SUNDAY, May 4th X THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER. [The Martyrs of England and Wales]
7:30 a.m. - Frank & Cecile Verkaik, departed. Acts 2:14, 22-33
9:00 a.m. - People of the Parish. 1 Peter 1:17-21
11:00 a.m. - Carole Aiken Kirkpatrick, departed. St. Luke 24:13-35
6:00 p.m. - Intentions of Lucille Garcia.
Mon., May 5th X Easter Weekday. …………………………………………………………..7:00 a.m. - Louis Doehne, departed. Acts 6:8-15 / St. John 6:22-29
9:20 a.m. - Intentions of Claudia Phillips.
Tues., May 6th X Easter Weekday. ………………………………………………………….7:00 a.m. - Intentions of Alice Marie Rosa. Acts 7:51—8:1a / St. John 6:30-35
9:20 a.m. - In Thanksgiving for Emmett Brady.
Wed., May 7thX Easter Weekday. …………………………………………………………..7:00 a.m. - Raymond Skeens, departed. Acts 8:1b-8 / St. John 6:35-40
9:20 a.m. - Intentions of Mia Grace Nelson.
Thurs., May 8th X Easter Weekday. ……………………………………………………….7:00 a.m. - Joe Aguilar, departed. Acts 8:26-40 / St. John 6:44-51
9:20 a.m. - James Roy Oberman, departed.
Fri., May 9thX Easter Weekday. ……………………………………………………………..7:00 a.m. - Raymond Skeens, departed. Acts 9:1-20 / St. John 6:52-59
9:20 a.m. - Intentions of Maria Kennedy.
Sat., May 10th X Saint Damien Joseph de Veuster of Molokai’i, Hawai’i, Priest & Missionary, 1889.
10:00 a.m. - Holy Souls in Purgatory. Acts 9:31-42 / St. John 6:60-69
SUNDAY, May 11th X FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER. 7:30 a.m. - Wilson LaGraize, departed. Acts 2:14a, 36-41
9:00 a.m. - In Thanksgiving for Audrey Correa. 1 Peter 2:20b-25
11:00 a.m. - People of the Parish. St. John 10:1-10
6:00 p.m. - George Miller, departed.
WE WELCOME EVERYONE who is visiting the parish today, and invite you to register online and make the parish your spiritual home. Register at
Child Care is available today (Sunday) for the 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. Masses in the Pre-K room of the school building. Please use this free service (or the cry rooms) if your child cannot appreciate the solemnity of the Mass. Fellow worshippers appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: We are still in need of adorers who will commit to an hour while the Blessed Sacrament is exposed. The hours most in need of an additional adorer are Friday at 7pm & Sunday at 1am. Won’t you please help us cover these hours so that we can continue adoration at Our Lady of the Atonement? Please contact Tricia Delaney at (210) 695-6105 or to sign up or for more information.
2014-2015 School Application Process: The Open Application period continues this week. The Atonement Academy continues to be blessed with a large student body, stretching the capacity of our buildings. Completing and submitting your application in a timely manner will ensure a place in our school.
EMPLOYMENT: The Atonement Academy has an opening for two elementary school classroom teachers. The teachers will be responsible for his or her students’ education in all subjects except music and physical education. We are also receiving applications for Middle and Upper School teachers for potential openings in English, History, Latin, and Math. Qualified applicants must possess at least a bachelor’s degree and preference will be given to those who have teaching experience. Master’s degree and related teaching certificates a plus. Candidates must be practicing Catholics willing to take an Oath of Fidelity to the Magisterium. Send a cover letter and résumé to Mrs. Mary Havel at: .
Upper School football and volleyball will be having a one week spring practice next month in preparation for the upcoming season. Spring practices will run from May 12-16 from 3:30-5:30pm on the field or in the gym. Students in grades 8th-11th are eligible to participate. For more information, contact Coach Gene Garcia at .
BUILDING EXPANSION: Thank you to all who prayed for a successful meeting at the Archdiocesan Finance Committee last Wednesday! Our prayers have been answered and we have received the go-ahead to begin foundation work!
GROUNDBREAKING SET: If you are able, you are invited to join with the entire student body on Tuesday, May 27th at 1:30 p.m. in the church for a short service of Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, immediately followed by the groundbreaking for the expansion. Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller will be with us for this happy event during the 30th anniversary year of the founding of the parish and the 20th anniversary year of the founding of the school.
FINAL CONCERT OF MUSIC SERIES: Today at 4 p.m., a program of Latin motets devoted to Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, will be presented here at the parish. Written for soprano, alto, and continuo, these exquisite yet rarely performed works feature compositions by Chiara Margarita Cozzolani (1602-c.1677), a cloistered Benedictine nun, and Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643), a Catholic priest and one of the most influential composers in the history of music. This is the final program in the seventh year of our Parish Music Series, and certainly an occasion not to be missed. A reception will follow in Saint John Paul II Library.
May 5-16-AP Exams
May 9-Spring Concert, Gr. 3-5 at 7pm (Hall)
May 16-Spring Concert, MS and US at 7pm (Hall)
May 17-Spring Dance (Grds. 8-10 only), 7-10pm (Hall)
May 21-Awards after Mass for JNHS/NHS/NLE/PSIA/Music and Handwriting.
May 22-Senior Brunch
May 22-MS Athletic Banquet
May 26-No School
May 29-US Athletic Banquet
June 2-4-Exams/Half-day Dismissals
June 3-PK & K Concert, 2pm (Hall)
June 4-Grds. 1-2 Concert, 2pm (Hall)
June 5-Field Day (LS)/Annual Faculty vs. 8th Grade Volleyball game
June 5-Baccalaureate Mass, 6pm & Senior Banquet (reservations)
June 6-Evensong and Commencement, 7pm
June 7-8th Grade Mass, 10am, and Graduation.
ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS: The Atonement Academy once again score exceptionally well on the National ITBS exams. With the exception of one class, every grade level at the academy is a qualifying National Blue Ribbon achievement class! Our one exception missed the high bar by only one point. We congratulate all of our students who have academically performed so well this year!
Also, The Atonement Academy placed 3rd overall against all schools in the TCAL Athletic and Academic League.
Lastly, earlier this semester, our Upper School students took the National Latin Exam. This test measures the performance of our Latin students against students from across the nation. Students who receive “cum laude” scores or higher are the top Latin students for their grade level in the nation, and our students conquered the exam with 62% of students achieving the “cum laude” mark or higher. Special congratulations should be offered to Chloe Daring (Latin I) and Augustine Siegel (Latin II) who achieved “perfect” scores on their exams. To give some perspective, 9711 students in the State of Texas took the exam and only 135 had perfect scores. This achievement is remarkable. Individual results will be published next week.
CHARITY DONATION: During Lent, the students at the academy have a “Penny War” in which teachers, administrators and classes compete with each other. Placing pennies in designated bins count as a positive amount, while other coins and paper money count as a negative. It’s all great fun, and as a result, the students raised $7,505.50 in support of our sister school of St. Joseph in Jifna, in the Holy Land.
This Week at a Glance – Mon.-School Council, 7pm (Conf.) ● Fri.-Concert, (see above) ● Fri.-Adoration 7:30am through Sunday at 7:15am. ● Sat.-Confessions follow the 10am Mass.