Area Governor Pledge

The Yukon Alaska Council of Toastmasters greatly appreciates the commitment you have shown in seeking the office of Area Governor for the 2012-2013 council term. This year promises to be a very exciting one for the Council! In order for that to happen though, it is imperative that we all begin the year with a full understanding of the expectations of those who hold a Council Office.

Your role as Area Governor is very important. The success of your clubs and the entire Council depends upon how well you execute your duties and responsibilities. To help you with this, and to see that your clubs receive the support and service they need, Toastmasters International has established Area Governor Responsibilities as published in the District Leadership Handbook. These are the minimum requirements to meet during your term.

· Focus on membership growth and educational achievements in Clubs so the Area can achieve a minimum recognition of Distinguished Area. Your top priority as an Area Governor is to ensure the success of every Club in your Area, which will ensure the success of your Area.

· Motivate and assist each Club in the Area to become a Distinguished Club. This means every Club in your Area is working the Club Success Plan/Distinguished Club Program.

· Make at least two Club visits. You must make a minimum of one visit in the Fall and one visit in the Spring to each of your Clubs. We will be covering everything that needs to happen at these visits at the District Officer Training, and offering any support that will help you have successful visits.

· Make a presentation during the Club visit on one or more of the following topics:

o Moments of Truth

o Club Success Plan/Distinguished Club Program

o Communication and Leadership Tracks

o Membership growth and development

· Actively participate in the monthly Division Council meetings. The Division Council is your support system. Active participation in the Division Council and division activities will make it much easier to meet your objectives, fulfill your responsibilities, and provide effective support to your clubs.

· Ensure that each Club understands the service roles of an Area Governor and the Council. Your Clubs are your “customers,” and you are there to provide service that will help them achieve their goals.

· Growth

o Ensure no net Club loss in the Area.

o Assist Division Governor in building at least one new Club within the Area or Division.

· Hold monthly Area Council Meetings. The following topics should be addressed:

o Club Success Plan/Distinguished Club Program performance

o Follow up on items identified during previous meeting

o Attendance at Club Officer Training

o Planning for inter-Club events (training, contests, etc.)

· Identifying future leaders. It is the responsibility of every Council officer to be perpetually vigilant for individuals who could serve as Area, Division, and Council officers and to encourage those individuals to seek these leadership development opportunities. As Area Governor, you will recommend to the Council Governor one person from your area to serve on the Council Nominating Committee prior to November 1.

· Participate in Council Training for Area Governors, Executive Committee Meetings, Council Conferences, and General Council Meetings.

All of the above Responsibilities were taken from the District Leadership Handbook. As Area Governor, you received a copy of the handbook, along with other materials which will assist you in performing your duties.

In addition to the above requirements, you must also understand that as a Council officer, you now speak for the Council and Toastmasters International, not just yourself. Everything we do must promote and reflect Toastmasters in a positive way. There are certain expectations the Council has of Council officers. Every Council officer will be asked to agree to these expectations:

· I will do everything I can to help every Club and the Council achieve a minimum of Distinguished status.

· I will lead by example.

· Whatever differences I may have with a team member or the organization, I will show unity to the Council.

· If differences of opinion arise, I will express my concerns only to higher ranking officials in the organization.

· I will be positive.

· I will not limit my communication with my Clubs and fellow Council Officers to e-mail.

· I will listen.

· I will attend Council Officer Training, all Council Executive Meetings, Full Council Meetings, and Council Conference unless it is an emergency.

· I will work to resolve conflict.

· I will work with the team, always being honest and forthcoming to my other Council Officers.

· I will maintain a positive attitude about Toastmasters programs.

· I will maintain open and timely communication with other Council Officers.

· I will listen and ask questions to try to understand other perspectives.

· I will always remember that I am representing our organization in an official capacity. Therefore, I will conduct myself in a professional manner at all times.

I have read the above responsibilities and expectations to be met by me as Area Governor, and agree to fulfill them to the best of my ability.

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Candidate Date