Title /Task/Activity/Equipment/Workplace / Location / Premises/Site / RevisionDriving at Work / Public Highway / R2
RA Ref. No / Date / Review Date / Assessed by / Approved by Manager
Who might be harmed? / Employees Contractors Public * Maintenance Other (specify) *(Road Users include pedestrians & drivers)
The assessor must consider when assessing private or Council vehicles the following: (delete as appropriate)
Yes/No/NA / Yes/No/NA
- Procedures for reporting faulty or defective equipment (if applicable)?
- The use of a formal/informal checklist to assess vehicle safety?
Yes /
- Insurance (private -business), road tax / PSV / MOT for vehicle (if applicable)
- Regular maintenance of vehicle by a competent mechanic
Hazards / Risk / Existing Controls / Initial Risk / Additional Controls / Residual Risk
(1-5) / L
(1-5) / RL / S
(1-5) / L
(1-5) / RL
1.Un-roadworthy private vehiclemay result in collision & serious injury/ fatality with driver / other road users /
- The driver must have a valid MOT, Business Insurance & Licence
- The vehicle must be maintained by the driver as per manufactures instructions. Do not put yourself in danger
- The Driver to complete Council’s annual Driver Audit
- The driver to carryout a regular visual inspection of vehicle
- The driver to monitor & review regularly the road worthiness of their vehicle, including cleaning
- Do not drive an unsafe or defective vehicle
- Driver to continue to monitor & review
2.Un-roadworthy Council vehicle may result in collision & serious injury / fatality with driver / other road users /
- Maintenance schedule for vehicle
- The driver to complete a daily vehicle checks & report any defects to line manager. Do not put yourself in danger
- Driver & Manager to monitor roadworthiness of vehicles
- Driver must have relevant Driving Licence & where applicable maintain CPC training.
- Council will organise relevant docs - tax, PSV, insurance, etc.
- Driver to continue to monitor & review
Hazards / Risk / Existing Controls / Initial Risk / Additional Controls / Residual Risk
(1-5) / L
(1-5) / RL / S
(1-5) / L
(1-5) / RL
3. Distractions – mobile phone, etc while driving may result in collision & serious injury / fatality /
- Drivers are NOT to use mobile phone including ‘hands free’ or two way radios, when driving as per mobile policy
- If it is safe to do so then pull over, stop & take the call
- Driver to avoid distractions such as eating, excessive talking, etc
- The driver to continual dynamic risk assess driving environment
- Driver to complete Driver Safety Awareness Training
4. Excess Speed may result in collision; fatality or serious injury to driver / other road users /
- The driver must drive at a speed which is safe for the driving conditions & keep within the national speed limits
- Adhere to the Highway Code & Driver Handbook
- Allow sufficient time to undertake journey
- Driver to monitorreview their speed
- Driver to complete Driver Safety Awareness Training
5.Adverse weather conditions may result in collision & serious injury / fatality with driver / other road users /
- Reduce speed as per weather conditions & maintain safe breaking distance from the vehicle in front. Carry mobile phone
- Drive with due care & attention no sudden movements
- Use dipped headlights / fog lights where appropriate
- Use wipers, demist, de-icer, to ensure clear visibility
- Use appropriate clothing / footwear to reflect weather
- Monitor & Review weather conditions – check with met office –
6.Driver Fatiguemay result in collision & serious injury / fatality with driver / other road users /
- Driver to stop for breaks at least every 2 hours & share driving where possible on long journeys.
- LGV to comply with tachograph requirements if applicable
- Avoid medication which may induce tiredness & follow Doctor instructions
- Driver to prepare for long journeys & carry identification
- Driver to monitor & review fatigue & know when to stop & rest
7.Aggression, violence or road rage from other drivermay result in collision, violence & serious injury to the driver / passenger /
- Avoid confrontational situations, where possible.
- Always carry a mobile phone
- If threatened with violence drivers should:
- Stay in car, lock doors, ignore intimidation
- Telephone the police 999
- Put on headlights, hazards lights & sound the alarm
- Be prepared to shield from broken glass (coat, etc.)
