- A project is made up of a series of tasks called – activities
- Some activities must be completed before other activities can be started
- Some activities (say B) that must be started immediately before another activity (say D) – that is, no other activities must be done after B and before D
- Activity B is an immediate predecessor for Activity D
- Activity D is an immediate successor to Activity B
- A network can be drawn that has nodes representing the activities (with their estimated completion times) and arcs showing the precedence relations.
EXAMPLE: Klone Computers will design and manufacture a new computer, train staff and sales vendors, and advertise the product. The activities and their expected completion times are below.
ActivityTimeImmediate Predecessors
A Prototype Design 90
B Purchase Materials 15
C Manufacture Prototypes 5
D Revise Design 20
E Initial Production Run 21
F Staff Training 25
G Staff Input on Design 14
H Sales Vendor Training 28
I Preproduction Advertising 30
J Post Redesign Advertising 45
To fill in the immediate predecessor column, the following describes the project:
- The project begins with the prototype design (A)
- Materials are purchased (B) after the prototype has been designed (A)
- Prototypes are manufactured (C) after the materials have been purchased (B)
- The design is revised (D) after getting staff input (G)
- An initial production run is started (E) after the design has been revised (D)
- Once the prototype has been designed (A), staff can be trained (F)
- Staff Input on the prototype (G) occurs after BOTH the manufacture of the prototype (C) and the staff training (F)
- Sales vendor training (H) begins once the design has been revised (D)
- A preproduction advertising campaign (I) can start after the prototype is designed (A)
- The full-blown post-redesign advertising campaign (J) begins once the design has been revised (D AND the preproduction advertising campaign is completed (I)
Draw the network for the project:
- The goal of many project scheduling models is to complete the project in minimum time
- PERT/CPM (Program Evaluation and Review Technique/Critical Path Method) is a solution approach for solving for this minimum time
- It determines a set of earliest start (ES) and earliest finish (EF) times by making a forward pass through the network
- For activities with no predecessors: ES = 0
- For all other activities: ES = max (EF of immediate predecessors)
- For all activities: EF = ES + time to do the activity
- The expected project completion time E(T) = max EF
- It determines a set of latest finish (LF) and latest start (LS) times by making a backwards pass through the network
- For activities with no successors: LF = E(T)
- For all other activities: LF = min (LS of immediate succesors)
- For all activities: LS = LF – time to do the activity
- Slack time for an activity = LS – ES or LF – EF
- If an activity is delayed by more than its slack time, the project is delayed by the difference between the delay and the slack
- Activities with slack = 0 cannot be delayed without delaying the project and are called critical activities
- The set of critical activities forms a critical path through the network
- A delay in any activity on the critical path delays the project
- The sum of the completion times on the critical path is the expected project completion time = E(T)
- A linear program can be solved to determine the completion time for the project:
MIN Time to finish Project
s.t. Activities cannot start before their immediate predecessors are completed
All times ≥ 0
You should know how to use the PERT/CPM template for projects
whose activity completion times are known with certainty.
The PERT/CPM Three-Time Estimate Approach
- Activity completion times are rarely (if ever) known with certainty, so a probability approach is more realistic in evaluating a project’s expected completion time. A three-time estimate approach allows for such probability analyses
- Three time estimates are determined (by studies, guesses, etc.) for each activity
- a = an optimistic completion time (the chance of finishing in < a is very small)
- m = a most likely completion time (this is the mode)
- b = a pessimistic completion time (the chance of finishing in > b is very small)
- Activity approximations
- An approximation for the distribution of an activity’s completion time is a BETA distribution
- An approximation for the mean completion time for an activity is a weighted average (1/6, 4/6, 1/6) of the three completion times; so it is
- An approximation for the standard deviation for the completion time for an activity is its Range/6 or
- The varianceof an activity’s completion time is the square of the standard deviation =
- Project assumptions
- The distribution of the project completion time is determined by the critical path using the mean activity completion times
- The activity completion times are independent – just because one activity takes longer or shorter than expected does not affect another activity’s time.
- There are enough activities on the critical path so that the central limit can be used to determine the distribution, mean, variance and standard deviation of the project
- Project distribution
Given the above assumption this means
- The project completion time distribution is normal
- The mean (expected) completion time, µ, of the project is the sum of the expected completion times along the critical path
- The variance of the completion time, σ2, of the project is the sum of the variance in completion times along the critical path
- The standard deviation of the completion time, σ, of the project is the square root of the variance of the completion time of the project
The probability of completing by a certain date t, can now be found by finding the P(X < t) from a normal distribution with mean µ and standard deviation σ
You should know how to use the PERT/CPM template for projects
whose activity completion times are given by three time estimates.
Comparing Options Using Probability Approach to Project Scheduling The Expected Value Approach
Example 1
Suppose there is a bonus of $8000 for completing a project within 50 days.
You have two options:
A – Do what you are currently doing and from the template, you find
P(Finish < 50) = .27 and thus P(Finish > 50) = 1 - .27 = .73
The Expected Bonus = (.27)($8000) + .73(0) = $2160
B – For $2000 you can alter the activity completion times. From the template you find the revised P(Finish < 50) = .64 and thus P(Finish > 50) = 1 - .64 = .36
The Expected Bonus = .64($8000) + .36(0) = $5120
But it cost $2000 to do this, so
Net Expected Bonus = $5120 - $2000 = $3120
$3120 > $2160, so you should recommend Option B
Example 2
Suppose there is a cost of $30,000 for not completing a project within 75 days.
You have two options:
A – Do what you are currently doing and from the template, you find,
P(Finish < 75) = .42 and thus P(Finish > 75) = 1 - .42 = .58
The Expected Cost = (.42)(0) + .58($30,000) = $17,400
B – For $5000 you can alter the activity completion times. From the template you find the revised P(Finish < 75) = .55 and thus P(Finish > 75) = 1 - .55 = .45
The Expected Cost = (.55)(0) + .45($30,000) = $13,500
Butit cost $5000 to do this, so
Net Expected Cost = $13,500 + $5000 = $18,500
$17,400 < $18,500, so you should recommend Option A