Holy Rosary School
PO BOX 70, 99 Loch Street, DERBY WA 6728
Phone: (08) 91 911 283Fax: (08) 91 911 074
Principal: Robert Palladino
Holy Rosary Parish Priest: Fr Paul Boyers Ph: 9191 1227 F: 9193 2463
Newsletter 27th March, 2014
Reflection – The Annunciation of the Lord
The Annunciation of the Lord celebrates the Angel Gabriel's appearance to the Virgin Mary, announcing that she had been chosen to be the Mother of God. This special day was celebrated on Tuesday, March 25, 2014.
Active After School Sport and Homework Centre Programs
These programs finish next week on Wednesday 2nd April. Active After School Sport and Homework Centre will start again in Week 2 of Term 2, 5th May.
No School Bus Run
Please note that the bus run that Mr Alan does will not be operating Thursday 3rd April due to the school bus being used for the Inter School Swimming Carnival in Broome. Please make alternative arrangements if your child(ren) use this bus service.
Incursion ‘A Swag of Tales’
A note was sent home last week about an upcoming incursion that will be occurring at school on Monday 7th April at 9:15 in the Multi Purpose Room. The excursion and incursion levy which families pay for as a part of the school fees covers the cost of this performance. If your family has not paid for this levy, please make arrangements for this to be paid. Family members are welcome to attend the performance.
Student Safety
When dropping children off to school or picking them up, please make sure that you walk your child/ren across the road safely if you park on the opposite side of the road from the school.
Holy Rosary School, Derby – Recipe Book
As a part of the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations this year, we are seeking recipes from the school community from past and present school families and staff to be included in the book. These are due in by of 30th May. Please see article below for more information.
Dates to Remember
Week 8 Friday 28th March School Disco 5:30 – 7:00
Week 9 Friday 4th April Year 6 Assembly Item
Week 10 Friday 11th April Last Day of Term 1
Week 1 Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th April Pupil Free Days
Week 1 Wednesday 30th April First day of Term 2 for students
Project Compassion
The Project Compassion Fundraising Day was held on Friday, 21st March, Week 7. I would like to thank all who supported the day by wearing casual clothes and purchasing the sausage sizzle lunch. It was like the ‘Feeding of the Five Thousand.’ I would also like to thank Miss Sheri for preparing the lunch.
Broome to Derby Bike Ride
Anyone who is interested in participating in the bike challenge (fundraising activity for Holy Rosary School) on 14/15th June this year,
Class Masses and Liturgies
All classes from Year 3 to Year 7 will be having Class Masses and Pre Primary to Year 2 will celebrate Class Liturgies once a term this year. All Parents, Carers and even Grandparents are welcome to join the children for these religious celebrations. Below is the roster for Term 1.
Term 1
Week 9 Tuesday 1st April – Year 2 Class Liturgy at 8:15
Week 9 Wednesday 2nd April – Pre Primary Class Liturgy 9:30
Written Notification
All absences must be explained with a written note. We appreciate parents/carers ringing up to notify us of an absence, but this must also be accompanied by a note, explaining the absence, when the child returns to school.
Text Book Fees
A reminder that a number of families have still not paid for their child’s text book fee. Please attend to this as soon as possible, to ensure that your child has the books necessary for learning.
Year 6 Assembly Item
The Year 6 Class will be presenting their Assembly Item on Friday 4th April. All family members are welcome to attend assembly at 1:45pm in the Multi Purpose Room.
Jokes for Kids
Knock knock Who's there? Mikey! Mikey who? Mikey doesn't fit in the keyhole!
Knock knock Who's there? Beets! Beets who? Beets me!
Enjoy the weekend.
Evan Wrobel
Assistant Principal
Merit Awards
The following children will receive Merit Awards at Friday’s assembly at 1.45 pm. Parents are welcome to attend our assemblies.
Prep Ayla Russ, Alister Ejai
Year 1 Lily Mills, Migha Vipin
Year 2 Jesse Curley, Nathaniel Bunworth
Year 3 Luciana Gill, Lanna Hunter
Year 4 Pounamu Brien, Tyzeal Williams-Wilson
Year 5 Tijuana Dolby, Brandon Taylor
Year 6 Amy Dibucchianico, Mark Malay
Year 7 Sativa O’Connor, Jasmine Mills
Climate Survey Reminder
This is a reminder to those families and board members who have received a climate survey letter that these are due by the 28th March. Your cooperation in completing this survey is appreciated.
Madison Ford Rainbow Disco
On Friday 28th March there will be holding a disco in the Multi-Purpose Room. The disco will begin at 5:30pm and finish at 7:30pm and is open to all students who currently attend Holy Rosary School. The theme for the night is ‘Rainbow!’ so make the evening a colourful one by dressing in as many bright colours as possible. Entry will be $5 with food and drinks on sale. All proceeds of the evening will be going towards the Ford Family who wish to build a memorial playground in memory of Madison.
Holy Rosary School, Derby
Diamond Jubilee Celebrations
Celebrating 60 years of our school
Friday 22nd August – School Open Day 1:15 – 2:30
Saturday 23rd August – ‘Back to Derby Town’ Tour
Sunday 24th August – Mass at 9:00am – School Fete 10am-2pm
Committee Members Needed
We currently have a small and keen committee coordinating this event. We would welcome other enthusiastic volunteers to join our committee with ideas to assist us in organising this event. If you are interested in joining the committee contact Evan Wrobel at the school.
Recipe Book
As a part of the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations the school will be producing a recipe book to commemorate this special occasion. We are seeking past and present families and staff associated with the school to contribute one or two recipes towards the book, preferably with a picture. If you would like to contribute a recipe or two we would prefer that they are typed and emailed to
Alternatively recipes can be brought into the office. These are due in by of 30th May.
If you are interested in helping to collate, publish or financially sponsor this publication please contact Evan Wrobel at the office.
Newsletter Incentive
Please ask your child to return the Newsletter Incentive acknowledgement slip as it gives them an opportunity to win a prize.
I have received and read my child’s ______newsletter.
Parent / Caregiver signature: ______