- Backpack – soft fabric – not on wheels
- Complete change of clothing in a labeled plastic ziplock bag (underwear, socks, pants or skirt)
- 2 large pencil erasers (K-100 only)
- 2 packs of 12 #2 sharpened pencils with erasers (Ticonderoga preferred)
- 4 Elmer’s glue sticks
- 1 pair of Fiskars blunt-point scissors
- 1 hand sanitizer
- 2 rolls of papertowels and 2 boxes of tissues
- 2 pocket folders – pockets on the bottom (1 red, 1 yellow with name on it)
- 1 box of ziploc plastic bags, gallon size-easy zipper
- 1 box of sandwich size plastic bags-easy zipper (girls only)
- 1 pack of Expo dry erase markers-black only
- 1 package of baby wipes
- A duplicate set of crayons, glue and scissors, to be kept home for homework assignments
- 1 box of 24 Crayola crayons
- 1 box of jumbo size Ziploc Bags 2.5gal (boys only)
- 1 hard covered marble notebook (no spirals) Wide Ruled
- 1package post it notes
- 1 package index cards 3X5
Grade One
- 1 box of 16 Crayola crayons, 1 box of Crayola colored pencils
- 5 packages of 10 #2 pencils SHARPENED with erasers (Ticonderoga preffered)
- 3 Elmer’s glue sticks (Jumbo)
- 1 pair of Fiskars blunt-point scissors (label with child’s name and class)
- 4 hard-covered notebooks, not spiral
- 2 rolls of paper towels and 2 boxes of tissues
- 4 pocket folders – pockets on the bottom - only plastic (red, blue, green, yellow)
- 1 box of 1 gallon size ziploc plastic bags & 1 box of 2.5 gallon size ziploc bags
- 1 hand sanitizer 8 oz size
- 4 packages of post-its, 3 x 3, not the Pop-Up kind
- 5 dry erase Expo markers – fine point
- A schoolbag to carry materials to and from school (soft fabric), not on wheels
- A duplicate set of crayons, glue and scissors, to be kept at home for homework assignments
- 1 highlighter only
- A small box to keep crayons, markers, pencils, glue and scissors (8 ½ x 5 ½ x 2)
16. 2 large erasers
17. 1 thin black sharpie marker
- 1 package of Clorox/Lysol wipes /1 package of baby wipes
Grade Two
1. 1 pair of scissors (children’s)
2. 1 box of crayons, 1 box of markers, 1 box of colored pencils
3. 4 Packs of 3 x 3 post-its (post-it brand if possible)
4. 1 box disinfectant wipes (Clorox, Lysol)
5. 2 rolls of paper towels
6. 2 boxes of tissues
7. 5 packs of sharpened pencils (please sharpen at home)
8. 1 sharpener with cover
9. 2 large erasers
10. 2 green pens
11. 1 package dry erase markers
12. 8 hardcover notebooks (no spiral notebooks)
13. 6 pocket folders-plain (1 red, 1 yellow, 1 blue 1 purple, 1 orange, 1 green)
14. 1 12 inch ruler (with inches and centimeters)
15. 2 boxes of 2 gallon ziploc bags and 1 box sandwich size Ziploc bags
16. 2 glue sticks
17. 3 rolls of scotch tape
18. 1 pack of white computer paper- GIRLS
19. 1 pack of construction paper- BOYS
20. 1 package index cards 3 x 5
Grade Three
- 1 pair of scissors
- 6 packages of “Post-it” notes
- 4 boxes of #2 sharpened pencils with erasers
- 6 plain paper pocket folders (1 yellow, 1 purple, 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 orange)
- 7 hard covered composition notebooks, NOT spiral (150 sheet count)
- 4 black or blue wide EXPO dry erase markers
- 2 black SHARPIES
- 2 ELMER’S glue sticks
- 1 roll of clear scotch tape on dispenser
- 1 letter size clipboard (with name)
- 1 container of disinfecting wipes (ex. Lysol, Clorox)
- 2 packages of 4”x 6” index cards (1 white, 1 bright colors)
- 1 box of each: Crayola crayons, colored pencils and magic markers
- 1 box of jumbo 2 gallon sizeZiploc bags
- 1 box of 1 gallon size Ziploc Bags
- 4 boxes of tissues (girls only)
- 4 rolls of paper towels (boys only)
- 1 package of wide-ruled loose leaf paper (girls only)
- 1 ream of white computer paper (boys only)
- 1 bottle of hand sanitizer (the kind that does NOT use water)
- Check or money order for $5.46 made out to Time For Kids. Please write child’s name on memo line.
