User Guide - Reference and Administration
Version 2.4.77

Version 2.4.77Bridge User GuideUser Guide - Reference and Administration

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Managing Clients

Creating a New Client Company

Viewing and Modifying a Client Company

Creating a New Individual Client

Viewing and Modifying an Individual Client

Deactivating a Client

Managing Companies & Users

Managing Distributors

Creating a New Distributor Company

Viewing and Modifying a Distributor Company

Deactivating a Distributor Company

Managing Insurers

Creating a New Insurer Company

Viewing and Modifying an Insurer Company

Deactivating an Insurer Company

Managing Licensee Offices

Creating a New Licensee Office

Viewing and Modifying a Licensee Office

Deactivating a Licensee Office

Managing User Accounts

Creating a New User Account

Viewing and Modifying a User Account

Deactivating a User Account

Resetting a User's Password

Generating the Users & Roles Report

Customizing Password E-mails

Data Import

Importing Bound Transactions

Importing Distributor Companies

Managing Portals

Assigning a Custom Domain to the Default Portal

Creating a New Portal

Modifying a Portal

Managing External Links on the Main Menu

Defining the Appearance of a Portal

Custom Portal Content

Custom Labels

Exporting a Language File

Modifying a Language File

Importing a Language File


Appendix A - Portal Color Settings

Appendix B - XML Structure for Import Files

Transaction Import XML Sample

Transaction Import XML Details

Distributor Import XML Sample

Distributor Import XML Details


Version 2.4.77Bridge User GuideUser Guide - Reference and Administration

Version 2.4.77Bridge User GuideUser Guide - Reference and Administration


Welcome to the Bridge insurance access portal. The system provides a full workflow, from the administration of products and coverage, to the submission and management of individual policies.

Access to all features, options, and data are controlled by the settings in your user account. This guide is for users with administration rights, covering the creation and management of companies (licensee, insurer, distributor, and client) and user accounts, as well as the configuration of the website itself.

This guide assumes the user is familiar with the general functions of the system. For instructions on logging in and using common features throughout the system, see the User Guide - Introduction document.

Version 2.4.77Bridge User GuideUser Guide - Reference and Administration

Managing Clients

Clients are the companies or individuals who are listed on the policy as the insured party in case of a claim.

Clients can be created ahead of time through the Clients menu, as explained here, or they can be created by the end users during the process of creating a submission.

Once created, the company record displays lists of associated products and any users under the company (for client companies).

Creating a New ClientCompany

A client company is a single insured entity that may have multiple users with access to create and manage submissions and policies.

  1. In the main menu, select Clients, then select New Company. The Client Company Information page opens. Alternatively, the Create Company button is available when viewing the Client List.
  1. Complete the necessary information. Fields marked with a red asterisk *are required.
Distributor / Search for and select the distributor company to be the owner of the client. This client will only be available for submissions assigned to this distributor.
Text can be entered into the field to filter the results. Click the Search icon to view the available distributors.
When a distributor is selected, the Code, Address, City, State, and Country fields display the distributor details.

Enter the company details.

Name / Enter the company name.
Code / Enter a unique identifier code for the company. If no code is provided, the system will generate a code on saving.

Enter the contact information for the company.

Phone / Enter the phone number.
Fax / Enter the Fax number.
Website / Enter the URL of the company's website.

Enter the full address of the new company.

The first User can be identified for the company. On saving the new client company, this information is used to automatically create the first user account under this company.

First Name / Enter the user's first name.
Last Name / Enter the user's last name.
Employee Number / Enter an employee number to identify the user.
E-mail / If the user requires access to the system, an e-mail address must be provided.
Phone / Enter the phone number for the user.
  1. Click Add to save the company information and remain on the page, click Add & Close to save and return to the client list, or click Close to return to the client list without saving the company.
  1. Once the company has been saved, the Designate as Bill To Party button becomes available. This button automatically creates and saves a billing profile for the client, and opens the Bill To Party Management page to proceed with the configuration.

