Computer Networks Program
- Program conceptual model
- Course one:
2.1 Basic knowledge and design skills
2.1.1Analysis of course contents and gained skills
2.1.2 Compare gained key points with that gained in the advanced international universities.
2.1.3 Design, distribute, collect, and analyze a questionnaire for undergraduates, recent graduates, academic staff, and industrial supervisors to identify their opinions about the required knowledge/design skills for the selected program. Students’ pre-questionnaire for 4th year (computer & Control section and Communication & Electronics section) Statistic of students’ Pre-questionnaire Statistic of industrial Supervisor
2.2 New framework matrix
2.3 Syllabus
2.4 Course Objective
2.5 Experts Evaluations
- Course two:
3.1 Basic knowledge and design skills
3.2 Framework matrix
3.3 Syllabus
3.4 Course Objective
3.5 Experts Evaluations
- Course three:
4.1 Objectives
4.2 Introduction
4.3 Data Statistics
4.4 Experts Evaluations
1. Conceptual Model
Computer Networks Program:
It is obvious that Computer Networks (CNs) are very important in nowadays life. Almost every institution, private or public enterprise, government, etc. are interested in building and running their own CN and ultimately connect it to the global Internet. Furthermore, most of these organizations consider CN as the vital infrastructure, without it or when it breaks down they cannot work or make business at all. The importance of CNs is as the same level of computers as CNs offer to there organizations a plenty of useful and important services.
To have a running CN, there are three essential elements that complement each others.
- The hardware, e.g., routers, switches, hubs, cables, …
- The software, e.g., the network operating systems, the applications offering the required services, …
- The users who will use the system to make use of the offered services.
It is clear that to build a CN, we need, in addition to the above three elements, expert people (well trained and having the required know-how) to do carry out the following tasks:-
- Identify the required and suitable hardware,
- Install and connect correctly the hardware together,
- Identify the appropriate software to run the CN,
- Install, configure and run the software,
- Train the users to use the system in an efficient way.
However, in our faculty there is no equipped laboratory to train and form these expert people (the students or people from outside who are interested to be expert in CN). In addition, there are two academic courses to be taught in the fourth year in Electrical Engineering Department about CN. The first course is in Computer and Information Section. The second one is in Electronic and Communication Section. Although these two courses are about mainly Computer Networks, they are different in their contents as the first one is from computer’s point of view and the other one is from communication’s point of view. Based on our experience, it is not sufficient to teach these courses only theoretical. The practical part is a must to form an expert CN engineer.
Because of these factors, we are very interested to prepare a unit for training expert people on CN technologies.
Courses to be Prepared
1-Computer Networks: academic course for Computer and Information Section, 4th year.
2-Data Communication and Networking: academic course for Electronic and Communication Section, 4th year.
Intensive Training Course on Computer Networks: open for everyone
- Computer Networks Course:
The objectives for this course include:
- Students will develop an understanding and knowledge of the typical layers a computer network is broken into including the basic function of each layer and its relationship with the other layers of the network.
- Students will be introduced to the various protocols and algorithms used at each layer of the network.
- Students will learn about the issues involved in developing an application that runs over a computer network.
- Students will become comfortable working in the Windows/Unix/Linux programming environment
- Students will learn about the various tasks and issues involved in managing a computer network.
- Students will learn how to plan and install several types of computer networks ranging from simple Ethernet LAN to complex networks (e.g. campus networks and ISP networks).
- Data Communication and Networking Course:
The objectives for this course include:
- Acquiring the theory, concepts and basics of data networks.
- Understanding the various modes of data communications.
- Explain characteristics of different Modems.
- Error detection and correction methods.
- Describe OSI model.
- Learning the TCP/IP layers and the services offered by each layer and the corresponding protocols.
- Identifying the features of the components (hardware and software) of Networking, the types of CN (LAN, WAN, etc.), the topologies (Bus, ring, etc), and the technologies (Ethernet, ATM, Fiber, etc.).
- Understanding some of the new special topic such as optical networks and wireless networks.
- Computer Networks Training Short Course:
- Brief highlight on the theory, concepts and basics of computer networks.
- Brief overview of the TCP/IP layers and the services offered by each layer and the corresponding protocols.
- Identifying the features of the components (hardware and software) of Networking, the types of CN (LAN, WAN, etc.), the topologies (Bus, ring, etc), and the technologies (Ethernet, ATM, Fiber, etc.).
