1.This school accused one of its rivals, the Mohists, of sacrificing culture, such as expensive funerary rites, for mere economic benefit. One of its champions, Hsün Tzu, emphasized the importance of li, since humans are innately bad and must be trained to follow the right ways, and was labeled a heretic, while Mencius followed its founder’s ideas more closely. Ren, the will to seek the good of others, is the greatest of its five cardinal virtues, and this school focuses on proper relationships. FTP, name this Chinese school of thought, whose founder’s sayings are collected in the Analects.
A: Confucianism[accept word forms; prompt on “Confucius”]
2.This geographic entity includes Whitewater Bay near its southern tip, Cape Sable, which is home to a subspecies of Seaside Sparrow. Much of the U.S. population of the Snail Kite also lives here, as well as in the nearby Big Cypress Swamp. The Ten Thousand Islands lie on the coast of it, and the Tamiami Trail crosses through it. It has been depleted due to draining of Lake Okeechobee. FTP, name this slow-moving "river of grass" in southern Florida.
A: The Everglades [accept Everglades National Park]
3.One man who held this post attacked Jimmy Hoffa, the leader of the Teamsters, for corruption, and wiretapped Martin Luther King, Jr. on account of suspicions that he was a Communist. The first one resigned after his having exposed secrets to the French was discovered. Another man in this governmental post resigned after Chuck Schumer called for his removal due to possible corruption regarding the firing of several lawyers. That man was Alberto Gonzales. The current one is Eric Holder. FTP, name this Cabinet position, the head of the Department of Justice and chief lawyer for the U.S. government.
A: U.S. Attorney General
4.This composer used a libretto by Picander in a work in which Schlendrian is upset by his daughter Lieschen’s addiction, the “Coffee” Cantata, and he perfected the chorale prelude in the “Schubler” Chorales and “Great Eighteen” Chorales. His important keyboard works include the French Suites, English Suites, and Italian Concerto, as well as a collection of increasingly complex fugues and another work containing two preludes and fugues in every key. FTP, name this German Baroque composer of The Art of Fugue and The Well-Tempered Clavier, the head of a large musical family.
A: Johann Sebastian Bach[prompt on “Bach”]
5.The "Old" faction of this man's party, also called the Tertium Quids, was led against him by John Randolph of Roanoke. As Secretary of State, this man rejected French minister Genêt's demands for America to end neutrality. In the Assumption Plan, Alexander Hamilton and this statesman agreed to assume debts and move the capital from Philadelphia to DC. He collaborated with James Madison to write the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions. He appointed William Claiborne as the governor of the fifteen million dollar Louisiana Purchase territory. FTP, name this statesman and first Secretary of the State who became the third president of the United States and also wrote the Declaration of Independence.
A: Thomas Jefferson
6.This man invented a compound later developed into cordite, a smokeless powder called ballistite. Earlier, he used mercury fulminate in his blasting cap, an improved detonator, and he mixed another compound with nitrocellulose to create blasting gelatin. Another of his inventions followed when he discovered that diatomaceous earth called kieselguhr could solidify and stabilize nitroglycerin. FTP, name this inventor of dynamite, a Swedish chemist who included Medicine, Physics, and Peace among the categories of his namesake Prize.
A: AlfredNobel
7.One painting of this person by Caravaggio also features Saint Dominic and Thomas Aquinas receiving the prayers of some suppliants, while in another, the title character stands upon a pedestal carved with harpies. A painting by Parmigianino includes a grotesquely proportioned child on her lap. In the east, the term Theotokos applied to her and was portrayed by icons of this woman together with her son. FTP, name this subject of Christian paintings including one by Leonardo da Vinci entitled "Her" of the Rocks.
A: Madonna[Accept Virgin Mary or other equivalents]
8.This ruler developed a shrine for the cousin of Muhammad, Kusam ibn Abbas, called the Shah Zindeh. He allied with his brother-in-law to defeat Ilyas Khoja and this ruler of Balkh besieged that brother-in-law, Amir Husayn. Later in his life he defeated the sultan Mahmud Tughluq at the 1398 Battle of Panipat, leading to a massacre at Delhi. He defeated Tokhtamysh at the Battle of Kur River and captured the Ottoman sultan Bayezid I the Thunderbolt at the Battle of Ankara. FTP, name this barbaric Turkic conqueror who in one account was disabled after a sheep stealing accident and established his empire’s capital at Samarkand.
A: Tamerlane [or Tamburlaine; or Timur the Lame; or Timur Lenk; or Timour]
9.The Poincaré Disk models this type of geometry for which a triangle’s angles sum to less than 180 degrees. The cosine function named for this is equivalent to the traditional analog of the quantity x over the square root of negative one and is pronounced cosh [kawsh]. For 10 points, give this term that refers to the locus of all points with a constant ratio between the distances from the directrix and the focus in algebra or the conic section through both nappes of a cone in geometry, a degenerate form of which is two intersecting lines.
