Plockton Small Boat Sailing Club
Minutes of the General Committee –19th April 2013
Venue: PSBSC Boat shed
Present: Maggie Byrne (MB (Chair)), Tristan Southall (TS), Alison French (AF), John Leiper ( JL), Douglas Hamilton (DH), Morag Amos (MA), Colin McAndrew (CM), Ian Hay (IH), Gus Loudon (GL), Sandra Byrne (SB), Alasdair MacKenzie (AM), Malcolm MacKenzie (MM), Martin Clarke (MC).
1Apologies: Alexander MacKenzie, Stanley Macrae, Dave McGhie, Bob Rowe
2Minutes of meeting 1st March were adopted - proposed by AM and seconded by JL
DH proposed slight amendment to change reference to ‘small’ profit from social events to ‘good’ profit.Action: TS.
3Matters arising:
Starters Canon –AM has had contact with West Highland Week and reported on a cartridge system used for generating the canon sound, although, unclear whether licence needed. CM asked if this was similar to a crow scarer and thought a licence would not be required. AM to follow up. DH noted in discussion of using the canon for the rowing race (see later) that he was unsure whether the commodore had managed to get ammunition for the cannon. Commodore to follow up on licence and purchase of ammunition.
Ceithrir Bhalaich: Bob Rowe had cleaned the boat and DH had e-mailed Am Bata about collecting boat. It was noted that the boat has now gone from the car park – so Am Bata have collected it.
New Treasurer:DH has had a meeting with MC and passed on a lot of information about being treasurer. TS has also now included MC in e-mails relating to club business and general committee meetings.
New Waterside facilities –TS reported that working group (with the Plockton Harbour CIC) has not met since the last meeting – but this is planned. TS confirmed to IH and DH that the group had the old documents about a proposed slipway.
4Updates from sub-committees:
(a) Boatshed & Maintenance
JL has bought some roofing felt to repair the starters hut and will carry this out.
(b) Club nights
AF: No meeting since the last general committee, but a meeting is planned soon. Some club night preparation last week in spite of poor weather including replacing toe straps on the Toppers. More club night preparation will take place on Saturday 20th April to rig the Fevas and RS Vision. The first club night begins on 23rd April.
JL: Kally has contacted 6 volunteers (all parents of juniors) to do shore duty for club nights and will provide some training for the role.
Junior Forum: AF reported that the youth forum had generated a good turnout and showed that there was a lot of positive feedback for the way junior activies were being run, and a lot of enthusiasm for the coming season. The component parts (training, racing, club nights) of youth forum have been written up – but need pulling together into a single document to be circulated to committee. Juniors (and parents) were generally happy with proposed changes to club nights (split weeks). (TS it was agreed after the meeting to reduce the number of junior races from 8 to 6 and replacing the 2 lost weeks with race training and a sail away).AF to pull junior forum comments together into a single document.
Club Boats: AF reported that one of the comments often raised in the youth forum related to the state of the club’s fleet of Toppers. In particular a number of juniors expressed need for boats to be upgraded (sails, toe straps, self-bailers, rigging). JL reported that toe straps have now been sorted. AF proposed that self bailers be re-installed where these have been blanked off. JL pointed out that they were only blanked off once the old self bailers were broken and that self bailers were rarely effective at the speed the Toppers were sailed and often created problems when knocked, causing boats to leak. TS stated that when competing against other clubs, juniors seem demoralised by the better equipment on their competitiors boats (from other clubs). IH stated whilst he understood how self bailers could be a nuisance for training, better / older junior sailors, sailing in fresher conditions could benefit from having self bailers. It was agreed the club would purchase and fit 3 self bailers.
(c) Handicap: CM noted that everything in place for the 2013 season.
(d)Racing & sailing:
MB reported on some key changes to sailing directions agreed by R&S and already circulated to all general committee members by email. These include the removal of the reefing rule in line with earlier committee discussions (in relation to health and safety) about clarifying that the responsibility should always rest with the skipper. Appendix A has now been changed to include a 10% penalty for local boat capsizes in subsequent races. The changes were endorsed by committee.
MB also reported changes to fishing competition. The engine size limit has been removed and number of lines permitted increased to 5. A requirement for indemnity & signing in has also been added.CM explained the reason for the removal of engine size limits was to encourage participation in a good community event (for example, a lot of cuddy boats were ineligible under the old rules). IH questioned whether bigger engine boats would be favoured.AM highlighted need to publicize changes to fishing competition rules.
MA asked whether those participating in fishing competition should be members of club. GLthought that the skipper should be. TS pointed out that £5 per boat is standard for visitors in the clubs other races so could apply to fishing competition.
Decision: Committee endorsed proposed change to fishing competition rules but agreed that all non-members must pay £5 per boat to participate. MB to promote changes before regatta.
TS: Stated that race indemnity forms currently on the website are not the most up to date. Some changes were made to these last year. If TS is given the latest version, these can be put on-line. CM suggested that the indemnity form should state that the club takes no responsibility for boats stored at the green shed. MB to identify latest version of indemnity / race indemnity forms, make change and pass to TS to post on-line.
(e) Rescue boat:
GL reported that there had been some difficulty in contacting and scheduling Doug Walker but Doug has now fixed a large hole in the tubes (from last season) and will complete engine checks when the boat is floated next week. TS noted Doug had said that overall boat seemed in OK condition and also highlighted manual cold start mechanism, which may be helpful.