- Understanding how to configure, install, administrate, and/or troubleshoot computer network hardware.
Used CAD tools:
- Windows XP, Windows 2003 server, Linux Redhat, Network Simulator (Boson NetSim Software), OpNet Guru IT simulation software.
Due dates:-
Computer Networks course for fourth year: Oct.
Data Communication and Networking Course for fourth year:
Computer Networks Training Short Course:
2. Course one,
(Computer Networks for forth year students, 2nd term)
The subject of computer networking is enormously vast and complex, involving many concepts, protocols, and technologies that are woven together in a complex manner. To cope with this scope and complexity, many computer-networking texts are often organized around the "layers" of network architecture. With a layered organization, students can see through the complexity of computer networking--they learn about the distinct concepts and protocols in one part of the architecture while seeing the big picture of how it all fits together. Unlike the other computer networking courses, this course is organized in a top-down manner--that is, it begins at the application layer and works its way down towards the physical layer. The top-down approach has several important benefits. First, it places emphasis on the application layer, which has been the high "growth area" of computer networking. Second, it is clear that teaching networking applications near the beginning of the course is a powerful motivational tool. Students are thrilled to learn about how networking applications work--applications such as e-mail and the Web, which most students use on a daily basis. Once a student understands the applications, the student can then understand the network services needed to support these applications.
This course will include lectures, discussions, homework and laboratory works. Class time will be spent lecturing and discussing material from the text, homework questions, and projects related to computer networks. This course will include extensive laboratory work. Three types of labs will be included. First, there will be labs that focus on programming and network application development. Programming
work will use C and the sockets they provide for developing network programs. Second, the course will also include lab work in the CAD laboratory. These labs will focus on network management issues and will utilize typical networking equipment and the CAD software to carry out a set of predefined assignments. In addition to the lab work, at the end of each lecture, students will also be assigned questions from textbook to assist them in developing an understanding of the material in the text. These homework assignments may be done collaboratively and have to solved and returned the next week.
This is an introductory course for computer networks. We assume that students taking the course do not have any prior knowledge in computer networks. The course contains different home works andthus, we expect a strong background in C programming.
2.1 Data statistics of the basic knowledge /design skills
2.1.1.Analysis of the existing course and determine the key points of taught knowledge:-
- Acquiring the theory, concepts and basics of CN.
- Learning the TCP/IP and ISO/OSI layers and the services offered by each layer and the corresponding protocols.
- Identifying the features of the components (hardware and software) of Networking, the types of CN (LAN, WAN, etc.), the topologies (Bus, ring, etc), and the technologies (Ethernet, ATM, Fiber, etc.).
Required Textbook:
Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach Featuring the Internet by Jim Kurose, Keith Ross, third edition, published by Addison Wesley, 2004
Description of the Textbook:
Many websites for many universities use this textbook “Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet” by Professors Kurose and Ross. This book provides a new perspective to the study of computer networking concepts--a modern, top-down approach that starts with application-level protocols and then works down the protocol stack. Throughout the book, examples drawn from the Internet architecture show how networking principles are put into practice. The discussion is lively, engaging, and up to date.
This book starts with an early discussion of application-level protocols, allowing students to gain an intuitive feel for network protocols. The focus on application-layer paradigms and application programming interfaces allows readers to get their "hands dirty" early--studying and implementing protocols in the context of applications they use daily. Proceeding through the layered network architecture in a top-down manner, students can focus on the network services that are needed and then, in turn, study how these services can be provided.
2.1.2.Compare these key points with that gained in the courses taught in the advanced international universities.
As previously mentioned, I will use the same textbook used in several advanced universities in the world including: ( ( ( etc. I already prepared the PowerPoint slides for the lecturers, as it is used to be in the other universities. However, the practical part cannot be given as they do. They have equipped labs with very expensive S/W and H/W. To solve this problem, I will use CAD tools to simulate expensive materials. In addition, all the application-layer assignments and some of the network layer protocols will be carried out exactly as it is given in these universities, as we will have the necessary materials.
Therefore, the proposed syllabus for the basic Computer Networks course is:-
- a broad overview of the Internet and of networking protocols, introducing several key terms and concepts
-learn about the conceptual, the implementation aspects of network application protocols and learn about application protocols and programming network applications
-understand principles behind transport layer services and learn about transport layer protocols in the Internet
-understand the principles behind network layer services, its operation, and a number of important network layer protocols
-understand the principles behind data link layer services, its operation, and a number of important data link layer protocols
2.1.3.Design, distribute, collect, and analyze a questionnaire for undergraduates, recent graduates, academic staff, and industrial supervisors to identify their opinions about the required knowledge/design skills for the selected program.
