Lochmaben Action Group, Wednesday 25th. May, 7.30pm. in Portacabin

Present- Doreen Davidson---Mary Carmichael---JimDavidson---EleanorKennedy---Alec Smith---MadihaGemi---Helen Middleton---Stephen Thompson

Minutes of last meeting- Proposed by Eleanor andseconded by Mary

Matters arising- none

Treasurers report- As attached

Fun-day and Tai-chi- The fun-day is still popular andwill carry on during the summer months.Tai-chi numbers vary and will decide if going on atholiday period.

Correspondence- None

Lunch club- We continue to meet every Thursday, andthe bus has been booked for our outing to Castle Douglaswith High Tea at the Douglas Arms Hotel.We still need more volunteers to cover holidays etc.

Eleanor Kennedy

Friendship group- The speakers on Wednesday 4th.May were John White and Alan Siddaway from Dum.and Gall. over50’s group. the aim of the group is topromote friendship amongst older people, and to raiseawareness of the issues and needs of older people, andlobbies for better representation in the planning of localservices.

This was followed by our A.G.M., minutes of the lastA.G.M. were read out and approved, president andtreasurers reports were given. Votes were the newcommittee were counted by Helen Middleton and BrianAspland, and a committee meeting was held on 11th.

May to arrange the new syllabus.

We now look forward to our annual outing on 8th. June to Dumfries House Cumnock.

Mary Ross(president)

Friends of the hospital- As attached

Councillors report- An extension of the outsidehandrail down near the pavement to be done.We were told that the proposed flashing light crossingpoint on the main road might be a while to get set up.The Dumfries to Glasgow X74 bus now passes throughLochmaben.

Health and Safety- The gate padlock is not lockingproperly, will need oiling.

The clerk of works is still trying to get us a longerkitchen sink tap.

Any other comp. business- We have had a kitchen-unitsupplier out to take measurements for a new unit in theportacabin, and he will lay out what he has that would besuitable in his workshop, a few of the committee can goand visit to make a decision.

Date of next meeting- Wednesday 29th. June at7.30pm. in portacabin.

Helen Middleton (sect.)

Extra meeting on Tuesday 7th. June

Present- Jim Doreen Mary Eleanor Jenny Helen

Subject- New kitchen units for PortacabinA few of the above members viewed the units offered to

us at the suppliers workshop and were happy to havethem put into the kitchen, we were given plans and

layout to take back and copies given out to the rest of thecommittee.

Helen to get in touch with council with regards to theplumbing and electrical issues

Also we have three grant forms to try and get financialhelp to cover most of the costs.Eleanor to ask the

supplier if a deposit is needed to hold the units tillneeded.

Helen will enquire if we need more than one estimate toconform to the grant rules, also will help be offered to uswhen filling the form in, and can we apply to more thanone committee.

Hopefully some of these queries can be answered at ournext meeting on 29th. June.

Helen Middleton.