The Student InitiativeFund

The Student InitiativeFund (also known as SIF) is designed to help current students get the most out of their experience at UAL. The fund does this through supportingstudents to lead extracurricular projects that enhance their learning and create opportunities for the benefit or enjoyment of the wider student population at UAL.

We invite applications to fund everything from exhibitions, catwalks and performances, to launch parties, talks, zines, lookbooks and podcasts.

Successful applicants receive:

Tailored one-to-one guidance every step of the way from yourStudent Union College Coordinator to realise your project and makeit is a success

Substantial marketing and promotional support: including free printing of up to 150 A4 posters, 100 A3 posters and 200 A5 flyers

Online promotion support: including online listing and social mediamarketing

Use of Arts SU branding and logo

Funds to support the development and delivery of yourproject.

The opportunity to develop professional skills in safe space open to experiment

The opportunity to expand your network and make new connections and partnerships

Valuable experience for your CV

A reference from your College Coordinator on request

Arts SU photographers may be available on request to document your event

Linkable online documentation of your project as a record of your achievement

In exchange we expect you:

  • To plan ahead if your project involves an event, ensuring that there is a minimum of 2-3 working weeks between the date of your application and the proposed date of your event.
  • To complete a short online feedback form at the end of your project
  • Todocument your project or event and make a note of the number of attendees/people engaged. For instance you might do this by photographing your event or writing a short blog piece.
  • To listen to advice given by SU staff and be flexible where possible.


How the Application Process Works…

Come up with an idea for a project that you think will benefit the student community at UAL and/or bring UAL students together

Read SIF information on the application form to ensure you are eligible and have a look at examples of past projects and events on the online <blog>

A meeting at this stage with your College Coordinator is highly recommended to help you further develop your project and ensure it, and your SIF application, is successful.

Complete all parts of the <SIF application> and send it to the email specified on the form

Your application will be considered against the <funding criteria> by the SIF lead at your college and the Student Unions elected Activities Officer

We aim to inform you if your application has been successful within ten working days

Is your project eligible?

  • The applicant must be a current student at UAL
  • SIF projects or events cannot contribute towards your marked coursework or degree in any way. This includes degree show fundraisers.
  • The SIF fund cannot cover external venue hire.
  • The applicantor the same project cannot receive SIF funding more than once a term.
  • You can only apply to one College’s fund per project,except in exceptional circumstances
  • Only £60 of your total requested amount can be spent on food, drink or refreshments

If you are eligible please complete all sections of the form below and return a digital copy to your relevant College Coordinator. Find your College Coordinators details on the last page of this booklet.


Applications for funding are judged against the following criteria. It is recommended that you read through this criteria and where appropriate tailor your application to demonstrate how your project fits within the aims of the Student Initiative Fund (SIF).

You may wish to be explicit and refer directly to this criteria in your application.

Each application will be given a mark for each area and the highest scoring will receive the most funding.

If you feel that you need support to demonstrate how your project fulfils these aims on the application form please arrange a meeting with your college coordinator who will be more than happy to help.

1 Mark / 2 Marks / 3 Marks / 4 Marks
Total scored [staff only]
‘Positive Impact for the Community’
SIF aims to benefit not only the individual applying for the fund but also have a positive impact for the wider UAL community*.
This positive impact might be as simple as providing events and activities that other students might enjoy. / The applicant can demonstrate that the project aims to be experienced by, participated in, or benefit UAL students.
[Something for students] / The applicant can demonstrate that the project actively targets a number of different UAL student groups or communities who will experience, participate in, or benefit from the project.
These different ‘student groups’ might include students from different courses; colleges; liberation groups or clubs and societies.
[Something aiming to bring different students together as audience/ participant/ recipient] / The applicant can demonstrate that the project involves working together and collaboration with different UAL student groups or communities.
[A project involving UAL student collaboration/different groups of students working together] / The applicant can demonstrate that the project fulfils criteria 1 or 2 and also has a positive impact for groups external to UAL.
For example this might involve (but is not exclusive to) events or projects that aim to improve the local environment or experience of local people. Projects that develop relationships, collaborate or partner with groups local to the college(s), arts organisations or other defined student groups (such as NUS Black Students or students communities at other HE institutions).
[Create dialogue between and/or benefit UAL students and those external to UAL]
‘Positive impact for the applicant’
SIF aims to benefit the individual(s) applying to the fund. / The applicant can demonstrate the project will enhance their learning beyond what could be taught in the class room. / The applicant can demonstrate that the project is aiming to support them in expanding their networks. / The applicant is aiming to make or develop new professional relationships. / The applicant has looked into additional opportunities for support and funding.


Please send in your completed application via email to your college SU email address. If you would like to discuss your application with a member of SU staff before submitting please don’t hesitate to get in touch, also using theemails below. The Arts SU team are friendly and keen to help you make your project as successful as possible.

You will receive an email confirming we have received your application.

You should receive a response as to whether you are successful within two working weeks.

College / Email
Arts Students' Union London College of Communication /
Arts Students' Union London College of Fashion /
Arts Students' Union Chelsea /
Arts Students' Union Camberwell /
Arts Students Union Wimbledon /
Arts Students' Union Central Saint Martins /