University of Saskatchewan Department of Mechanical Engineering Self-Inspection Checklist

Workplace Inspection – Short Form Bio-Mechanics and Bio-Medical

Inspection Date: ______Inspector(s): ______

Instruction: Mark room number, then mark a “P” for Good, an “N/A” for not applicable, or write “NOTE” when discovering opportunities to improve, and make notes on the Deficiency List below.

Inspection Record:

Room Number/Area / 1A26 / 2C50 / Other:
Facility Condition and Housekeeping
Chemical: Inventory List, Labeling, Storage, disposal, spill kit, sharps
PPE Available & Appropriate
Electrical Conditions
Safety Equipment: eyewash, fire extinguishers, fume hood flow
Contact Info Posted, ERP Available
No Food or Drink
Compressed Gas Cylinders Restrained
Equipment: good condition

Deficiency List:

Room Number / Opportunity for Improvement
(the problem) / Proposed Course of Action
(the solution) /

Workplace Safety and Environmental Protection Inspection Guidelines and Reference Information:

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University of Saskatchewan Department of Mechanical Engineering Self-Inspection Checklist

1.0 Laboratory Work Practices
1.1  No Food or drink in labs (i.e. refrigerators or microwaves)
1.2  Other
2.0 Housekeeping
2.1  Lab and storage areas uncluttered (i.e. aisles and exits free from obstructions)
2.2  Glassware free from cracks, chips, sharp edges and other defects
2.3  Containers used to collect broken glass labeled and appropriate
2.4  Adequate lighting, ventilation and temperature control in work area
2.5  Lab coverings in good condition
2.6 Cords, wires and hoses stored when not in use (coiled)
2.7 Cords secured down when exposed to foot traffic
3.0 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
3.1  Lab coats/uniforms stored separately from street clothes
3.2  Protective clothing available and appropriate for the type of work being conducted (i.e. gloves, goggles, safety glasses, boots, lab coats, face shields, etc.)
4.0 Hazard Communication & Storage
4.1  Chemical inventory list available and updated (includes chem. name, location & volume)
4.2  Warning signs posted on storage areas (e.g. refrigerators), equipment and laboratories consistent with hazards within
5.0 Hazard Substance Storage
5.1  Incompatible substances segregated
5.2  Corrosives and flammables stored below eye level
5.3  Hazardous substances used/stored in the laboratory limited to small quantities
5.4  Tops of cabinets and shelves free from stored items (i.e. 45 cm space between ceiling and items)
5.5  All hazardous substance containers labeled appropriately (i.e. WHMIS labeling requirements)
5.6  Fume hoods are not used as storage locations
5.7  Hazardous substances not stored under sinks
5.8  Flammables stored on open shelves in glass or plastic containers within permissible quantities (limit ≤ 50L)
5.9  Flammable liquid storage cabinets closed and are properly labeled
6.0 Compressed Gas Cylinders
6.1  Gas cylinders properly secured to prevent falling (secured with a strap or chain)
6.2  Cylinder caps applied when cylinders not in use or in transport
6.3  All gas cylinders properly marked as to their contents
6.4  Empty gas cylinders labeled “empty” and moved to an approved/designated area
6.5  Full and empty cylinders stored separately in an approved/designated area
6.6  Gas lines, piping, manifold, etc. labeled with identity of components
6.7  Hoses, tubing and regulators in good condition
7.0 Waste Handling: Non-Hazardous, Biological, Chemical, Radiological
7.1  Waste containers labeled according to the Hazardous Waste Disposal Manual
7.2  Proper size/type of waste container is used and stored properly (secondary containment required for storage on floor)
8.0 Means of Egress and Emergency
8.1  Exits clearly marked and free of obstructions
8.2  Emergency response and evacuation plans available
8.3  Emergency contact information posted and updated
9.0 Safety Equipment
9.1  Safety eyewash stations clearly labeled, checked monthly and free from obstructions
9.2  Fire extinguishers checked annually and free from obstruction
9.3  First-aid supplies and register (logbook) readily available and clearly visible
9.4  Fume hood sash and inflow annually tested
10.0 Electrical
10.1  Access to electrical panels not blocked or covered by materials – 1 meter in-front must be clear at all times
10.2  Cords in good condition
10.3  Extension cords not a trip hazard or used with high current devices

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University of Saskatchewan Department of Mechanical Engineering Self-Inspection Checklist

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