2012 Premier’s Awards for Outstanding College Graduates


Nomination Forms for Electronic Submission


IMPORTANT: Please read this form carefully
·  The deadline for submissions is MONDAY, JUNE 25, 2012.
·  The completed nomination form and photo must be submitted via e-mail and labelled by college, category, and name.
·  All nomination forms will be submitted in electronic format to the selection panel.
·  You may nominate only one individual per category.

1. NOMINEE’S PROFILE: This is to be a maximum of 750 words using the template provided.

Complete a profile on each nominee using only the template provided. Please do not alter the template.

The completed nomination form is the document the selection committee will use in making its decision. Please do not include media releases, news clippings, CDs, books, etc., as these will not be used.

Submission guidelines:

·  Your nominee’s profile must clearly describe why this individual should win the award (i.e. what makes this individual extraordinary?).

·  The content of the profile should strive to provide background facts, rather than praise.

·  Do not include letters of reference.

2. PROFILE SUMMARY: This is to be a maximum of 100 words using the template provided. This summary should describe the nominee’s career achievements and successes that make the nominee worthy of this award.
The information provided in this section may be used on the Premier’s Awards website and in promotional materials.

3. NOMINEE RESUME/BIO: An unedited resume or bio provided by the nominee must be included with the completed nomination. This resume/bio will be used by Colleges Ontario for fact checking communications materials.
Note: The resume or bio will not be provided to the selection committee.


Award Category: (please check one)

Business Community Services Creative Arts & Design

Health Sciences Technology Recent Graduate

Name of Nominee:

Mr. Ms. Mrs. Miss Dr. Other:

Insert nominee’s name as it is to appear on the Premier’s Awards certificate and promotional materials.

Name: ______

Phonetic Pronunciation of Name: ______
(e.g. Foundation = Foun-day-shun)
Graduating College: ______

Nominating College (if different from above): ______

Program(s) of Study: ______

Year(s) of Graduation: ______

Address: (please check one) Business or Residence

City: ______Prov./State: ______Postal/Zip Code: ______

Business Phone: ______Fax: ______
E-mail: ______

Residence Phone: ______Fax: ______

E-mail: ______

Main college contact (for follow-up information and Awards Gala event coordination):
Name: ______Title: ______
Phone: ______E-mail: ______

College representative who completed this form (if different from main college contact):
Name: ______Title: ______
Phone: ______E-mail: ______

Nominee Profile

In order to standardize the nominee profiles, the following template MUST be used. While the amount of space you devote to each section is flexible, you may not exceed a maximum of 750 words for the entire profile. Use 12 pt. font

Name: ______

Program(s) of Study: ______

Year(s) of Graduation: ______

Current Job Title(s): ______

Current Place(s) of Employment: ______

Please check if this is a posthumous nomination


Highlights of career achievements:

How college education contributed directly to career achievements:

How has the nominee contributed to their sector:


Additional education and year(s) received:


Name: ______

Program(s) of Study: ______

This summary should describe the nominee’s career achievements and successes that make the nominee worthy of this award.
The information provided in this section will be used on the Premier’s Awards website and in promotional materials.

Maximum: 100 words. Use 12 pt. font in text box below.


I, ______,

(Please print)

as a nominee for a 2012 Premier’s Award for Outstanding College Graduates have reviewed this nomination and confirm that the information provided is true and accurate.

Nominee signature: ______

Date: ______

College representative name: ______

College representative signature: ______

Date: ______


Nominees and winners of the 2012 Premier’s Awards for outstanding college graduates will be celebrated in Toronto, Ontario, on Monday, Nov. 26, 2012 at a gala awards evening.
Winners of the 2012 Premier’s Awards will be announced and presented with their awards at the gala awards evening.

Authorization and Consent for Publication for the

2012 Premier’s Awards

This release form is to be completed and signed by each nominee, giving permission for his/her submitted photograph and biographical information to be used in promotion of the Premier’s Awards for outstanding college graduates and the Ontario college system. This document must be completed, scanned and e-mailed to the address below with the nomination package.


I hereby allow Colleges Ontario to use my name, the company’s name, a description of my occupation and business title, photographs taken of me, recordings of my voice, my likeness, image, appearance, a quotation or summary of my opinion and the posting of my presentation on the Colleges Ontario website for use in internal and external reports, advertising, promotions, newsletters, brochures and other publications, both printed and Internet based, in respect of Colleges Ontario quality related programs including but not limited to the 2012 Premier’s Awards.

By signing this form indicated below, I agree to hereby release and forever discharge Colleges Ontario and its employees, agents and representatives from any and all claims, demands, expenses, actions, causes of action and for any and all liability howsoever caused arising out of or in any way related to the collection, and use of information, records and images pursuant to, and on this form.

I have read this form after it was completed. I understand its contents, and I am eighteen (18) years of age and over.

Print name ______

Signature ______

Date: ______

Please email to:

Keiko Kataoka


Rev. February 21, 2012