School: Wetumpka Middle School
Course: Life Science Grade 7, EP Science, Science Enrichment
Teacher: Coach Owens
Welcome to Coach Owens Science class!!!
Our long term goals for this year include the development of an effective scientific inquiry to develop a curiosity about the world, to ask questions, to test ideas, to persevere in search of answers, to reason logically and to draw conclusions based on reliable evidence.
For the quickest response, the best way to contact me is via e-mail at
Remind 101: text @towens to 81010
Science helps you to discover the wonder of the world around you through asking questions and doing experiments. The skills learned will help you in school and to see science in action every day in your own surroundings.
Course Topics:
Required Material
2. Composition Notebook
3.Textbook (If Required)
Grading Policy
Test/Projects 50%
Classwork/Participation 50%
Grading Scale
A= 100-90
B= 89-80
C= 79-70
D= 69-60
F= 59-0
Group/Pair Work Activities
Students will be doing a lot of group/pair work in this class. All students are expected to contribute to the assignment and to work collaboratively with the other student(s) in the group. A rubric will be used for all group work and projects.
Honor Roll
Although this is an elective course, grades per nine weeks will count towards honor roll.
Attendance and Tardy Policy
If you are absent, you are responsible for obtaining the assignments, handouts, etc. from a responsible classmate. Your absence is your responsibility. In order to get make-up work, you must turn in an excuse for your absence within 3 days. Also, you must make arrangements with me to makeup assignments within 3 school days. Students who are not in the classroom when the bell rings are considered tardy. Tardies will be recorded and handled according to the Elmore County Student Code of Conduct. Four tardies to class will result in detention. Tardies start over each nine weeks.
Class Behavior
Students are expected to follow the classroom rules. Minor classroom infractions will be documented on a Classroom Behavior Management Form. Parents will be informed of these infractions. Repeated infractions will result in the student being sent to the administrator.
Parents and Students: please sign and return by Friday, August 14, 2015.
Student: I have read and understand the guidelines, responsibilities, and procedures of Coach Owens’s 7th grade Scienceclass. I agree to follow the guidelines and procedures set forth in this packet.
PRINTED NAME of Student Signature of Student
Parent/Guardian: I have read and understand the guidelines, responsibilities, and procedures of Coach Owens’s 7th grade Science class. If I have any questions, concerns or problems, I will contact Coach Owens.
PRINTED NAME of Parent/GuardianSignature of Parent/Guardian