I prepared a questionnaire to probe the requirements and opinions of the student regarding this course. Students were very cooperative by answering the questions. Actually, after collecting and analyzing the results of this questionnaire, I have got very constructive remarks. Details about the questionnaire are given below. This influenced me during the choice of the main issues for this course and hence of the outcome of the conceptual model. Students’ pre-questionnaire for 4th year (computer & Control section and Communication & Electronics section)
CAD: Smart Future for Electrical Engineers
التصميم بمعاونة الحاســب
نحو مستقبل أفضل لمهندسى الكهرباء
Computer Networks
- هل تشعر أن دراسة مقرر شبكات الحاسب الآلي ضروري لمهندس الحاسبات أو الاتصالات ؟
نعم لا إلى حد ما
- هل تجد ضرورة علمية أو منهجية لتدريس هذا المقرر نظريا و عمليا ؟
نعم لا إلى حد ما
- هل تؤدى الدراسة باستخدام ال CAD tools إلى إجادتك لمهارات الشبكات ؟
نعم لا إلى حد ما
- أرى أن يكون وقت المحاضرة و الفصول
٤ ساعات للمحاضرة و ساعتان للفصل
3 ساعات للمحاضرة و 3 ساعات للفصل
ساعتان للمحاضرة و 4 ساعات للفصل
- هل ترى أن مقرر شبكات الحاسب الآلي يمكن أن يتم تدريسه فى مقرر واحد أم يجب أن يقسم الى مقررين على الأقل ؟
نعم لا
- هل ترى أن تدريس شبكات الحاسب الآلي معمليا يجعل الخريج أكثر كفاءة من نظيره الذي لم يقم بالدراسة معمليا ؟
نعم لا إلى حد ما
- هل تجد علاقة بين دراسة مقرر شبكات الحاسب الآلي مع متطلبات سوق العمل ؟
نعم لا إلى حد ما
- أفضل أن يكون امتحان أعمال السنة
عملي فقط
نظري فقط
نظري و عملي
- أفضل أن يتم التقييم الكلى على
الجزء الأكبر العملي
الجزء الأكبر على النظري
العملي فى نفس مستوى النظري
- هل يوجد لديك خبرة أو معرفة عن شبكات الحاسب الآلي؟
لا يوجد بدائية إجادة
- هل ترى أنه يجب استبدال بعض المواد النظرية بمواد أخرى عملية مثل شبكات الحاسب الآلي؟
نعم لا
فى حالة الإجابة بنعم ما اسم المواد التي تريد استبدالها ؟
تعليقات: Statistic of students’ Pre-questionnaire
Students’ numbers: 37
ArabRepublic of Egypt
Ministry of Higher Education
Project Management Unit (PMU)
Higher Education Enhancement Project Fund (HEEPF)
صندوق مشروع تطوير التعليم العالى
مشروع رقم (D-147-P2)
الموضوع: إحصائية عن أسئلة استفتاء مقرر Computer Networks
الفرقة: الرابعة (حاسبات و تحكم + اتصالات و الكترونيات).
