Summary Report from Stated Session Meeting of

North Raleigh Presbyterian Church

March 25, 2018

The Session met in a stated meeting with Rev. Hebacker as the moderator. A quorum was present. The minutes from two previous meetings were approved.

Keith Boyd gave the Treasurer’s Report, sharing that our day operating cash on hand is 244, and that the income is under budget while expenses are over budget.

Rev. Hebacker asked for volunteers to read at the Maundy Thursday service. Rev. Hebacker brought up discussion on changing the schedule for electing leaders at NRPC. Session had a lengthy discussion on this topic resulting in a motion to officially change the length of service to a term of three years and three months, that will begin in September and end in December, ensuring an overlap in leadership moving forward. Discussion about Brandon Melton’s anticipated ordination led to the creation of a Staff Assessment Task Force, which Rev. Hebacker and the Clerk will assemble.

Brandon reported that Dee Glazer gave notice and has left NRPC. He is assessing the current job description for that role, updating the guidelines for nursery volunteers, and is ensuring the nursery is furnished well with equipment. Brandon discussed his revisions to the Safeguarding our Children/Youth Policy in detail with Session.The C.E. Team has agreed with the edits to the Policy. It will now be turned over to Risk Management for them to consider it. Rev. Hebacker thanked Brandon for his hard work on this Policy.

The Clerk asked for an elder to attend the next Diaconate meeting to represent the Session. She reported on an email vote for a baptism that occurred between Stated meetings. Last, she updated session on membership numbers.

Motions passed included baptism approvals, the current Clerk to serve another year in the role, that communion be served at the Easter Vigil, and that shelving be purchased from the Yard Sale proceeds for storage.

From the Ministry Area Reports:

  • Worship Committee- Holy Week schedule was reported and the additional dates for outdoor worship for 2018 were set. The old hymnals will be given away to members and then donated.
  • Christian Education – They are assessing what the current Sunday School class attendance is and where each class meets and are considering changes. VBS planning has started. Children’s Summer Sunday school class leadership is being sought by Brandon.
  • Fellowship- The crockpot potluck was a success. They highlighted upcoming events to include: Easter Breakfast on April 1, Youth Sunday reception on April 22, Church Picnic on June 3
  • Diaconate-Lucie Boyd reported that they assessed how they are fulfilling the mission of their body and how effective the Deacon coffee was.
  • Outreach- The team reported that they are currently running a food collection, a clothing drive for the Nutbush community is upcoming, a member of the team is checking out the Farm Church, and a training session for DTM service is planned.
  • Stewardship- Sandy reported that her team consists of Tom Taylor, Melissa Taylor, and Roger Askew. They will continue with the same program this year. Nov. 11 will be Consecration Sunday.
  • Member Engagement- The team set their goals for the year. They include a published directory of service opportunities, teaming with the Diaconate to better engage members, work with stewardship on revamping the Time and Talent, and partnering with CE on Rally Day to reengage members.
  • HR- A new church admin. asst. was hired and has started. They are seeking more members for their team.
  • Buildings and Grounds- The sign lighting is complete and awaiting final City approval. A spring refresh the grounds day is planned. Wi-Fi and IT issues for staff and the sanctuary are being considered. They will seek price quotes for replacing the flooring in the FMB.
  • Finance- They brought forth a conversation that continuing to pay rent on the trailers does not seem financially responsible. A Space Needs Assessment team will be created to consider whether we should keep renting, buy, or some other option.

Other Business:

  • Rev. Hebacker initiated conversation about the regular worship service and sought leadership from Session on whether it is meeting the needs/desires of the membership, if it includes a good balance of elements, if there is enough music, if there is enough silence, and if it is the right length of time. Overall, Session enthusiastically supports how Rev. Hebacker has been conducting service since her arrival. There needs to be flexibility in the worship service to meet the needs of each Sunday, of conducting the sacraments, and in incorporating occasional change. Session felt that the inclusion of new songs and new ideas is important to keeping the service fresh and relevant. Session concluded that while approximately an hour is the right length of worship at NRPC, anything from 50-70 minutes on a regular basis is the target for timing.
  • Kristen Stowe presented the results from the Security Task Force team and asked for guidance on how Session would like them to proceed. Session recommended that the Task Force take their suggestions to the next level and hold meetings with specific teams and ministries to prioritize items and create a work plan from the recommendations. Rev. Hebacker thanked the Task Force for their dedicated efforts, time, and prayerful consideration on this topic.

Report submitted for publication on the NRPC Website by the Clerk of the Session. Please email the clerk at for further information regarding this meeting.