


A grievance within the scope of this policy may relate to any condition arising out of the contractual agreement, which may include working hours, working conditions, or the interpretation of any policy or regulation concerning classified and exempt staff of Big Bend Community College.


Any employee who believes that s/he has been aggrieved may personally seek relief from that condition by filing a grievance regardless of any supervisor’s opinion of the complaints validity. In the presentation of the grievance, the employee shall be safe from restraint, interference, discrimination or reprisal.


If the grievance involves the dismissal, suspension, reduction in salary or demotion of a permanent classified staff member, the college will follow the provisions of WAC 357-40 of the Department of Personnel (DOP) rules. All permanent classified and exempt staff will be given the opportunity for a pre-disciplinary meeting with the Appointing Authority or designee prior to implementation of recommended personnel actions named above. .


A formal written grievance shall include, as a minimum, the following information:

A.The nature of the incident or situation that is the basis of the grievance. (What happened?)

B.The time, date, and place that the incident occurred.

C.Who was involved? The names of witnesses, if any.

D.What effect did the incident/situation have on the employee?

E.What adjustment is required to resolve this matter?

F.A statement acknowledging that the grievant has complied with the provisions outlined in 4200.5 C below requiring that the employee attempt to discuss the issue with his/her immediate supervisor prior to filing a written grievance.


A. Grievances shall be processed as rapidly as possible. Time limits imposed by procedures may be extended by mutual agreement of the parties involved. To the extent that time limits are expressed in days, the days shall consist of calendar days, unless otherwise specified.

B.An aggrieved employee shall initiate his/her grievance within fifteen (15) days of the effective date of the action or condition the employee is seeking relief from, or within fifteen (15) days of the time within which the employee became aware, or should have become aware, of the action or condition the employee is seeking relief from.

C.Before filing a formal written grievance, the aggrieved employee shall attempt to discuss the matter with his/her immediate supervisor. If the oral discussion fails to resolve the problem, the employee may initiate the formal grievance procedure, by filing a written grievance. This written grievance including all information outlined in 4200.6 will normally be submitted to the employee's immediate supervisor. However, if the grievance is against the immediate supervisor, then the employee should submit the grievance to the next appropriate person in the chain of command, normally a vice president/dean. A copy must be submitted to the personnel office. Within ten (10) days the supervisor shall furnish the employee with a written response and send a copy of the response to the personnel office. If the employee is not satisfied with the response or if he/she does not receive a response within ten (10) days, the employee may then submit the grievance, including a statement identifying the elements of the grievance, which have not been equitably resolved, to the next appropriate person in the chain of command, normally a Vice President/Dean. A copy must be sent to the personnel office.

D.Within ten (10) days after receiving the grievance and after meeting with all parties involved, the administrator shall submit a decision in writing to the employee and personnel director. If the written reply is unsatisfactory to the employee, the employee may, within five (5) days, submit the grievance, including a statement identifying the elements of the grievance which have not been equitably resolved to the College President. A copy must be sent to the personnel office.

E.Within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the grievance, the President shall submit a decision to the employee in writing, with copies sent to the supervisor, administrator and Director of Human Resource Services. The decision of the President shall be final.

For grievances covered by DOP rules and regulations for classified employees, those employees may pursue their appeal rights, in addition to or in lieu of this process. Those appeal rights can be found at WAC 357-49 or WAC 357-52.: However, classified employees wishing to pursue appropriate appeal rights pursuant to DOP rules should keep in mind that DOP time frames for filing appeals are not suspended during this grievance process.


Revised 4/08Communications/Grievance Procedure for Classified & Exempt Staff