- هل تشعر أن دراسة مقرر شبكات الحاسب الالى ضروري لمهندس الحاسبات أو الاتصالات ؟
- هل تجد ضرورة علمية أو منهجية لتدريس هذا المقرر نظريا و عمليا ؟
- هل تؤدى الدراسة باستخدام ال CAD tools إلى إجادتك لمهارات الشبكات ؟
- أرى أن يكون وقت المحاضرة و الفصول
٤ ساعات للمحاضرة و ساعتان للفصل 29.73%
3 ساعات للمحاضرة و 3 ساعات للفصل 43.24%
ساعتان للمحاضرة و 4 ساعات للفصل 24.32%
- هل ترى أن مقرر شبكات الحاسب الآلي يمكن أن يتم تدريسه فى مقرر واحد أم يجب أن يقسم إلى مقررين على الأقل ؟
- هل ترى أن تدريس شبكات الحاسب الآلي معمليا يجعل الخريج أكثر كفاءة من نظيره الذي لم يقم بالدراسة معمليا ؟
- هل تجد علاقة بين دراسة مقرر شبكات الحاسب الآلي مع متطلبات سوق العمل ؟
- أفضل أن يكون امتحان أعمال السنة
عملي فقط 11.11%
نظري فقط 8.33%
نظري و عملي 80.56%
- أفضل أن يتم التقييم الكلى على
الجزء الأكبر العملي 36.11%
الجزء الأكبر على النظري 19.44%
العملي فى نفس مستوى النظري 44.44%
- هل يوجد لديك خبرة أو معرفة عن شبكات الحاسب الآلي؟
- هل ترى أنه يجب استبدال بعض المواد النظرية بمواد أخرى عملية مثل شبكات الحاسب الآلي ؟ Statistic of industrial Supervisor
Engineers’ numbers: 24
ArabRepublic of Egypt
Ministry of Higher Education
Project Management Unit (PMU)
Higher Education Enhancement Project Fund (HEEPF)
صندوق مشروع تطوير التعليم العالى
مشروع رقم (D-147-P2)
الموضوع: إحصائية عن أسئلة استفتاء مقرر Computer Networks الخاص بالشركات و المصانع
- هليؤدى التدريس باستخدام العرض الفعال (power point ) الى زيادةالتحصيل ؟
- هل استخدام العرض الفعال (power point) يجذب الانتباه ؟
- هل استخدام العرض الفعال (power point) يزيد التفاعل بين الطالب و المحاضر ؟
- هل تثبت المعلومة فى الذهن عندما يراها باستخدام العرض الفعال (power point) ؟
- هل استخدام العرض الفعال (power point) يؤدى الى توفير الوقت فى المحاضرة ؟
- عندما أستمع الى محاضرة باستخدام العرض الفعال((power point
أجد صعوبة فى الفهم و المتابعة 0 %
لا أستطيع الفهم 0 %
أجد سهولة و يسر فى الاستيعاب 100%
- أفضل أن يكون عرض المحاضرات باستخدام
العرض الفعال (power point) 20.83%
الطباشير أو الأقلام 0 %
الاثنين معا 79.17%
- هل يوجد لديك خبرة أو معرفة عن شبكات الحاسب الالى ؟
- هل تشعر أن دراسة مقرر شبكات الحاسب الالى ضرورى لمهندس الحاسبات أو الاتصالات ؟
- هل تجد ضرورة علمية أو منهجية لتدريس هذا المقرر نظريا و عمليا ؟
- هل تؤدى الدراسة باستخدام ال CAD tools الى اجادتك لمهارات الشبكات ؟
- هل ترى أن تدريس شبكات الحاسب الالى معمليا يجعل الخريج أكثر كفاءة من نظيره الذى لم يقم بالدراسة معمليا ؟
- هل تجد علاقة بين دراسة مقرر شبكات الحاسب الالى مع متطلبات سوق العمل ؟
- التدريب العملى المستمر فى مجال الحاسب الالى أصبح من ضروريات العمل و التقدم للأفراد و الشركات و الدول.
- من الضرورى أن يكون لدى أى مهندس (فى أى تخصص) معلومات جيدة عن الحاسب الالى على الأقل فى المجالات الاتية: نظام التشغيل – البرامج المكتبية بكاملها – شبكات الحاسب الالى – التعامل مع شبكة الانترنت برنامج-على الأقل- فى مجال تخصص المهندس – برنامج- على الأقل- فى مجال فن الادارة
- الاهتمام بالمناهج العملية أكثر من المناهج النظرية و دراسة الحاسب الالى و التعرف على بعض لغاته و ذلك من خلال كلية الهندسة ليكون الخريج ملم ببعض لغات الحاسب الالى بالاضاةفة الى معرفة كيفية صيانة الجهاز و الخروج الى مواقع العمل حسب تخصص كل قسم.
2.2 New framework matrix
Based on the previous review of the actual taught and that taught in the advanced universities with the student feedback through the designed questionnaire, we summarize the new conceptual model for the Computer Networks course to be as:-
Week# / Files / Description / Assignment
1 / Lecture1.ppt
HW1.doc / In these lectures, students will learn a broad overview of the Internet and of networking protocols, introducing several key terms and concepts / Identify the basic network components, then configure and run a small network with its basic services (Assignment #1).
