5 MAY 2016
Present: Cllr J Hills (Chair), Cllr B Herbert, Cllr K Plummer, Cllr R Adams, Cllr R Taylor, Cllr P Balbirnie, Cllr P Drew and Cllr L Edwards. Also in attendance was TDC Cllr McWilliams and 25 members of public
Public questions: None.
05.16.007Apologies for absence: Cllr G Wright.
05.16.008Declarations of interest:
- Item 10c; Cllr Plummer declared a pecuniary interest. It is his planning application.
- Item 11a; Cllr Drew declared a non-pecuniaryinterest. Her property adjacent is adjacent to the development site
- Item 10b; Cllr Hills declared a pecuniary interest. Hills Building Group is assisting the applicant with the latest planning application.
05.16.009Minutes of last meeting: Cllr Drew proposed the minutes of the meeting of 7 April 2016, Cllr Adams seconded the proposal and the minutes were agreed as a true record of the meeting.
05.16.010Planning Applications: To consider planning applications set out in the table below.
Planning Reference / Application Details / Address/Location / Commentsa) / 16/00393/FUL / Utility room and conservatory extension. / 12 Hill Cottages Flag Hill Great Bentley / Resolved:No objection but comment that the size is large and appears disproportionate with others on road.
b) / 16/00446/FUL / Proposed two storey side extension to form garage and two bedrooms. / Hill View Thorrington Road Great Bentley / Resolved: No objection, no comment.
c) / 16/00522/FUL / Proposed change of use from garden land to extension of existing car park. / Part Garden R/O The Burrow Plough Road Great Bentley / Cllr Plummerleft the meeting for the duration of this item.
Resolved:No objection and no comment.
d) / 16/00557/FUL / Erection of ancillary workshop building. / Unit 3 Woodfield Bungalow Gt Bentley / Resolved: No objection and no comment
e) / 16/00583/TELLIC / Installation of high speed broadband cabinet / Outside 3 Birch Av, Gt Bentley / Noted
f) / 16/00586/TELLIC / Installation of high speed broadband cabinet / O/S Telephone Exchange, Thorrington Road, Gt Bentley / Noted.
a)Land adjacent The Moors. The Green – Mills and Reeve: The exchange of correspondence was noted.Awaiting a response.
b)Admirals Farm planning consent: email dated 20 April 2016 from ADP Ltd: Cllr Hills left the meeting for the duration of this item. Cllr Drew made a presentation stating that the TDC Planning Committee was misledby one of the TDC Planning officers at the meeting at which this application was considered. She has subsequently unsuccessfully attempted to find out what options are available to redress this situation.
Further to a discussion, Cllr Drew agreed to make one more effort to obtain a response from TDC to the issues she has raised. Failing that it was Resolved: To commit up to £500 to obtain legal advice to clarify the options available to pursue this matter.
05.16.012Planning matters for report: - None.
Public questions
- Mr P Harry reiterated that the Parish Council really needs to have an opinionwith regard to the pedestrian access conflict with the West of Heckfords Road and Admiral Farm developments.
- Clarification was sought of agenda item of 05.16.011a. The Chair explained that the enquiry and correspondence relates to an enquiry from a potential developer about access over the Village Green.