Tabletop Gaming Club


I.Call to order – 2:01 pm

II.Roll Call – KENNY YOUNGBLOOD, Ronan Murphy, Tim Preston, Justion Mathers, Chloe Converse, Sage Millich, Lucas Metcalf, Caiden Redmond, Christian Diamond, Joshua Hughes, Gerald Richards, Aaron Bledsoe, Mason Campeau

Guests- Andrew Rothwell
Approval of minutes –Chloe motions to approve the minutes, Ronan seconds. Motion Passes

III.Changes to the Agenda – We may change our titles this meeting

IV.Statements from the Gallery –
“Yes!” –Sage

“Sage said Yes” -Andrew

Reports –

1.KENNY YOUNGBLOOD, President Supreme Emperor Xenoid: We must now reserve rooms 4 weeks in advance when we want to hold events. During club training we learned that we must hold at least two events a quarter. Also Aaron insists we hold a DnD tournament. As of today I am no longer president, I’ll be changing my title to “Supreme Emperor Xenoid”

2.Chloe Converse, Vice President Card Queen: I have nothing to report, but I’ll be changing my title to “Card Queen”

3.Tim Preston, Treasurer Money Lord: I OBJECT! Also I am no longer the treasurer, I’ll be changing my title to “Money Lord”

4.Ronan Murphy, Secretary “Game Master”: There is an 80% chance I may be stepping down after like 2-3 weeks, however in the mean time I’m changing my title to “Game Master”

5.Nick Rojas, Representatives “Club Crier”: Nothing to report.

6.Advisor’s Report: Absent.

I.Old business –

We should decide what we want to put in the games cupboard. Probably several decks of cards and dice. Probably also Probe and Settlers of Catan and Battleship and Sorry and Uno Spin. We’ll bring our stuff down next week and decide then.

As some of you may have noticed, we were discussing on Facebook, we should go with a rotating game queue instead of just having a bunch of stagnant games on the club shelf.

Ronan motions for it Tim seconds, Chloe thirds, Motion Passes.

Ronan motions for a suggestion box as well, Chloe seconds. Motion Passes.

I.New Business –

Tim motions that we change the title from “Club Representative” to “Club Crier” Ronan seconds, Motion Passes.

Sage nominates herself as a Club Crier.

Lucas nominates himself as a Club Crier.

Election is next week

Tim motions that we must include our titles and name in official business. Sage seconds. Motion Passes.

We’ll probably end up doing Tuesdays for next quarter’s meetings.

We need to make an event quickly because it takes four weeks.

Ronan, The Game Master, motions we hold a random game day, Tim, The Money Lord, seconds. Motion Passes. Ronan, The GM motions we hold this on Wednesday October 26th Sage seconds. Motion Passes.

Chloe Card Queen Converse motions we hold an Aqueous Solution Pong day, Sage seconds. Motion Passes. Chloe Card Queen Converse motions we hold this on Thursday October 27th Tim, The Money Lord. Motion Passes.

Involvement Fair: Tim 10am-11am Kenny 11am onward

II.Announcements –

GSA is now in the diversity center Tuesdays at 1pm.

JMC is in the grave, Thursday at 11am

PTK is on Thursdays at 11am.

III. Adjournment – Meeting Adjourned at 2:45 pm