Worthington Schools
Matt Keller, Principal
6500 Northland Road
Worthington, Ohio43085
(614) 450-4800 FAX (614) 883-3310
Wilson Hill Elementary School
February 28, 2014
On February 10, 2014, the Worthington City Schools Board of Education passed a resolution to authorize the provision of the following plan to allow students to access and complete classroom assignments from home or another site. This plan allows us to make up to three days of instruction once the district has exceeded the number of calamity days permitted by Ohio law.
When there is a school closure in excess of the number of allowable days permitted by Ohio Law, teachers will make the designated lessons/assignments available by sending an email.
At this time we have been out of school seven days. With the upcoming inclement weather and possible calamity day we wanted to take a moment to make you aware of our procedures for ‘Blizzard Bags.” The intentionbehind Blizzard Bags is to provide instructional support in our absence from school due to inclement weather. Although we understand that being present at school would provide our students with the optimal instruction, we have developed a collection of activities that are intended to reinforce the skills and concepts that our students are learning and practicing regularly at school. This, in addition to possible activities from Related Arts teachers, will help to ensure that your child is still partaking in meaningful instruction in our absence from school.
Blizzard Bag assignments will be emailed by NOON on the calamity day, and students will have two weeks to complete the assignments and return them to school. If students do not have internet access or are unable to print the assignments, there are other options available. Computers are available for student use at the public library as well as the Worthington Education Center. If a student is unable to obtain the assignments in any other manner, the school computer lab and paper copies will be available upon returning to school.
In addition, as a result of the two days that we have already missed over our calamity day limit of five, we WILL have school on Friday, April 18 and Friday, May 30. April 18 is on the school calendar as a no-school day and May 30 is a staff Professional Day after the scheduled last day of classes. Please make a note and plan accordingly for your child’s attendance on these two additional days.
Thank you for your support and understanding of this new procedure. If you have any questions please let me know.
Matt Keller
Worthington Schools
Matt Keller, Principal
6500 Northland Road
Worthington, Ohio43085
(614) 450-4800 FAX (614) 883-3310
Wilson Hill Elementary School
February 28, 2014
On February 10, 2014, the Worthington City Schools Board of Education passed a resolution to authorize the provision of the following plan to allow students to access and complete classroom assignments from home or another site. This plan allows us to make up to three days of instruction once the district has exceeded the number of calamity days permitted by Ohio law.
When there is a school closure in excess of the number of allowable days permitted by Ohio Law, teachers will make the designated lessons/assignments available by sending an email.
At this time we have been out of school seven days. With the upcoming inclement weather and possible calamity day we wanted to take a moment to make you aware of our procedures for ‘Blizzard Bags.” The intentionbehind Blizzard Bags is to provide instructional support in our absence from school due to inclement weather. Although we understand that being present at school would provide our students with the optimal instruction, we have developed a collection of activities that are intended to reinforce the skills and concepts that our students are learning and practicing regularly at school. This, in addition to possible activities from Related Arts teachers, will help to ensure that your child is still partaking in meaningful instruction in our absence from school.
Blizzard Bag assignments will be emailed by NOON on the calamity day, and students will have two weeks to complete the assignments and return them to school. If students do not have internet access or are unable to print the assignments, there are other options available. Computers are available for student use at the public library as well as the Worthington Education. If a student is unable to obtain the assignments in any other manner, the school computer lab and paper copies will be available upon returning to school.
In addition, as a result of the two days that we have already missed over our calamity day limit of five, we WILL have school on Friday, April 18 and Friday, May 30. April 18 is on the school calendar as a no-school day and May 30 is a staff Professional Day after the scheduled last day of classes. Please make a note and plan accordingly for your child’s attendance on these two additional days.
Thank you for your support and understanding of this new procedure. If you have any questions please let me know.
Matt Keller