AFP-NNE New Hampshire Networking Events

Thank you for agreeing to serve as a site coordinator for a networking event for AFP NNE. Education is an important component of our chapter’s mission, so your role coordinating a networking lunch helps us to fulfill our mission by providing educational, networking and mentoring possibilities for AFP members and other non-profit professionals and volunteers.

The following is some information on the responsibilities of a site coordinator for a networking lunch. You should contact your state networking coordinator if you have additional questions.

Chapter Administrator

Donna R Rinaldi

AFP-NNE Administrative Support

6 Dover Point Rd, Suite B

Dover, NH 03820

Tel: 603-742-1971

Fax: 603-742-6347


Angela Matthews, VP Education

Director of Development

Star Island Corporation

10 VaughnMall Suite 208

Portsmouth, NH 03801

Tel: 603-430-6272


Planning Logistics:

Unless you are meeting in a restaurant, you will need to arrange food to be delivered on the day of the lunch/breakfast. No need to be fancy: continental breakfast, bagels, sandwiches, chips, sodas and dessert. Please keep the cost of the lunch to $7 per person or less. If the vendor will allow billing, arrange for the bill to be sent to Donna Rinaldi. Otherwise, you can either receive a check in advance based on the vendor’s estimate, or you can arrange to be reimbursed for lunch expenses. A receipt for reimbursement should be given Donna.

When selecting for a location for the lunch, it is helpful to have a room that can be expanded as needed. The attendance at lunches vary from less than 10 to over 70 depending upon the interest in the topic, the date, and location. If your site has space constraints, it is useful to put in the lunch description: “Space limited to ____ people.”

Promotion of your event will be coordinated by the Chapter, and will include newsletters, mailings, internet, email and collaboration with other professional associations. You are welcome to do any additional promotion.

Prior to your event you will receive Networking Event Information from Donna by E-mail that contains:

  • A link to access the file of those registered and who has paid
  • You can export this list at the bottom of the page, to Excel and print the file the way you want it for registration
  • You can generate name badges from this file if you want. If you need help printing the name badges, just let Donna know.
  • Evaluation form
  • Membership Invitation Forms

Please send any expense reimbursement slips, money collected, audio conference CD and completed evaluation forms to Donna at the above address.

The following page provides a checklist to help you create the best possible experience for our members. If you have suggestions to make this process more efficient or easier for you as a site coordinator, please share them with your state networking coordinator.

Thank you again for supporting AFP-NNE by coordinating the networking event.

Two weeks prior

Call Donna Rinaldi (603-742-1971) and tell her where to send the Networking Event Kit

Call speaker to discuss any AV or equipment needs. Speaker provides own photocopies.

If you are doing an Audio Conference, make sure you have the CD and copies of supporting material. Make sure Donna is mailing CD to correct location.

Call host site to confirm

Arrange payment for food

Last minute promotion?????

Two days prior

Review registration progress via link e-mailed from Donna

Confirm food count with vendor

Make directional signs

Get blank name tags and markers

If you are expecting a large lunch, recruit someone else to handle the registration table.

Day of event

Tell reception area about the meeting (if appropriate)

Hang directional signs External and Internal

Set up the room

Attendance sheet and a pen

Name tags

AFP membership kits

Food table

Speaker’s AV needs

Token thank you gift for Speaker


Be prepared to make change and take registration checks

Get food

Event format

Welcome and introductions

Collect $ from those who have not paid


Introduce speaker



Membership pitch

Evaluation forms


Post event

Clean up room

Return AV

Write thank you note to speaker

Write thank you note to host site (if appropriate)

Send any money (with supporting info), new member forms, evaluations or Audio Conference Tapes to Donna Rinaldi

Email a brief report to Tiffany McKenna, Networking Chairperson ()