4th–8th September 2006, University of York, UK


Registration Form

Delegate Details

Title ………………… Name …………………………………

Company/Organisation …………………………………

(The above details will appear on your name badge.)

Address 1 …………………………………………………

Address 2 …………………………………………………

City …………………………………………………

Post/Zipcode ……………………… Country……………….

Email address ………………………………………….

Special Requirements

Vegetarian? Y / N

Please indicate any additional special requirements:

Payment Details

The early registration fee, for registrations received up to and including 30 May 2006, is £250. The full registration fee, after 30 May 2006, is £300.

The registration fee includes one copy of the LNCS proceedings, attendance of tutorials, workshops, and technical programme, coffee/tea breaks, lunches, and the conference dinner.

The early student registration fee, for registrations received up to and including 30 May 2006, is £100. The full student registration fee, after 30 May 2006, is £150.

The student registration fee includes one copy of the LNCS proceedings, attendance of tutorials, workshops, and technical programme, coffee/tea breaks, and lunches.

Payment can be made in one of three ways:

·  Cheque drawn on a UK bank (made payable to “University of York”).

·  Money order in UK pounds (made payable to “University of York”).

·  Credit card (preferred). Note we cannot accept American Express.

Form of payment …………………………

Credit Card Payment details

Credit card type ……………………………… Expiry date ……………

Card number ……………………………… Security code ……………

Name on Card ………………………………

Cardholder Address ………………………………………………………………



Total amount to charge £…………..

The total comprises registration fee plus any additional conference dinner tickets:

before 30 May / after 30 May
Registration fee / £250 / £300
Student Registration fee / £100 / £150
Extra conference dinner tickets / £50 per ticket / £70 per ticket

Please print this form and either fax it to : +44 1904 433389 (attention: Jenny Baldry/UC 2006) or post it (with a cheque or money order, if appropriate) to Jenny Baldry, Department of Computer Science, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, UK.