Grade Four
- 1 24 piece box of Crayola crayons, markers (washable, non-toxic), colored pencils
- 1 large white Elmer’s glue and 3 glue sticks
- 2 pens (erasable), 5 boxes of #2 sharpened pencils with erasers, 2 large erasers
- 1 Bic multi-colored pen (black, red, blue, green)
- Pencil case (soft, no hard plastic cases)
- 8 hard covered notebooks
- 2 packages of looseleaf paper (wide ruled)
- 6 pocket folders, pockets on the bottom (horizontal)
- 2 rolls of paper towels
- 2 large boxes of tissues
- Scissors, 3 scotch tapes (please replenish scotch tape for your child throughout the year)
- 1 box of 1 gallon size ziploc bags with easy zipper
- 1 box of 2.5 gallon ziploc bags jumbo storage bags with 1 zip
- 3 - ten packs of “Post-it” notes, 3” x 3” (any color)
- 3 black sharpies
- 1 highlighter, 5 fat dry erase markers (low odor) colors: black, blue, and/or green
- 12” ruler with inches and centimeters
- One roll of clear packing tape
- 1 package of 3x5 index cards, lined (white or assorted colors)
- 1 package of 5x8 index cards, lined
- 1 pencil sharpener with cover
- 1 ream of computer paper (500 sheets)
- 1 package of multicolored construction paper
- 1 paperback pocket dictionary/ 1 pocket thesaurus
- 1 container of baby wipes (for Art)
- 1 hand sanitizer (large size)
**These items must be brought in the first or second day of school. Please do not delay in bringing in these supplies.
Grade Five
- 1 pair of scissors
- 6 ten packs of 3x3 post-its
3.1 box of colored pencils and1 box of magic markers
- 6 packs of #2 pencils (sharpened)
- 1 personal pencil sharpener (with cover) and a soft pencil case (pouch)
- 1 big eraser
- 5 thick dry erase markers (low odor) colors: black or blue
- 1 packs of black pens and 1 green pen and 1 red pen
- 1 pack of 4x6 index cards-white
- 1 pack of 4x6 index cards-assorted colors
- 2 rolls of paper towels, 2 boxes of tissues
- 1 package of multicolored construction paper
- 2 packages of college-ruled looseleaf
- 2 black sharpies (1 fine/1 ultrafine)
- 2 Yellow Highlighters
- 2 Scotch Tape rolls on dispenser (not refills)
- 1 white glue sticks and 1 bottle of Elmer’s Glue
- 1 box of 1 gallon size Ziploc plastic bags (with easy zipper) and 1 box of quart size Ziplocs
- 1 bottle of antibacterial liquid hand soap (the kind that uses water)
- 1 bottle hand sanitizer (the kind that does not use water)
- 9 Hard Cover Marble Notebook
- 7 pocket folders, pocket on the bottom(1red, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 1 green, 1 purple, 1 blue, 1 white)
- 2 canisters/packages of antibacterial wipes
- 1 Pack of graph paper (girls only)
- 1 package of copy paper (boys only)
- Check or money order for $5.46 made out to Time For Kids. Please write child’s name on memo line.
Clusters- 1. Art – 1 smock or old shirt 2. Science – 1 folder