2 / Lecture2.ppt
HW2.doc / Learn Boson NetSim software and Learn the Cisco IOS software (required to manage and configure any router, workstation and switch) (Assignment #2).
3 / Lecture3.ppt
HW3.doc / In these lectures, students will learn about the conceptual, the implementation aspects of network application protocols and learn about application protocols and programming networkapplications / Install, configure and manage Network Services: Web, DHCP, NAT, DNS and Mail Servers on Windows and Linux. Some of these services will be carried out using Boson NetSim.
(Assignments #3,#4).
4 / Lecture4.ppt
5 / Lecture5.ppt
HW5.doc / In these lectures, students will understand principles behind transport layer services and learn about transport layer protocols in the Internet / Learn OPNET IT GURU software and how to use it to simulate, plan and troubleshoot Computer network H/W and S/W.
(Assignments #5, #6).
6 / Lecture6.ppt
7 / Lecture7.ppt
HW7.doc / In these lectures, students will understand the principles behind network layer services, its operation, and a number of important network layer protocols. / Cisco Routers Configuration and Management (Assignment #7)
8 / Lecture8.ppt
HW8.doc / Routing Protocols: RIP, OSPF, and BGP
(Assignments #8, #9) .
9 / Lecture9.ppt
10 / Lecture10.ppt
HW10.doc / In these lectures, students will understand the principles behind data link layer services, its operation, and a number of important data link layer protocols. / Management and Configuration of Ethernet switches.
(Assignment #10)
11 / Lecture11.ppt
Assign11.doc / Socket Programming in C: UDP and TCP (Assignment #11)
2.3 Syllabus
Computer Networks Analysis
1. students will learn a broad overview of the Internet and of networking protocols, introducing several key terms and concepts by:
- Examining the "edge" of a computer network, looking at the end systems and applications, and at the transport service provided to applications running on the end systems.
- Examining the "core" of a computer network, examining the links and switches that transport data.
- Taking a broader view of networking, from a performance standpoint, by studying the causes of packet delay and loss in a computer network.
- Identifying key architectural principles in networking, including layering and service models.
- Providing a brief history of computer networking.
2. students will learn about the conceptual, the implementation aspects of network application protocols and learn about application protocols and programming network applications by:
- Defining key application-layer concepts, including application-layer protocols, clients and servers, processes, sockets, and transport-layer interfaces.
- Discussing the services that an application needs, and survey the services that are provided by the Internet transport-layer protocols.
- Examining several applications in detail including:
- HTTP and Web apps, by discussing nonpersistent and persistent connections, HTTP message formats, authentication and cookies, and Web caching.
- FTP, which uses both control and data connections.
- Internet e-mail, by covering the protocols SMTP, POP3, IMAP as well as the MIME standard for message formats.
- DNS, which is an application-layer protocol that provides services to other applications.
- P2P file sharing, by covering its principals and some known P2P protocols including Gnutella and Kazaa.
- Introducing application development and socket programming.
3. Students will understand principles behind transport layer services and learn about transport layer protocols in the Internet by:
- Examining the services that the transport layer can provide to network applications.
- Learning that the Internet provides applications a choice of two transport protocols, UDP (User Datagram Protocol) and TCP (Transmission Control Protocol).
- Examining the fundamental principles of reliable data transfer, and studying how a transport layer protocol can provide reliable data transfer even when the underlying network layer is unreliable.
- Learning the fundamental principles of congestion control, which limits the amount of data an application can send into the network so as to prevent network grid lock.
- Studying the TCP transport protocol in depth, and carefully examining how TCP provides reliable data transfer, flow control and congestion control.
4. students will understand the principles behind network layer services, its operation, and a number of important network layer protocols by:
- Investigating how to partition large networks, such as the Internet, into independent administrative domains called Autonomous Systems (ASs).
- Learning that routing is done on two levels--one level for within each of the ASs and another level for among the ASs.
- Examining the underlying principles of routing algorithms for intra-AS routing and inter-AS routing, including link-state routing algorithms, distance-vector routing algorithms and Hierarchical routing.
- Surveying many of the Internet routing protocols for intra-AS and inter-AS routing (RIP, OSPF, BGP).
- Examining the IP protocol in detail, covering IP addressing, IP datagram format, datagram fragmentation, and the ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol).
- Exploring more advanced topics, namely, IPv6, mobility and multicast routing.
5. students will understand the principles behind data link layer services, its operation, and a number of important data link layer protocols by: