Omicron Delta: Meeting Agenda and Minutes

July 8, 2015 Time: 12:00 noon Phoenix Time (MST)

Address: 10115 E Bell Road – Suite 107 - #150

Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Roll Call: Attending members listed in bold. (Quorum is 3)

Voting Members / President : Marilyn Klakovich (Also Education Chair) / President-Elect: Antoinette Dziedzic / Treasurer: Sandra Wise
Secretary: Kerrie Downing / Vice President: Angie Strawn - ABSENT / Governance Chair: Jennifer Freeman - ABSENT / Leadership Succession Chair: Carol Bauer
Non-Voting Members / Executive Director: Alison Collins - ABSENT / Immediate Past President: Angie Strawn - ABSENT
Attending Guests:
Evelyn Bell; Pam Fuller;
Agenda Item / Notes / Discussion / Action
Review of Minutes / May minutes have been approved and posted /
  • Approved at past meeting. Current posted on website

President’s Message – Marilyn /
  • Marilyn –At the executive meeting we discussed where we have been and where we are going. Marilyn started with a review of her presidential theme - expanding boundaries, expanding omicron Delta’s global presence. At a local level we have completed project Linus, at a regional level we have collaborated with a number of other chapters, and globally we have continued with in addition to sponsoring a conference in the Netherlands. Happy with what we have done and that we have been moving forward.
  • Antoinette – thank you for your vision, especially with regards to education.

New Business: / Installation of New Officers /
  • Marilyn – today we have our 3 leadership succession members. Carol is the chair, Evelyn Bell and Pam Fuller are committee members.
  • Marilyn – reviewed the meaning of STTI-OD with the new officers
  • Noted each of the above new committee members has been sent a copy of their duties and responsibilities
  • All have been responsive
  • Marilyn – lead the pledge of STTI officers with the new members

Annual Report /
  • Marilyn –Sandy will be working on the financial aspect of the report.
  • Alison has posted on the board page, questions that need to be completed.
  • Marilyn – we need date of last accreditation?
  • Kerrie – I believe it is 2010, but will confirm.
  • Pam - Confirmed
  • Marilyn – Antoinette, does the chapter have a recruitment committee?
  • Antoinette – yes, but it is not an official committee. It is part of the membership engagement committee.
  • Marilyn – when are the students first introduced to the chapter?
  • Kerrie – can get that to you. It is in early courses, but I can get specifics.
  • Marilyn – Please share the chapter’s greatest success from the 2014-2015 year?
  • Carol – Strategic plan
  • Antoinette – agree with strategic plan
  • Kerrie –
  • Sandy – Combined education meetings
  • Carol – GM meeting in the circle.
  • Marilyn – instituting the membership and engagement committees with internships. Plus setting some specific strategic goals to engage members.
  • Pam – Are you going to map best outcome to strategic plan.
  • Kerrie – why not bring it all together, so our greatest achievement is the way we run our meetings and that was driven by the needs of our members and the presidential vision

Finance: Treasurer’s Report – Sandra Wise / May Financials /
  • Sandra –financials for end of May.
  • We are doing ok. We are $14000 in the Black heading toward a zero based budget. We still have $162000 in the savings. We are tracking well. New budget was created at the Executive meeting. Once June end comes in we can finalize numbers.

Operations: Executive Director Report – Alison Collins / Executive Director Report and Operations Calendar /
  • Marilyn – Alison’s executive report was sent out via email. Please note the highlighted items.
  • Marilyn – please also note the calendar of events and items needed by certain dates.
/ No questions
Past President Committee - Angie Strawn / Service Fiscal Year Review and plan for 2015/2016 /
  • Marilyn – Angie sent Marilyn an email report. She is in Nova Scotia. Noted and the amount of funds raised throughout the year. Alison will reset the number again. We successfully met our goal this year.
  • Liz Dietz will be the service intern on Angie’s committee. They are developing a tracking system for the inductions and Linus blankets.
  • Angie is the representative on the Education committee from the service committee.
/ No questions
Membership Engagement Committee – Angie Strawn and Antoinette Dziedzic / Update /
  • Antoinette –just received a 90 day report we have 1624 paid (within last 3 months) members and 21 transferred out.
  • Antoinette – we will send an email to the 21 that transferred out saying we are sorry to see them go and contact information if they want to connect with us.
  • Antoinette – 3 members transferred in. Also had 3 members became dualmembers. Will call them and welcome them.
  • Kerrie – Antoinette did a great job promoting OD at a recent face to face meeting.

Education Committee – Marilyn Klakovich / Biennial Convention – Update /
  • Marilyn –collaborating with region #1. Have information on how to register for complimentary registrations (we get 2 and region 1 gets 2).
  • Region #1 is still gathering funds from their members but are making good progress.

STTI 3rd European Regional Conference /
  • Marilyn – We are a sponsor for them. We need to decide the level we want to sponsor. It is posted to the board office page.
  • Kerrie – we need to do a conversion from Euro to American Dollars.
  • Marilyn – thoughts?
  • Antoinette – bronze may be a good bet. It gets us recognition and awareness
  • Kerrie – let’s review and talk next meeting
  • Marilyn – agreed.
  • Marilyn – had another Skype meeting for the scientific committee. The group has done a great job with their website and promotion of the event.
  • Marilyn – call for abstracts has gone out. Submission occurs on their website.
  • Marilyn – they wanted to know how to make this more attractive to those in the US and Marilyn provided them with information from our board members and from an OD member who attended the Sweden conference in 2014.

Fall 2016 Phi Pi Collaborative Conference, St. Louis /
  • Marilyn – had another meeting. Phi Pi is chairing that committee and we are doing the speaker arrangements and the service activity.
  • Theme is broad and appealing.

Update on Webinar Subcommittee /
  • Marilyn – had another meeting with this group. Focus on leadership development webinars.

CE Provider Number Update /
  • Marilyn – Deadline to get a new number will be before any new webinars and before the October 2016 collaborative.
  • Marilyn – we need to submit all the information on a particular CEU. Ideally it would be good to do this in California and ground based.
  • Kerrie – could do a local session and record it then offer it as a webinar (or do a voiced over PowerPoint and post).
  • Marilyn – good idea. Possibly at Odyssey. Just need it to be substantial enough to gain approval.

Leadership Succession Report – Carol Bauer, CHAIR / Transition report and committee plan for President-Elect and Treasurer /
  • Carol – now have committee in place. Will be looking for possible candidates for offices.
  • Carol – will reach out to people that participated in the general membership meeting.

Delegate Update – Marilyn Klakovich and Antoinette Dziedzic /
  • Antoinette – nothing new to report. Doesn’t open until August 5th.
  • Marilyn – an electronic vote coming up and gearing up for convention.

Awards and Recognition Update (Chapter Key, Regional Awards, Daisy) / Showcase of Regional Excellence Awards—Marilyn – Need update on remaining submissions /
  • Marilyn – Angie and Antoinette still working on their items.
  • Marilyn – drafted one for servant leadership and sent to Sandy.
  • Marilyn – Alison posted one on connectedness.
  • Marilyn – next is transformation. Kerrie and Carol.
  • Kerrie – will reach out to Carol to start the review.
  • Marilyn – please consider sending as soon as possible so we do not wait until the last minute.

Governance Chair – Jennifer Freeman /
  • Carol – will Jennifer submit the bylaws?
  • Marilyn – we didn’t make any changes so we do not need to submit

Communication and Technology Committee - Alison / Included in Executive Director report /
  • No updates

Research/Scholarship Report – Alison Collins for Nancy Stuever, CHAIR / STTI Foundation – Education Grant and Research Grant awarded /
  • No updates

University Relations – Kerrie Downing /
  • Marilyn – Marilyn, Kerrie, and Alison are meeting with the new academic dean next Friday. Our plan is to discuss the eligibility process (past and present) so we can smooth out the process and maintain a good relationship with the university. Many of the same leaders will be attending the induction ceremony.

Regional Updates - All /
  • Marilyn – upcoming Odyssey (Ontario CA) meeting regarding abstracts and program. Should have more information shortly.
  • Marilyn – Evelyn, please tell us more about yourself
  • Evelyn – a PhD student with UoPX. