The Jacob Sheep Society is a registered Charity No. 1026687
Please make cheques payable to Jacob Sheep Society
and return to: Grassroots Systems Ltd, PO Box 251, Exeter, EX2 8WX
Annual Membership (inc Europe) / £25.00 / Renewable on 1st JanuaryOverseas Membership (outside Europe / £34.50
(sterling only) / payable to: Jacob Sheep Society
Sort code: 30 99 80 Account No. 01034824, Lloyds TSB plc, 32 Commercial Way, Woking, Surrey GU21 1ER. BIC: LOYDGB21061
Joining Fee / £10.00 / IBAN: GB06 LOYD 3099 8001 0348 24
Name: ……………………………………………………… UK Tag Number…………………….
Address: …………………………………………………………………………….…………………
…………………………………………………………………..…… Postcode ……....……………
Telephone :………………………….. Fax: ……………………… Mobile: ……………………...
Email: ………………………………………… Website: …………………………………………..
Under 18’s (Date of Birth): …………………. Flock MV Accredited: Yes /No
Data Protection
I/We are happy for these details to be made available on the web site and to other members.
I/We would like the details made available on the web site and to other members to be
restricted to just: name, business name and region.
Sterling payments by direct debit, paypal / Membership £or cheque; payable to Jacob Sheep Society / Joining Fee £
If accepted as a member, I agree to be bound by the Memorandum & Articles of Association & Byelaws of the Jacob Sheep Society
Signature…………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………..
I hereby apply for the following name or word (not to exceed ten letters) to be registered as the Prefix of my Jacob flock:
PREFIX APPLIED FOR ………………………………………………………….
(not to exceed ten letters)
SECOND CHOICE ………………………………………………………………..
(in case first choice is already in use)
Signed ………………………………………Print Name…………………………………
Instruction to your Bank or Building Society to pay Direct Debits. / OIN NO: 830283 /Please fill in the whole form and send it to The Jacob Sheep Society (JSS)
1. Name and full postal address of your Bank or Building Society Branch / 2. Instruction to your Bank or Building Society. Please pay The Jacob Sheep Society direct debits from the account below, subject to Direct Debit Guarantee safeguardsTo: The Manager / Signature(s)
Postcode / Date
3. Branch sort code 4. Bank or Building Society Account No:
5. Name of Account Holder
N.B. Banks and Building Societies may not accept Direct Debit Instructions from some types of accounts
JSS Membership No:
GIFT AID Please fill in the whole form and send it to The JSS. N.B. This gives the JSS the chance to reclaim the tax you would pay on your subscription, atnoadditional cost to yourself. Once a Gift Aid declaration is in place, there is no need to re-new it periodically, unless your tax situation changes, in which case you need to let us know.
I would like the Jacob Sheep Society to reclaim tax on any donations or membership subscriptions that I make now and in the future. I confirm that I have paid an amount of UK Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax equal to any tax claimable for all Gift Aid declarations I have made.
Full Name:Signature:
JSS Membership No:
If you already have Jacob sheep in your flock, please give details below :
Flock book No. / Ear tag No. / Sex / Date of birth / Sire
Ear tag No. / Dam
Ear tag No. / Breeder
If you would like a copy of the current flock book for £15 please tick here
Please return completed form to :
JSS, Grassroots Systems Ltd, PO Box 251, Exeter, EX2 8WX