Borough Profile Demographic data
December 2011
Produced by Policy, Intelligence and Partnerships
Report / Briefing Title
3.Ward Level Population
6.Population Projections
7.Life Expectancy
8. Births and Deaths
10. Housing Growth
Produced by Policy, Intelligence and Partnerships
Report / Briefing Title
According to Office for National Statistics (ONS) estimates, Haringey’s population in 2010 was 225,000.
The 25-49 population in Haringey is significantly higher than London.
The table below shows the breakdown by particular age groups. Data on all ages are available if required.
Fig 1, Source: 2010 Mid Year Estimates, ONS
The graph below shows the age group distribution in Haringey compared to London.
Fig 2, Source:2010 Mid Year Estimates, ONS
Out of the 225,000 people in Haringey 50.7% are Male and 49.3% are Female. The population pyramid below shows the breakdown of gender by age.
The 25-44 Male population is significantly higher than London.
The 50-69 Male population is significantly lower than London Borough of Haringey
The table below shows the age breakdown of Haringey and London by gender.
Fig 3 Source:2010 Mid Year Estimates, ONS
Haringey Males / London Males / Haringey Female / London FemalesAge Group / Total / % / Total / % / Total / % / Total / %
All Ages / 114100 / 50.7 / 3894500 / 49.8 / 110900 / 49.3 / 3930700 / 50.2
0 / 2100 / 1.8 / 65500 / 1.7 / 2000 / 1.8 / 62400 / 1.6
1-4 / 7100 / 6.2 / 234600 / 6.0 / 7100 / 6.4 / 223900 / 5.7
5-9 / 7200 / 6.3 / 232100 / 6.0 / 6700 / 6.0 / 224700 / 5.7
10-14 / 5200 / 4.6 / 205900 / 5.3 / 5300 / 4.8 / 200900 / 5.1
15-19 / 5600 / 4.9 / 216000 / 5.5 / 5300 / 4.8 / 202400 / 5.1
20-24 / 8000 / 7.0 / 280400 / 7.2 / 7300 / 6.6 / 275900 / 7.0
25-29 / 11700 / 10.3 / 368400 / 9.5 / 10700 / 9.6 / 375600 / 9.6
30-34 / 13400 / 11.7 / 388700 / 10.0 / 11000 / 9.9 / 368200 / 9.4
35-39 / 11800 / 10.3 / 356900 / 9.2 / 9700 / 8.7 / 321000 / 8.2
40-44 / 10300 / 9.0 / 328200 / 8.4 / 9400 / 8.5 / 302900 / 7.7
45-49 / 8600 / 7.5 / 276600 / 7.1 / 8200 / 7.4 / 276500 / 7.0
50-54 / 5800 / 5.1 / 218700 / 5.6 / 6500 / 5.9 / 224400 / 5.7
55-59 / 4400 / 3.9 / 173300 / 4.4 / 4900 / 4.4 / 184600 / 4.7
60-64 / 3800 / 3.3 / 158900 / 4.1 / 4500 / 4.1 / 175300 / 4.5
65-69 / 2700 / 2.4 / 111700 / 2.9 / 3400 / 3.1 / 132500 / 3.4
70-74 / 2600 / 2.3 / 99800 / 2.6 / 3000 / 2.7 / 116100 / 3.0
75-79 / 2100 / 1.8 / 79000 / 2.0 / 2400 / 2.2 / 98100 / 2.5
80-84 / 1100 / 1.0 / 54500 / 1.4 / 1700 / 1.5 / 78900 / 2.0
85-89 / 85+ / 600 / 0.5 / 30300 / 0.8 / 1000 / 0.9 / 55000 / 1.4
90+ / 200 / 0.2 / 15000 / 0.4 / 700 / 0.6 / 31500 / 0.8
The Graph below is a population pyramid showing the age breakdown of Haringey and London by gender.
Fig 4, Source:2010 Mid Year Estimates, ONS
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3.Ward Level Population
Wards in the west tend to have smaller populations with Muswell Hill and Highgate having the lowest and Seven Sisters having the highest.
The table below shows the total ward population and populations for different age groups, 0-19, 20-64 and 65+. Other age groups are available if required.
Fig 5, Source:2010 Mid Year Estimates, ONS
Fig 6, Source:2010 Mid Year Estimates, ONS
48.7% of the Haringey population are Non White British. This is higher than the London figure of 40.5%.
The table below show shows the ethnic breakdown of Haringey compared to London
The Population Estimates by Ethnic Group were first published, as experimental statistics, in 2006 and are now available for areas in England and Wales for each year from 2001 to 2009. The experimental statistics status of the estimates indicates that they have not yet reached the standards required for National Statistics, and each release has been accompanied by supporting information noting possible sources of error in the estimates.
Fig 7, Source: 2009 Experimental Ethnicity Mid Year Estimates, ONS
Fig 8, Source: 2009 Experimental Ethnicity Mid Year Estimates, ONS
School Census – Ethnicity
The School Census has a more detailed breakdown of ethnicity than the ONS figures. Below is a table showing the ethnic breakdown for all 35,662 children who go to school in Haringey.
Fig 9, Source: HaringeySchool Census January 2011
DfES Ethnicity / Total / TotalWhite Other / 21.0% / 7628
White British / 19.5% / 7084
Black African / 17.4% / 6327
Black Caribbean / 11.2% / 4073
Any Other / 7.2% / 2611
Mixed Other / 4.3% / 1567
Mixed White Caribbean / 3.4% / 1225
Bangladeshi / 2.9% / 1047
Black Other / 1.8% / 668
Refused/Not obtained / 1.6% / 592
Asian Other / 1.5% / 535
Mixed White African / 1.3% / 486
Indian / 1.2% / 450
Mixed White Asian / 1.1% / 388
White Irish / 1.0% / 370
Pakistani / 1.0% / 358
(blank) / 1.0% / 347
Chinese / 0.7% / 247
White Gypsy/Roma / 0.7% / 243
White Irish Traveller / 0.2% / 88
Grand Total / 100.0% / 36334
According to the 2001 Census 50.1% of Haringey state their religion as Christian. This is lower than the London figure of 58.2%.
12.1% of Haringey ticked the ‘religion not stated’ box. This was the highest proportion in the country.
Fig 10, Source: 2001 Census
Religion / Haringey / % / London / %All people / 216507 / 7172091
Christian / 108404 / 50.1 / 4176175 / 58.2
Buddhist / 2283 / 1.1 / 54297 / 0.8
Hindu / 4432 / 2.0 / 291977 / 4.1
Jewish / 5724 / 2.6 / 149789 / 2.1
Muslim / 24371 / 11.3 / 607083 / 8.5
Sikh / 725 / 0.3 / 104230 / 1.5
Other religions / 1135 / 0.5 / 36558 / 0.5
No religion / 43249 / 20.0 / 1130616 / 15.8
Religion not stated / 26184 / 12.1 / 621366 / 8.7
6.Population Projections
Total Population
The 2008 ONS Sub National Population Projections predict that Haringey will have a population of 252,900 by 2033.
Fig 11, Source: 2008 ONS Sub National Population Projections (SNPP)
0-19 year olds
The 2008 ONS Sub National Population Projections predict that Haringey 0-19 population will have increased to 58,100 by 2033.
Fig 12, Source: 2008 ONS Sub National Population Projections (SNPP)
The 2008 ONS Sub National Population Projections predict that the 0-19 population in 2033will account for 23% of the Haringey population (London 23.4%).
NOTE: The graph below shows the proportion of 0-19 population decreasing in relation to the overall population. The actual 0-19 population will still be increasing as shown in Fig 12 above.
Fig 13, Source: 2008 ONS Sub National Population Projections (SNPP)
20-64 year olds
The 2008 ONS Sub National Population Projections predict that Haringey 20-64 population will have increased to 165,200 by 2033.
Fig 14, Source: 2008 ONS Sub National Population Projections (SNPP)
The 2008 ONS Sub National Population Projections predict that the 20-64 population in 2033 will account for 65.3% of the Haringey population (London 62.4%).
Fig 15, Source: 2008 ONS Sub National Population Projections (SNPP)
65+ year olds
The 2008 ONS Sub National Population Projections predict that Haringey 65+ population will have increased to 29,600 by 2033.
Fig 16, Source: 2008 ONS Sub National Population Projections (SNPP)
The 2008 ONS Sub National Population Projections predict that the 65+ population in 2033 will account for 11.7% of the Haringey population (London14.2%).
Fig 17, Source: 2008 ONS Sub National Population Projections (SNPP)
Produced by Policy, Intelligence and Partnerships
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7.Life Expectancy
Fig 18, Source: London Health Observatory 2005-2009
Male Life Expectancy 2005 - 2009
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Female Life Expectancy 2005-2009
Fig 19, Source: London Health Observatory 2005-2009
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8. Births and Deaths
In 2009/2010 there were 4356 births in Haringey.
Total births in Haringey have been steadily increasing since 2005 (with the exception of 2008/2009). The birth rate (births per 1000 of the population) in Haringey has been consistently higher than London in this period.
Fig 20, Source: 2005-2010 Mid Year Estimates, ONS
Fig 21, Source: 2005-2010 Mid Year Estimates, ONS
In 2009/2010 there were 1171 deaths in Haringey. This figure is lower than the 2005/2006 figure of 1234.
The death rate (deaths per 1000 of the population) has been consistently lower than London in this period.
Fig 22, Source: 2005-2010 Mid Year Estimates, ONS
Fig 23, Source: 2005-2010 Mid Year Estimates, ONS
Internal Migration
In 2009/2010 ONS state that 19,280 people moved to Haringey from another part of the UK. This is 85.6 per 1000 of the population (7th highest rate in London).
In the same period 23,300 people left Haringey for another part of the UK. This is 103.4 per 1000 of the population (5th highest rate in London).
Fig 24, Source: 2005-2010 Mid Year Estimates, ONS
Fig 25, Source: 2005-2010 Mid Year Estimates, ONS
International Migration
In 2009/2010 ONS state that 4,950 people moved to Haringey from overseas. This is 21.9 per 1000 of the population (13th highest rate in London).
In the same period 4,644 people left Haringey to live overseas. This is 20.6 per 1000 of the population (10th highest rate in London).
Fig 26, Source: 2005-2010 Mid Year Estimates, ONS
Fig 27, Source: 2005-2010 Mid Year Estimates, ONS
National Insurance Registrations (NINo) Allocations to Adult Overseas Nationals entering the UK
Between 2002 and 2011 91,250 people registered for national insurance in Haringey, whose previous address was overseas.
The chart below shows the yearly breakdown.
Fig 28, Source: 2002-2011Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)
Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria are the top three countries where people who have registered for national insuranceover the last 3 years in Haringeyhave come form.
Below is a table showing the top 20 countries since 2008.
Fig 29, Source: 2008-2011Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)
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10. Housing Growth
Haringey Council have outlined their 15 year housing growth plans in their Core Strategy. Below is a map showing the 5, 10 and 15 year building phases.
Fig 30, Source: Haringey Council Core Strategy 2010
Produced by Policy, Intelligence and Partnerships