Item: Funding Opportunities (Eric Nebeker, Ph.D.)
- NSF “Dear Colleagues”
- Department of Ed. HSI-Title III Part F (STEM Articulation)
- CCs are not eligible for the title III while they have the title v but can participate in a collaborative
- Hope to collaborate on a proposal, UCSB will take the lead
- There will be a competitive preference
- Absolute priorities: STEM and articulation (transfers!)
- Advocate CCS for students – how do we expose our students to that college?
- Ad Hoc committee to work on proposal idea.
- Is anyone administering the programs listed on the handout and interested in pursuing NSF funding?
- SBCC– may applying to LSAMP in December
- UCSB- has S-STEM, and LSAMP (CAMP, but it is through UCI and they are not an HSI), REU (CCs send students to UCSB REU)
- Meet over the summer?
- We will put 3 or 4 dates on a doodle poll
- Week of June 8th-12th
6. Other Items/Agenda Items for Fall Meeting/Ad Hoc Committee Mtgs