Adults CourseOutline
A1 LevelCourses
According to the CECR, 60 to 80 hours of learning are necessary to obtain level A1
CECR / Level atthe AFNT / Global course objectives
A1 / A1.1 /
- Usethebasicsformsofgreetings
- Askandgivepersonalinformation
- Understanddaysoftheweekmonths of theyear
- Understandnumbersupto100
- Learnnationalitiesandnamesof countries
A1.2 /
- Speakaboutlikesanddislikes
- Understandtimesanddates
- Introduce yourfamily
- Describe someone’spersonality
- Speakaboutlocationsinacity
- Speak abouthobbies
- Speakaboutyourprofession
- Askandgivebasicexplanations
- Understandandexplainabasicitinerary
A1.3 /
- Speakaboutpastevents
- Describe physical appearance
- Discuss everydayactivities
- Giveorders
- Schedule ameeting
- Call/answer thephone
- Giveadvice
A1.4 /
- Speakaboutfutureevents
- Speakaboutseasonsandtheweather
- Describeclothing,accessoriesandsizes
- Orderatarestaurant,understanda menu
- Speakaboutwhatfoodsyoulike
- Express feelings andperceptions
A2 LevelCourses
According to the CECR, 160 to 240 hours of learning are necessary to obtain level A2
CECR / Level atthe AFNT / Global course objectives
A2 / A2.1 /
- Go shopping (expressprecise quantities)
- Describe foodproducts
- Recallmemories(imperfecttense)
- Understandrulesandrestrictions
- Compareapastandacurrent situation
A2.2 /
- Talk aboutrelationships
- Describe someone (strengths, weaknesses,personality)
- Talk aboutchanges
- Describehowyoumetsomeone
A2.3 /
- Speak about a professional experience
- Understandjobannouncesandhow toapplyforajob(CV,coverletter)
- Giveadviceandwarnings
- Speak about a country and its inhabitants and discussstereotypes
- Discussachangeinone’slife
- Understand socialetiquette
A2.4 /
- Understandthenewsandmedia, recount anevent
- Speakaboutyourhobbies
- Draw upan itinerary
- LearnaboutFrenchnationalholidays
A2.5 /
- Expressyourhopesandgoals (conditionaltense)
- Express yourregrets
- Giveyouropinionandjustifyit
- Learntoagreeanddisagreeinan exchange
- Speakaboutchangesinone’slife
- Describeaconversationor extraordinaryevent
A2.6 /
- Argueapositionandexpressyour opinion
- Warnandencouragepeople
- Expresscriticismandindignation
B1 LevelCourse
According to the CECR, 210 to 440 hours of learning are necessary to obtain level B1
CECR / Level atthe AFNT / Global course objectives
B1 / B1.1 /
- Talkaboutpeopleandtheirbehavior
- Describeanobjectorservice
- Make praises, suggestionsand criticisms
- Talkaboutshoppinghabits
- Learntonegotiate,bargain
- Make acomplaint
B1.2 /
- Recount yourprofessionalcareer pathinajobinterview
- Enrolinauniversitycourse
- Makeconcessionsandoppose
- Understandthepressandheadlines
- Write a narrativearticle
B1.3 /
- Promoteactionsofsolidarityand ways toact
- Defend, engage, oppose,encourage
- Express one’s goals andintentions
- Express aduration
- DiscoverFrenchartistsandtheir works
- Talkaboutyourtasteinculture
- Take part in a debate: address or answer,interruptsomeone’sspeech
B1.4 /
- Talk aboutecology
- Debateenergychoicesandbans
- Talkaboutthefutureandmake hypotheses
- Talkaboutjusticeandthelaw
- Writeaformalletterofcomplaint
- Expressdoubtsandcertainties
B1.5 /
- Talkaboutyourtravels
- Solveaproblemonthephone
- Givewarningsandmake recommendations
- Narrateinthepast
Perfectionnement Level Courses
Level atthe AFNT / Global course objectives
PerfB1 / ThislevelisforstudentswhohavealreadysatDELFB1–orhaveanequivalentlevelof French–butwanttodeveloptheirFrenchbeforetheysittheDELFB2.
Theobjectiveofthecourseistostrengthentheskillsthatastudentmusthavetoattaina B2 level ofFrench.
Thereisnotextbookforthiscourse.Insteadyourteacherwillprovidetheirownmaterial, includingarticlesandvideosfromthepress.
PerfB2 / ThislevelisforstudentswhohavealreadysatDELFB2–orhaveanequivalentlevelof French.
TheobjectiveofthecourseistoprovidestudentswithasolidproficiencylevelinFrench usinglinguisticandculturalmaterial.
Thereisnotextbookforthiscourse.Insteadyourteacherwillprovidetheirownmaterial, includingarticlesandvideosfromthepress.
Perf C1 / ThislevelisforstudentswhohavepassedtheDALFC1orhaveanequivalentlevelof French.LanguageusersatlevelC1areindependent.
C1user’sproficiencyinthelanguageisillustratedbyprecision,appropriatenessand fluency ofexpression.
Thereisnotextbookforthiscourse.Insteadyourteacherwillprovidetheirownmaterial, includingarticlesandvideosfromthepress.
The bestlevel for you:TheAlliance Française NelsonTasman offers free levelassessmentsto helpstudentsfindaclasssuitedtotheirabilities.
Please contact us for more information :
Anne Wheeleror phone 027 381 9791 (A2, B1 levels)
Caroline Hyde or phone 027962 1599 (A1 level)