ILMCO Meeting Minutes: October 4, 2008
Signed-in Attendees: Maureen Turner, Tara Liloia, Cathy Tudhope, Betty Lockerby, Sandy Shipley, Marty Dale, Linda Fitch, Martha Walton, Charles Gurney, Barbara Callahan, Ira Trombley, Phyllis Satink, Beth Meese, Bill Howland, Ann McKay, Chris Smith, Claire Durand
Welcome and Introductions
Meeting called to order 10:07am.
Steve Stata was admitted to the hospital for pneumonia on Thursday. He should be returning home tonight.
Rusty Spaulding has announced his intention to run for the Selectboard.
North Hero is having a roast beef dinner tonight at 4:30-7:00; the cost is $8 for all you can eat. Cathy Tudhope will be performing.
There will be an American Legion Calcutta October 11th in Alburgh. Tickets are sold out.
Heather and Kris Luce had a new baby boy, Sawyer, born September 12th.
Secretary’s Report (Tara Liloia) – Thanks to Dave Tiedgen for taking thorough minutes during the September meeting. Copies of the minutes are available at the meeting and are posted on Barbara Callahan motions to accept the minutes. Betty Lockerby seconds. Minutes passed.
Treasurer’s Report – Deferred in Bob McEwen’s absence.
Maureen Turner reports that we raised $1,523 from t-shirt sales, our costs were $1,263. We have $200 worth of t-shirts left for sale from children to adult sizes.
Committee Updates
Communications & Marketing – Deferred in Dave Liloia’s absence.
Creative Sustainable Economic Development – Deferred in Sylvia Jensen’s absence.
Events & Activities – There is an excellent article in the Islander about Teddy Roosevelt Day. For a first-time event, it was a smashing success. The date for next year’s event will be announced later.
Champlain 400 update – The Lois McClure (schooner replica) will be making a trip from Montreal to Rouses Point, St. Albans, and then Isle La Motte. It will arrive on the evening of June 25th. Would we like to have a welcoming Flotilla to celebrate her arrival? Maureen suggests that we ask Chris Smith to be our Samuel de Champlain re-enactor on the Flotilla. Betty Motions that we move the Flotilla to June 27th instead of July. Linda Fitch seconds. Motion passes.
The “Quad Squad” – A group met to discuss next year’s TR Day and is continuing to plan the 2009 event. They’ll be announcing the date of the next meeting via email. The discussion is open to anyone.
Finance – Deferred in Bob McEwen’s absence. Maureen Turner announces that we have $621, with a few liabilities that need to be paid out. We’ll have a thorough report on the finances at our Annual Meeting.
Education & School Support (Tara Liloia) – The school’s annual Halloween Party is coming up at the end of the month – date has not been set, but likely Friday, October 31st. The kids participate in games and crafts and eat homemade treats in the multi-purpose room. Interested in volunteering to make a craft, run a game or make a treat, please let me know.
The after school ski program will be starting in January. We’d like to sponsor at least one child again this year.
We will be asking the Fire Department if there’s any way we can help out with their Meet Santa event in December.
Good Government (Barbara Callahan) – Betty Lockerby and Ann McKay are both running for Justice of the Peace as Independents. Rusty Spaulding is running for Selectboard.
November will be the month for renewing memberships. Barbara motions that we allow distant (paid) members in good standing to vote via email. Betty Lockerby seconds the motion. Motion passes.
New Business
Barbara Callahan - The town is evaluating what work needs to be done on Town Hall; renovation or rebuilding. We are also in need of a fireproof vault. A group of graduate students removed some siding to view the damage on the right-hand side of the building. A group of residents including Barbara Callahan, Sylvia Jensen, and Betsy Howland viewed the Alburgh Municipal Building, whose architect is a possibility for our project.
Tara Liloia - The Recreation Department has offered ILMCO a spot in their Isle La Motte tent at Applefest in South Hero. The tent will be next to the Parent Child Center. Maureen suggests we have an explanation of the Flotilla. Martha suggests a display board with photos of what ILMCO has done. Phyllis, Sandy, Betty, and Marty will form a committee and meet to coordinate our table this week. Ann McKay offered to run the table one of the days.
Fundraising ideas: We are interested in holding a pancake breakfast next spring/summer. Betty Lockerby suggests we talk to the Alburgh Legion Auxiliary about a fundraising dinner. Barbara Callahan motions that we contact the Legion. Ann McKay seconds. Motion passes.
Maureen asks if we could create a book of the storm photos and sell them for funds to pay for rosa begosa plants to be placed along the edge of the island were trees fell. Linda says she would buy such a booklet in black and white. Ann McKay suggests we talk to Chris Tepper at the Alburgh Historical Society. Maureen asks if we should pay for the services of whoever puts the book together. Linda mentions that it would be helpful if those who donate photos give a blurb about the image. ILMCO is accepting proposals for the tornado storm photo album.
Charlie mentions that the Northwest Regional Planning Commission might be able to come in and do a shoreline protection workshop with us. He’ll call and follow up with them for perhaps our November meeting.
Vermont is putting together a state barn census. Maureen will let us know where we can submit our barns for inclusion in the list.
ILMCO is in need of a refreshment committee. Maureen asks for volunteers to step forward. Ann McKay volunteers to be a contact person for those who wish to sign up for a slot.
Phyllis suggested that we have a community garden. Tara mentioned that she should contact the Recreation Department to join forces on their idea to have a community garden and gardening classes.
Chris Smith asks if anyone has experience with local food banks. He suggests that ILMCO advertises food collections at town gathering days; Town Meeting Day, Election Day, etc. Betty Lockerby says as Town Services Officer that she could help out as well. Marty suggests that we contact Betty Ayres. We will put the word out to have people bring food on Election Day. Chris Smith makes a motion that ILMCO collect food on Election Day and we announce it in the Islander. Betty Lockerby seconds. Motion passes.
Sandy Shipley motions to adjourn. Chris Smith seconds. Meeting adjourned at 11:40am.