- Note & write down offenders vehicle type registration
- If driving pull over & allow the offender to overtake
- Comply with Driver Handbook, be patientcourteous
- Monitor & Review situation, do not get out of the car, open door or windows
- Staff who work alone to complete conflict management awareness training
Hazards / Risk / Existing Controls / Initial Risk / Additional Controls / Residual Risk
S (1-5) / L
(1-5) / RL / S
(1-5) / L
(1-5) / RL
8.Road Works / Temporary Surfaces may result in collision & serious injury or penalty points/fines /
- Driver to observe traffic speed limits & proceed with caution
- Be vigilant for roadside operatives
- If directed into a dangerous situation due to faulty controls use hazard lights
- Driver to Monitor & Review environment by undertaking a dynamic risk assessment.
9.Reversing Vehicles result in collision & serious injury / fatality or damage to vehicle /
- In confine space or poor visibility use passenger to act as lookout or banksman. If alone stop & check yourself
- Ensure reversing lights & mirrors are maintained
- Safety devices on vans, lorries such as 360 camera, reversing beacon/alarm are maintained
- If visual is lost with banksman / passenger, stop immediately.
- On-going dynamic risk assessment by driver
10.Not wearing a seat belt may result in serious injury / fatality for driver / passengers or penalty points/fines /
- The driver or passenger must wear a seat belt where provided in accordance with the Driver HandbookHighway Code
- Line Manager to monitor wearing of seat belt
11. Driving under the influence of alcohol may result in a collision & serious injury or fatality for all road users. penalty pointsfines to driver /
- Prohibition on consumption of alcohol at any time– Do Not Drink & Drive
- Avoid heavy drink the night before & driving for Council early the next day as alcohol will remain in the blood system and affect your response times.
- The driver under the influence of alcohol must not drive a Council vehicle & inform his Line Manager immediately
- Management to monitor & review driver to ensure they do not Drink & Drive
12.Dangerous Driving & not observing the Highway Code - collision & serious injury or fatality to road users or fines to driver /
- Drivers must observe & obey all the requirements of the Highway Code, Driver Handbook & Road Traffic Act
- LGV monitored using software / GPS tracker system
- Management to monitor & review driver driving behaviour
- On-going dynamic risk assessment by driver
13.Driving Excessive Daily Hrs may result in fatigue, collision & serious injury / fatality to driver & other road users, etc. /
- Drivers should avoid driving excessive hours, consider shared driving or overnight stay, etc
- Drivers of LGV must keep within the required hours
- Managers should comply with the Working Time Directive
- Driver to Monitor & Review hours of driving & must not exceed the maximum driving hours
Hazards / Risk / Existing Controls / Initial Risk / Additional Controls / Residual Risk
S (1-5) / L
(1-5) / RL / S
(1-5) / L
(1-5) / RL
14.Breakdown by Road side may result in collision & serious injury / fatality – driver & passenger /
- Regular servicing / maintenance of vehicle
- Council owned vehicle roadside assistance contract in place. Private drivers to consider own arrangements
- Comply with Driver Handbook, if possible find a safe area to park and using your mobile call for assistance
- If you remain on the road put on the hazard & headlights, secure the car & find a safe area to stand until assistance arrives
- On-going dynamic risk assessment by driver & taking decisive, immediate action to avoid DANGER
15.Overloading Vehicle may result in collision & serious injury / fatality – driver, other road users /
- Driver should be familiar with vehicle gross / net weight & should not exceed manufactures limits
- The Driver must comply with the Highway Code, Traffic Act & Driver Handbook regarding weights
- Driver to Monitor & Review load weight is in keeping with vehicle specifications, use weighbridge if available
16.Unsecure / unbalanced Loads may result in lost of load & create a collision & serious injury to road users. Penalty points/fines /
- All vehicles must be loaded / unloaded as per vehicle manufacture instructions
- Even distribution of weight & correct positioning of materials to comply with legal obligations
- Secure load with straps / ratchet as required
- Driver to Monitor & Review the load is secure / balanced
17.Manual Handling / Poor Posture may result in MSD – back pain, etc. to driver / passengers /
- Adhere to manual handling technique
- Ensure good posture when driving
- Take regular postural breaks – stop & stretch / walk
- If necessary consider supportive devices e.g. lumber role
- Driver to Monitor & Review good posture & manual handling technique
18.Changing a wheel may result in crushing, nips, to hand, backpain, etc. to driver / assistant /
- Park off road on hard standing, level ground
- Operate jack as per manufactures instructions, Do Not put any part of your body under the vehicle (Danger Zone)
- Always be aware of your environment, avoid trip hazards
- Brace yourself when loosening the wheel nuts
- Adhere to manual handling technique
- On-going dynamic risk assessment by driver
19.Smoking distraction & passive smoking to driver / passengers /
- Smoking is prohibited in Council & private vehicles on business with colleagues present.
