Confidential Disclosure

Disclosure of Criminal Convictions (Spent and Unspent)

Notes of Guidance

  1. It is the Academy’s policy to require all applicants for employment to disclose any previous ‘unspent’ criminal convictions. In addition you are required to disclose any cautions which have not expired or any pending prosecutions.
  1. In addition, as the post for which you are applying is one that will give you substantial unsupervised access to children and young people it is covered by The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Orders from time to time enacted and in force. You are therefore required to disclose ‘spent’ as well as ‘unspent’ criminal convictions, cautions and any pending prosecutions against you.
  1. The information you provide (by completing the attached form) will be treated as strictly confidential and will be considered only in relation to the post for which you are applying.
  1. Disclosure of a conviction, caution or pending prosecution does not necessarily mean that you will not be appointed; a person’s suitability will be looked at as a whole in the light of all the information available. A main consideration will be whether the offence is one which would make the person unsuitable to work in the capacity of the post applied for.
  1. A conviction includes:

a)a sentence of imprisonment, youth custody or in a young offenders institution;

b)an absolute discharge, conditional discharge, bind over;

c)a fit person order, a supervision or care order, a probation order or community punishment order or an approved school order arising from a criminal conviction;

d)simple dismissal from the Armed Forces, cashiering, discharge with ignominy, dismissal with disgrace or detention by the Armed Forces;

e)detention by direction of the Home Secretary;

f)remand centres, secure training centres or in secure accommodation;

g)a suspended sentence;

h)a fine or any sentence not mentioned above.

Application for the Post of:

  1. Have you ever been charged with, or summoned for, any offence?

4. Do you have any prosecutions pending? If yes, please give details

and proposed date of hearing.

Data Protection Statement

The personal information you provide on this application form will be used by Langtree School for employment purposes. If the application is successful, the information will be retained for matters such as payroll, pensions administration, appraisal of performance, recording details of holiday entitlement, absences etc. Some of this information, such as, ethnicity, disabilities and criminal convictions, is defined as “sensitive” under data protection legislation and by submitting this application form you are consenting to our processing this for the purposes listed above.

If your application is unsuccessful the information will be retained for 12 months and then the record will be destroyed.


You cannot sign this form on screen. By submitting this form as an email attachment you undertake that the information you have provided is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge. I understand that either withholding or giving false information will disqualify my application, or, if discovered after appointment, may be regarded as grounds for dismissal.

I confirm that I have nothing to declare / I enclose a confidential statement

(Please delete as appropriate)





Langtree School, Woodcote, Reading, Berkshire RG8 0RA

Tel: 01491 680514 Fax: 01491 682411 Email: Twitter: @Head4094

Headteacher: Rick Holroyd B.A. M.A. Assistant Headteachers: James Doyle B.A. Debbie Mallam B.A. M.A.

The Langtree School Academy Trust Company, a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales, company registration number 07980335.

Registered Office: Langtree School, Woodcote, Reading, Berkshire, RG8 0RA