Viewing and Modifying a Client Company

  1. In the main menu, select Clients, then select Search / List. A list of all available client companies and individuals is displayed.

/ Tip: By default, only Active clients are displayed. Clear the filter in the Status column to view all clients.
  1. The Type column identifies if the client is a company or individual. Click a link in the Name column to view the information for a client company. If there are a large number of available clients, see the Using Grids section of the User Guide - Introduction document for help on finding the appropriate client company.
  1. See the section on Creating a New Client Company for a detailed description of the fields. All fields may be edited, if necessary.

The Distributorcompany can be changed. This transfers ownership of this client and associated policies and submissions to a different distributor company.

/ Notes: Changing a Distributor Owner
All transactions and policies related to a client remain with that client during a change of ownership. Distributor access to those transactions and policies changes as follows.
The former owner:
  • retains access to all transactions and policies created while they owned the client.

  • can edit any transaction or policy they have access to, and perform policy actions.

  • does not have access to any new transactions or policies created after the transfer, even if they create the transaction themselves.

  • can view the client details within a transaction or policy, but cannot edit the information. The client record can no longer be accessed through the Client menu.

The new owner:
  • gains access to all transactions and policies related to the client, with full control to edit and perform policy actions.

  • can edit the client information, through the Clients menu or through a transaction or policy.

The following panels have been added to the page.

The Distributor Change History grid displays the ownership history of the client. All changes to the distributor owner are listed here, including the date and the name of the user who made the change.

The Products list displays all available master covers that the client company is attached to.

The Users list displays all available users registered for this company. Click Create to create a new user account for this company.

Active / Marks the company as active and available for use. If unchecked, the company remains linked to any existing records, but cannot be used for new accounts or transactions.
Created By / Identifies the date and time the company was created, and the user who created it.
Last Modified By / Identifies the last date and time the company was changed, and the user who made the changes.
  1. Click Save to save any changes and remain on the page, click Save & Close to save and return to the client list, or click Close to return to the client list without saving any changes.
  1. Click Designate as Bill To Party to automatically create and save a billing profile for the client, and open the Bill To Party Management page to proceed with the configuration.

Creating a New Individual Client

An individual client is a single insured person who may have access to create and manage submissions and policies.

  1. In the main menu, select Clients, then select New Individual. The Individual Client Information page opens. Alternatively, the Create Individual button is available when viewing the Client List.
  1. Complete the necessary information. Fields marked with a red asterisk *are required.

Distributor / Search for and select the distributor company to be the owner of the client. This client will only be available for submissions assigned to this distributor.
Text can be entered into the field to filter the results. Click the Search icon to view the available distributors.
When a distributor is selected, the Code, Address, City, State, and Country fields display the distributor details.
First Name / Enter the client's first name.
Last Name / Enter the client's last name.

Enter the full address of the new client.

E-mail / If the client requires access to the system, or if they should receive notification e-mails, then an e-mail address must be provided.
Phone / Enter the phone number for the client.
  1. Click Add to save the client information and remain on the page to continue configuration, click Add & Close to save and return to the client list, or click Close to return to the client list without saving the client.

Once the client record has been saved, additional panels become available.

The Distributor Change History grid displays the ownership history of the client. All changes to the distributor owner are listed here, including the date and the name of the user who made the change.

Single Sign-On (SSO) is when a user logs into an external system and then accesses Bridge from that system. The login credentials are passed to Bridge and matched up to an existing account.

Single Sign-On Only / Checking this option means the current user can only access Bridge from the external system. Single-sign-on users differ from normal users as follows.
  • Login is handled through an internal configuration, so the user's password is deleted and the user will not be sent any emails related to the password.

  • The user will not have access to the Profile page.

If this option is unchecked, the user can log in through SSO or the standard login page.
User ID / This option is used when the external system uses a User ID other than the e-mail address. Enter the user's ID from the external system, which will be matched to this Bridge user account through the single-sign-in process. When an external ID has been defined, the user will not be able to login through the standard login page.

The Master Covers list displays all available master covers that the client is attached to.

