September 2017


To provide students with essential knowledge and skills to become the leaders of tomorrow


WELCOME BACK to Glen Falls School. I look forward to working with our families and helping your children reach for the stars! I am going to be teaching every morning and all day on Friday. If you would like to speak to me, please contact the office 658-5340 or email me at . I will contact you at my first available opportunity.

Thank you, Mrs. C. Sullivan


Important Dates

September 21st – Hot Lunch Orders Due

September 14th, 21st and Oct. 4th – Cross Country Meet

September 20th – ½ day for students, children are dismissed at noon.

September 23rd – Bee Me Kidz begins

September 25th – Hot Lunch begins

September 30th – Downey Ford Drive One Event

October 4th – Picture Day (retakes October 18th)


Reminder: Student drop off in the mornings is from 7:30 AM – 8:00 AM.

School starts at 8:15 AM & ends at K-2 – 1:50 PM and 3-5 - 2:50 PM


Breakfast and Food For Thought (lunch)

Some important dates/information:

·  Our breakfast program started the first day of school. All are welcome.

·  Food for Thought, Glen Falls’ hot lunch program will begin on Monday, September 25th.

·  In addition to our hot lunch program, Papa John’s pizza will be available for purchase on Tuesday and Thursday, and (5) Chicken Poppers will be available for purchase on Wednesday from Papa John’s. Orders for Food For Thought and Papa John’s will be going home on Monday, September 18th for the rest of September and for October.

Date / Meal / Date / Meal
Mon. Sept.25 / Grilled Cheese & apples / Thur. Oct.12 / Papa John’s Cheese Pizza
Tues. Sept. 26 / Papa John’s Cheese Pizza / Fri. Oct. 13 / Goulash & Veggie sticks
Wed. Sept. 27 / Chicken Poppers/Breadsticks / Mon. Oct. 16 / Grilled Cheese & apples
Thurs Sept. 28 / Papa John’s Cheese Pizza / Tues. Oct. 17 / Papa John’s Cheese Pizza
Fri. Sept. 29 / Goulash & Veggie sticks / Wed. Oct. 18 / Chicken Poppers/Breadstick
Mon. Oct. 2 / Tacos & Caesar Salad / Thur. Oct. 19 / Papa John’s Cheese Pizza
Tues. Oct. 3 / Papa John’s Cheese Pizza / Fri. Oct. 20 / Pancakes & melon
Wed. Oct. 4 / Chicken Poppers/Breadsticks / Mon. Oct. 23 / Tacos & Caesar salad
Thurs Oct. 5 / Papa John’s Cheese Pizza / Tues. Oct. 24 / Papa John’s Cheese Pizza
Fri. Oct. 6 / Pancakes & Melon / Wed. Oct. 25 / NO SCHOOL in the afternoon
Mon. Oct. 9 / NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving / Thur. Oct. 26 / Papa John’s Cheese Pizza
Tues. Oct. 10 / Papa John’s Cheese Pizza / Fri. Oct. 27 / Goulash & veggie sticks
Wed. Oct. 11 / Chicken Poppers/Breadsticks

There will be no refund if your child has a missed day or sick day.



Glen Falls School would like to say a big THANK YOU to many of our PALS and Community Partners who provided school supplies for our students!


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!! We are searching for parent volunteers to help out with our various programs including nutrition. Please sign up at the end of the newsletter.


Glen Falls School T-shirts. We will once again be selling Glen Falls T-Shirts. If you are interested in purchasing a Glen Falls School T-shirt, please fill out the order form being sent home later this month and return with correct payment. The T-shirts will cost $10.00 each.


Kindergarten Registration for 2018-19

Registration takes place from October 10th – 13th for children starting Kindergarten in September 2017.

When you come in to register your child for Kindergarten please bring your child’s Birth Certificate, Medicare and a copy of their immunization records.

Our “Kick Off to Kindergarten” event will take place in October. We will be giving parents information about this evening when they come in to register. This event is for PARENTS ONLY.

Reminder to current Kindergarten parents to bring or send an updated copy of your child’s immunization to the school office. This record should include the 4 year old booster.

If you have any questions, please call your local public health office @ 658-2285 (SJ)


Our first PSSC meeting is going to be held on October 10th @ 7:00pm. Meetings take place in the school Learning Commons.


The school theme for the month of September is “Empathy”.


Mr. May would like to remind all cross country runners of the upcoming dates.

Location / Date / Time
Fisher Lakes / Thursday, Sept 14th / 3:30pm
Fisher Lakes / Thursday, Sept 21th / 3:30pm
Riverview Park
(Lancaster Ave, West) / Wednesday, Oct 4thth / 3:30pm


Downey Ford and Ford Canada are pleased to support our PALS Schools in a fundraiser taking place on Saturday, September 30th, 9 am -2 pm at Downey Ford. This is an opportunity to raise up to $1000.00 for Glen Falls School! All we need are participants to test drive a vehicle from Downey Ford and earn $20/test drive for our school. Here’s your chance to test drive one of the following vehicles and raise $ for Glen Falls School:

Ford Focus Ford Fusion Ford Explorer Ford Fiesta Ford Escape Ford F150 Ford Edge

Save time and pre-register at https://forddrive4ur.ca/en/partnersassistinglocalschools2017!!!

*We will be sending an RSVP for test driver’s to sign up closer to the date.


October 8th-14th is Fire Prevention Week. The theme for the week is “Every second counts, Plan two ways out”. More information can be found at firepreventionweek.org.



Bee Me Kidz will begin on September 23rd, 2017 for all families and friends interested. It will start with a delicious brunch @ 10:00am and run until 2:00 pm. Hope to see you all there!


The Family Resource Centre would like to invite parents with children under 6 to their Playgroup held on Wednesdays from 10am – 12pm at Glen Falls School. This free program will begin on September 20th. If you have any questions, please contact The Family Resource Centre at 633-2182 or .


Picture day is scheduled for October 4th (retakes October 18th).


GFS has a clothing room available to all our students. We have a variety of clothes, shoes and boots in a variety of sizes.


The Medic Alert® Foundation Canada is a charitable organization which is the leading provider of emergency medical information services linked to customized medical bracelets and necklaces. We are pleased to be able to offer Medic Alert memberships to students (from age 4 to their 14th birthday) through the No Child Without® program at GFS. The financial support of the Government of Canada and Lions Clubs allows students to receive the Medic Alert membership for FREE. Visit www.nochildwithout.ca to learn more about the program.



At Glen Falls Elementary School we are committed to providing a positive, safe learning and working environment. Students are supported in their individual development to become well-rounded, productive, responsible citizens and lifelong learners. We enable students to attain the knowledge and skills to thrive in the 21st century, including communication, collaboration and independence. Recognizing that it takes a community to raise a child, we value our partnerships with parents, businesses and other community members. Together we celebrate our successes.

School Motto

At Glen Falls School we are shooting for the

S Safe

T Team Spirit

A At My Best

R Responsible Citizens

S Shooting for Success


Volunteer sign up

If you are able to help with any of the below, please check off those that are of interest to you and we will contact you. We are in desperate need for help to prepare and serve Monday’s hot lunch.

o  Preparing hot lunch on Monday and/or Friday (10:30 – 12:30).

o  Breakfast preparing and serving 7:30-8:10 (one or more days Mon-Fri).

o  Working in our school Learning Commons.

o  Help with special events (i.e. Christmas)

o  Keeping our clothing closet neat and tidy.

Volunteer Name: ______Daytime phone: ______


Attention Students: Please have your parent sign this form and return to your teacher for a chance to win a prize!

Name: ______Teacher: ______

Parent signature: ______