October Minutes for the Executive Committee Meeting of Richland Section of the ACS.

Meeting: 6:00 PM on Tuesday, October 5th, 2006 at West 134A (1st floor NW Corner Richland, WA.

Attendees: Absent

WD Samuels Tom Jones

Sam Bryan Bruce McNamara

Dick Hermens Karen Grant

Jeff Woodford

Therese Clauss

Anna Cavinato Janet Bryant

Kati Denslow Tim Hubler

Dick Wester Lee Burger

Steve Krogsrud

Old Business

1) Treasure – Sam (brought us up to the end of September; will be checking on what has been accruing in the ACS Investment pool)

2) NCW – Katye Denslow

i) Filled us in on the eight items in store for NCW activities

3) Minutes – Bruce (no show)

4) Norm07 – Tim (no show)

a. September 23rd Planning meeting - Tim

b. Funding – Dick Hermens

i) Local section grant funded by ACS for $3000 to pay for OR, ID, WA CC students at the meeting

ii) EOU Foundation will add $1000 to that effort

iii)U of I EPSCoR (sp) will also add $2500

iv) Letter of Support form Education Division receive, no money

v) Dick and Tim on a telephone call to Micron (10/6/06) they may be willing to fund HS teaches registration, $50/day and help with getting class time for teachers

vi)) tour of Micron facility to be discussed, but may require 1-month advanced signup

vii) Dick offered to send me off copies of NORM07 planning minutes and the time line.

c. Funding – Anna C

i) Kati Hunt may/will speak on Safety with Chemicals

ii) Likely our keynote speaker

iii) offered $1000

d). Sam and Bill met with Dr. Jean Frutell about PNNL funding Symposia’s

at the meeting. He was discouraging, but suggest we talk to Dave Kopenall. I ran into him at a seminar on the 5th and he explained that DOE headquarters dropped another edict in late August or Early September that DOE was not going to allow national labs to fund national societies meetings. Requests have to come through DOE itself. Dave is going to find out who at DOE to contact and who at Battelle corporate we should contact

5) National Meeting

a. ChemLuminary – Anna

i) Won Women in Chemical Sciences – Danced till Dawn and will send Steve pictures.

b.  Councilors Meeting – Dick

  1. No Snake River Section proposal submitted
  2. not a lot to report except a Wunderbar slide show !!!

c. Posters – Jeff

i) one EOU poster that was funded by the section last year was not given; money will be held and added back for 2007 grants

ii) will be sending out a call for student poster/presentation funding to all chem department in our sections area in the next few days

6) Dr. Zoller Talk – Jeff

160 attendees, Bill Anna and Jeff had a brain hemorrhage and did not get photos

7) Dr. Fisher – Bill

a) On for October 25th at battle aud. At 7:00pm, dinner at 5:00pm

b) Students wishing to talk about careers in food chemistry with Dr Fisher need to let Bill know to set up a time that afternoon with Dr. Fisher

8) Mailing list Status – Therese (out of town with an emergency)

9) Fall Newsletter

a. Need input to Steve by the 20th of the Month

10)  Other Old Business

  1. none

New Business

1) Student Posters 2007 – Jeff above

2) 2007 Talks Status – Jeff

a) Five tours were proposed, but one tour had only one stop – US (Matthew on November 13th) – decision was made not to keep it.

b) Jeff was going to send out the list of the talks and dates for the four we kept to the board.

3) Election of New officers –

a. Alternate Councilor Tim H. not running, but Abba C will

b. Chair Elect

Steve had tow ideas to contact; David M. Merrill and Heather Anastos

Bill will call this weekend

c. Secretary - Bruce McNamara was suggested and I hope he will do it because it a %@^%$@% to record and type up minutes!!!!

d. Treasure - Sam will if no one else.

4) Next Meeting November 9th

5) It was suggested that our meeting in December be before the party on December 7th)

6) Other New Business none and adjourned.