- Smoking is a distraction while driving & should be avoided
- Driver to Monitor & Review smoking in keeping with Driver Handbook
Hazards / Risk / Existing Controls / Initial Risk / Additional Controls / Residual Risk
S (1-5) / L
(1-5) / RL / S
(1-5) / L
(1-5) / RL
20.Refuelling allergic reaction, skin dermatitis, risk of fire to driver or assistant /
- Use of a public petrol station – normal procedures apply as displayed
- PPE – gloves for refuelling especially diesel, observe skin for signs / symptoms of dermatitis
- Avoid smoking, or use of mobile phone when refuelling
- Wash fuel if in contact with skin / remove contaminated clothing as soon as practical
- Driver to Monitor & Review refuelling precautions are adequate
21.Fire – burns asphyxiation to driver / passengers /
- Avoid ignition sources, do not smoke or modify electrical system
- Fire extinguishers to be carried in Council vehicles & encouraged in private vehicles
- Driver to ensure fire extinguisher inspected annually
- Only fight a fire if it is safe to do so, other wise get out and away from the vehicle being mindful of other road users
- Driver to monitor & review fire arrangements are adequate
Method Statement:
- Driver to ensure their vehicle is roadworthy prior to driving such as tyres, lights / indicators working, available windscreen wash, brakes in good working order, clear visibility, etc.
- All drivers to MUST complete the annual Driver Audit and ensure appropriate documentation isin place and current (driver licence, insurance, MOT, tax, have read the Mobile Policy, Driver Handbook, etc.). All drivers to complete Driver Safety Awareness Training every three years.
- Driver of Council vehicles must undertake a daily checklist. DO NOT DRIVE A FAULTY VEHICLE
- Driver to drive depending on weather or road conditions, with due care and attention and be courteous to all road users
- Inform you Manager if you are unfit to drive due to a medical condition, medication or under the influence of alcohol / drugs
- Your vehicle must be regularly maintained as per manufactures instructions; this includes the cleaning of vehicle.
- Avoid distractions and comply with Council mobile phone policy
Assessed by / Date / Review date
Assessed by / Date / Review date
Assessed by / Date / Review date
A Risk Assessment is a careful examination of anything in your workplace that could cause people injury or ill health. A hazard is anything that has the potential to cause harm. Risk is the likelihood of a hazardous event occurring and the severity of the event. Likelihood (1-5) is a measure of the chance that the hazardous event will occur. Severity(1-5) is the outcome of the hazardous event. The Risk Level is determined by multiplying the numerical value for likelihood and severity. Issued 01.08.2014 by CCGDC - HSU
All staff to sign they have read, understand and will implement the Driver Risk Assessment preventative measures as required.
No / Signature / Date / No / Signature / DateIssued 01.04.2015 by HSU revised 07.03.16 R2 Think Safe, Drive Safe, Be Safe Page 1 of 7
Item / Action required / ByWhom / When / Done
Issued 01.04.2015 by HSU revised 07.03.16 R2 Think Safe, Drive Safe, Be Safe Page 1 of 7