A: Hyperbola [Accept word forms including Hyperbolic Geometry Prompt on Non- Euclidean or Lobachevskian]
10.The title character of this play laments that he must bid farewell to the “pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war.” Another character is tricked into making multiple toasts and is demoted for wounding Montano in a drunken brawl. The play’s villain stabs Roderigo after the assault on Cassio and frames a character for adultery using an embroidered handkerchief taken from his wife Emilia. At the climax, the title character claims that he “loved not wisely but too well” after smothering his wife Desdemona. FTP, name this Shakespearean tragedy in which Iago manipulates the titular Moor of Venice.
A: Othello, the Moor of Venice
11.This man issued the Organic Decree of Dictatorship, giving himself rule over a region he had conquered, and in one military engagement, the llaneros led by José Tomás Boves defeated him. In his lifetime he met with Chilean revolutionaries at the Guayaquil Conference, issued the Decree of War to the Death, described the fall of the First Republic in the Cartagena Manifesto, and after Ferdinand VII returned, he issued the Letter from Jamaica. He won the Peruvian Battle of Junín with Antonio José de Sucre and took Caracas after winning the Battle of Carabobo. Nicknamed the “George Washington of South America”, FTP, name this South American statesman nicknamed “The Liberator”.
A: Simón Bolívar [prompt on “The Liberator”before mentioned]
12.This god turned Alectryon into a rooster for his failure to alert him of the arrival of Helios. Enyalius is alternately considered either an epithet of his or the name of a son who accompanied him. While fighting for the Trojans, he was wounded by Diomedes with help from Athena. This father of the water-dragon killed by Cadmus in his founding of Thebes was often accompanied in battle by his sister Eris, the goddess of discord. His children include his sons Eros, Phobos, and Deimos. FTP name this Greek god of war whose Roman counterpart is the more-respected Mars.
A: Ares [Prompt on Mars until “Athena”]
13.The LUMO is the first MO unoccupied by one of these particles. In a test to find the charge of these particles using an atomizer and two charged plates, one experimenter employed an oil drop. In his Nobel lecture, the discoverer of these particles described Perrin’s earlier work with the cathode ray tube and the properties of his so-called “corpuscles.” Once Millikan’s fundamental charge was found, a small unit of energy became popular, known as the “this-”volt. FTP, name this negatively charged subatomic particle discovered by Thomson that orbits the nucleus.
A: Electron
14.In this story, a promising dog named Andrew Jackson dies before he can prove himself after failing to defeat a dog without hind legs in a dogfight. After requesting information about a man named Leonidas, the narrator hears the tale in question from Simon Wheeler, and one of the main characters finds that a double handful of quail-shot fed to Dan'l Webster, the title animal, prevented him from performing. FTP, name this Mark Twain story about the gambler Jim Smiley's pet amphibian.
A: TheCelebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County or The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County or Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog
15.One leader in this battle praised Queen Artemisia of Halicarnassus for supposed bravery, and that same leader positioned troops on the island of Psyttaleia to ensure his enemy could not escape. His forces had fought earlier at the battle of Artemesion, opposite Thermopylae, and at this battle, his admiral Ariabignes was killed and his large triremes were trapped in the narrow strait by the forces of Themistocles. As a result of this battle, Mardonius was left behind to subdue Greece after Xerxes left. FTP, name this 480 naval victory for Greece over the Persians.
A: Battle of Salamis
16.This man journeyed to the Stone of Erech to gain the services of oathbreakers as foretold by Malbeth the Seer. Ioreth gossips that her words will be remembered when she recognizes that this man, a king, has the hands of a healer. Under the name Thorongil, he served the father of Denethor, but left because of his growing popularity in Minas Tirith and helped catch Gollum in Mordor. FTP, name this Ranger and husband of Arwen who becomes king of Gondor after the defeat of Sauron in The Lord of the Rings.
A: AragornII, son of Arathorn[Accept Elessar or Elfstone and prompt on the Heir of Isildur or Estel or Dúnadan]
17.One character in this novel discovers "time, and death, and God" upon a cliff in the dark after he is driven from a ceremony only open to true-blooded Indians, and is given a battered book of Shakespeare by his mother's lover Popé. Helmholtz Watson and others are lectured by a man who had given up his study of physics, Mustapha Mond. The feelies and soma are utilized by such test-tube creations as Bernard Marx, and John the Savage's feet dangle after his suicide at the end of this novel. FTP, name this dystopian novel occurring in the Year of Our Ford, written by Aldous Huxley.
A: Brave New World
18.Three ballads were written about this entity by Thomas Deloney, and one of its military engagements occurred off the county of Dorset at Portland Bill. It was first proposed after the Second Battle of Terciera by Álvaro de Bazán. Much of it was destroyed in storms off Ireland, and this fleet led by the Duke of Medina-Sidonia was harassed by fireships off Flanders before the Battle of Gravelines, in which Charles Howard and Francis Drake defeated it. Intended to restore Catholicism in England, it was sent out from Lisbon in 1588 by Philip II. FTP, name this great Spanish fleet.