Active / Marks the client as active and available for use. If unchecked, the client remains linked to any existing records, but cannot be used for new accounts or transactions.
Created By / Identifies the date and time the client was created, and the user who created it.
Last Modified By / Identifies the last date and time the client was changed, and the user who made the changes.
  1. The Assign Password button can be used to send the client a user password to access the system.
  1. Once the company has been saved, the Designate as Bill To Party button becomes available. This button automatically creates and saves a billing profile for the client, and opens the Bill To Party Management page to proceed with the configuration.

Viewing and Modifying anIndividual Client

  1. In the main menu, select Clients, then select Search / List. A list of all available client companies and individuals is displayed.
/ Tip: By default, only Active clients are displayed. Clear the filter in the Status column to view all clients.
  1. The Type column identifies if the client is a company or individual. Click a link in the Name column to view the information for an individual client. If there are a large number of available clients, see the Using Gridssection of the User Guide - Introduction document for help on finding the appropriate individual client.
  1. See the section on Creating a New Individual Client for a detailed description of the fields.

The Distributorcompany can be changed. This transfers ownership of this client and associated policies and submissions to a different distributor company.

/ Notes: Changing a Distributor Owner
All transactions and policies related to a client remain with that client during a change of ownership. Distributor access to those transactions and policies changes as follows.
The former owner:
  • Retains access to all transactions and policies created while they owned the client.

  • Can edit any transaction or policy they have access to, and perform policy actions.

  • Does not have access to any new transactions or policies created after the transfer, even if they create the transaction themselves.

  • Can view the client record, both through the Clients menu and within a transaction or policy, but cannot edit the client information.

The new owner:
  • Gains access to all transactions and policies related to the client, with full control to edit and perform policy actions.

  • Can edit the client information, through the Clients menu or through a transaction or policy.

  1. Click Save to save any changes and remain on the page, click Save & Close to save and return to the client list, or click Close to return to the client list without saving any changes.
  1. The Assign Password button can be used to send the client a user password to access the system.
  1. Click Designate as Bill To Party to automatically create and save a billing profile for the client, and open the Bill To Party Management page to proceed with the configuration.

Deactivating a Client

A clientthat has been created through the Clients section cannot be deleted. It can be deactivated, which leaves it linked to any existing records already attached to it, but prevents it from being used for new accounts or transactions.

/ Note: Clients created as part of the submission process on a Live master cover also cannot be deleted. However, clients created for submissions under a master cover in Test status are deleted when the master cover is set to Live.
  1. In the main menu, select Clients, then select Search / List. A list of all available client companies and individuals is displayed.
/ Tip: By default, only Active clients are displayed. Clear the filter in the Status column to view all clients.
  1. Locate the client or clients to be deactivated. If there are a large number of available clients, see the Using Gridssection of the User Guide - Introduction document for help on finding the appropriate clients.
  1. Check the boxes for all clients to be deactivated.
  1. Click Deactivate, then confirm the deactivation when prompted to do so. All selected clients are deactivated. If the client list is still defaulted to only show active clients, they disappear from the list.

/ Tip: Clients can also be deactivated or reactivated one at a time directly through the client record. See the sections on Viewing and Modifying a Client Company and Viewing and Modifying an Individual client for details.

Version 2.4.77Bridge User GuideUser Guide - Reference and Administration

Managing Companies & Users

When a Bridge Licensee Environment is created, a Head Office is setup. Additional offices can be created as subsidiaries of the Head Office, serving as insurers or distributors, or external associate companies can be added.

Managing Distributors

Distributors are companies that provide the insurance product to the public, generally arranging business on a commission basis.

Once created, the company record displays lists of associated master covers and any users under the company.

Creating a New DistributorCompany

  1. In the main menu, select Reference, then select Companies & Users, then Distributors. A list of all available distributor companies is displayed.

/ Tip: By default, only Active companies are displayed. Clear the filter in the Status column to view all companies.
  1. Click Create. The Distributor Information page opens.
  1. Complete the necessary information. Fields marked with a red asterisk *are required.