(f) Social:
SB reported on preparations for the Lochalsh Coastal Row: Indemnity forms etc have been circulated and so far some 8 teams are anticipating to participate along with a boat from Ullapool. RNLI and Kyle Football team are putting in a team. Kinlochshiel Shinty team are also hoping to put in a team but can’t be guaranteed that they won’t have a game. AM suggested that a Portree boat may also enter. SB still need to match boats with crews. TS reminded that original idea was to invite Lochcarron and Portree Sailing Clubs to participate and raise funds for their own clubs. MB to ask Fionnlagh if this has been done.
Michelle Baron will do breakfast at the Clachan Bar in Dornie on the morning of the row. It is still unclear how to get boats over to Dornie. It has been suggested that Alistair Bremner be invited to start race. A BBQ and bar is arranged for the finish (DH has arranged licence) and music also being arranged. There are a number of rescue boats (GL on Sheepdog, Doug Walker on his rib, Colin from Clachan Bar, RNLI may be in attendance). SB suggested need for committee boat – in case of retirees. Johnda Byrne will take fishing boat and Jimmy Ferguson will take his yacht. It was agreed to ask Stan Macrae if he would be willing to coordinate the rescue boats on the day.CM pointed out importance of coordination of rescue boats – out front, at the back, correct radio procedure –and the need a safety plan.
MM suggested need to make contact David Win at the castle about row.An OoD and timekeeper (even though not a race) are required although there are no volunteers yet. It was proposed to ask Kathleen and Ann Mackenzie to act as timekeepers. IH questioned whether there was an exit strategy – such as points where crews could drop out orcut off times. AF proposed that Kyle would be a sensible point to get out. SB noted that the rules state that the committee to decide. It was proposed that cancellation would not be before 24 hours, but could be on the morning of the race, but that every effort be made to limit inconvenience if cancellation likely.
MB reiterated that the focus should be on raising money. Although other clubs are raising for themselves, PSBSC teams should be encouraged to raise money for club. Sponsorship forms are therefore important to circulate ASAP.
TS noted need for a parental consent form if using juniors as cox. Discussion moved onto whether it would be better to have an adult helm. AM pointed out that potential for problems with juniors in case of bad weather. Decision: change minimum age for cox to 12 and require a parental consent form to also be signed by skipper.
CM asked if there is there a course, in particular for going under the Skye bridge noting that if cutting under the causeway rescue boat needs to be aware of where rocks are. AF asked if we are providing charts – this is not proposed. MM noted that although we are organizing and running the event – the emphasis must be on skipper responsibility.
Action: Commodore / SB (and row organising committee)to develop safety plan (including rescue boat coordination and exit strategy) / parental consent forms / change age of cox in rules / provide news item to TS for club website / confirm rescue boats / arrange brief for rescue boat skippers for the night before / circulate sponsorship forms.
GL reminded that Alan Pearson (Plockton Hotel) has 2 trophies for fastest rower and most money raised that are available to be used.
On other Social sub committee points:
DH: Reported that overall club finances are looking good. Reminded that Awards for All Applications failed but he has since followed up on leads from Jane Cambell Morrison from RYA Scotland. Some came back unsuccessfully but Coop community awards still pending. Douglas has also sent out sponsorship to various local business. Some have responded negatively but Caley Marine took £800 off their earlier quote for an outboard. DH said that this could potentially be doubled via Sports Match, if we can get confirmation that this is indeed sponsorship.
AF talked to Kyleakin Connections who provided some ideas for fund raising.CM noted the plethora of potential funding, suggesting need for a winter project to strategically review these. GL has talked to HIE representative who suggested that they would be interested in contributing and supporting these type of community initiatives.TS pointed out that commodore’s forward contains reference to outboard – so it should be made easy for people to contribute – and be made aware that we are fund raising.
DH decided not move club bank account, due to convenience of banking in Kyle and lack of charges, even though there maybe less options.
GL: really would like to organize a 24hr endurance sail – would be great for Junior sponsorship. MM agreed that this was a good idea. GL and MM to lead on organisation.
(g) Training
Training dates have been included in the handbook. Trying to organize race coaches course via RYA Scotland, although some difficulty with dates.
5 Communications:
TS pointed out need for e-mail to all members as lots to update membership on and best to consolidate into a single e-mail. TS will draft e-mail to all and circulate to committee for comment.
CM: Spanglefish has been upgraded. Website has been upgraded and documents updated and pages added for introduction, Plockton Local Boat, Club History. At some point suggest that club pay Plexus Media for their designers to do Platinum service. MC: If not much traffic through website, may not be best use of club funds to spend on website, so important to look at statisitcs. IH: Suggested need for website to include future dates as some other clubs had incorrectly guessed the date of this years regatta.
Timekeepers: Committee approved printer purchase for timekeepers. TS to include e-mail request for timekeeper volunteers.
AF: Handbook ready for start of season – and can be used to support push for early subscriptions. DH discussed with bank to do standing orders (easier than Direct Debit).
7. Date of next meeting: It was agreed another meeting is required before the row: 17th May 7pm.
Meeting closed : 20.40
PSBSC General Committee Minute 19th April 2013