A: Spanish Armada or Armada Española or Invincible Armadaor Armada Invencible
19.Compounds synthesized from this molecule include progesterone, cortisol, and Vitamin D. This 27-Carbon molecule is converted into bile in the liver, and it makes up the majority of gallstones. It is carried through the bloodstream by high and low density lipoproteins, or HDLs and LDLs, which are sometimes referred to as its “good” and “bad” varieties. High levels of this molecule are often associated with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease and are treated with statins. FTP, name this waxy fatty substance, probably the most famous sterol.
A: Cholesterol
20.In one myth, he tricked the slaves of Baugi into killing each other and transformed into a snake to steal the Mead of Poetry. His possessions include an arm ring which provides endless wealth, the wolves Geri and Freki, and the ravens Hunin and Munin. He also pledged an eye to Mimir’s well to gain wisdom. Wielding the spear Gungnir and riding the eight-legged steed Sleipnir, he will be avenged by his son Vidar at Ragnarok after being swallowed by Fenrir. FTP, name this husband of Frigg and father of Thor, the chief of the gods in Norse mythology.
A: Odin[accept Wodin, Wotan, or similar-sounding equivalents]
EXTRA TOSS-UP; only read if there is a tie
21.While exiled to Suma, this novel's protagonist seduces the daughter of a rich man, and the result is his only daughter. One chapter, left blank, is titled "Vanished into the Clouds," marking the protagonist’s death, while the last ten chapters take place at Uji and concern Kaoru, the “son” of the protagonist, who loves the same woman as his friend Niou. The title prince is married to Lady Aoi, but has numerous affairs with other women of the court. FTP, name this Heian-age novel by Lady Murasaki.
A: The Tale of Genji[or Genji Monogatari]
1.FTPE, name these epic poems.
[10] This Old English epic describes the titular warrior's slaying of Grendel and Grendel’s mother and eventual death by dragon.
A: Beowulf
[10] This national epic of France details the titular knight of Charlemagne’s death at Ronceveaux beside his friend Oliver due to the treachery of Ganelon.
A: TheSong of RolandAccept La Chanson de Roland
[10] Vainamoinen is the hero of this national epic of Finland, while another character seeks to shoot the Swan of Tuonela.
A: Kalevala
2.FTPE, it contains the Derwent River and Oyster Bay, as well as Bruny Island.
[10] Name this large island south of Melbourne, home to a small black carnivorous marsupial.
A: Tasmania
[10] This capital of Tasmania lies near the mouth of the Derwent River into Storm Bay.
A: Hobart
[10] Tasmania is separated from Australia by this strait which contains the King, Cape Barren, and Flinders islands.
A: BassStrait
3.It claims that, because the labor supply is simply the population of laborers and is inversely proportional to wages, the real wage will eventually settle at the rate that keeps the labor population constant. FTPE:
[10] Name this economic theory that says that real income will converge to the subsistence rate.
A: Iron Law of Wages
[10] This author of Principles of Political Economy and Taxation formulated the Iron Law of Wages, as well as the concepts of economic rent and comparative advantage.
A: David Ricardo
[10] Ricardo is famous for his opposition to this set of English tariffs that protected the price of domestic grains in the early 19th century.
A: Corn Laws
4.FTPE, his poems include Canto General, which contains The Heights of Machu Picchu.
[10] Name this Chilean poet and Nobel Prize-winner who also wrote 100 Love Sonnets and Ode to an Artichoke.
A: Pablo Neruda or Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto
[10] This early poetry collection by Neruda includes the poems Ah Vastness of Pines and White Bee, as well as 19 other works.
A: Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair or Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada
[10] This other Chilean poet taught Neruda and also won a Nobel Prize. Her collections include Desolation and Sonnets of Death.
A: Gabriela Mistral [Accept Lucila de María del Perpetuo Socorro Godoy Alcayaga]
5.There are some orange fruits on a windowsill, and the stations of the cross frame a mirror, FTPE:
[10] Name this painting of a wedded couple and their little dog, too.
A: The Arnolfini Wedding[Accept ArnolfiniMarriageor clear equivalents]
[10] The Arnolfini Wedding was painted by this Netherlandish artist who also created the Ghent Altarpiece.
A: Jan van Eyck
[10] Van Eyck should never be confused with Van Dyck, a Flemish Baroque artist who painted various portraits of this English king and his wife Henrietta Maria, including one on horseback.
A:Charles I, Stuart [Prompt on Charles]
6.This sexually transmitted disease is a retrovirus. FTPE:
[10] Name this virus which attacks macrophages and dendritic cells, often eventually leading to AIDS.
A: HIV (Accept Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
[10] Retroviruses like HIV use this enzyme to transcribe DNA from RNA, the opposite of the usual process.
A: Reverse Transcriptase [Accept RNA-dependent DNA polymerase]
[10] One of the opportunistic diseases to which HIV makes individuals more vulnerable is the Kaposi type of this cancer of the connective tissues.
A: Sarcoma
7.This man angered the gods by stealing nectar and ambrosia after being allowed to dine with them. FTPE: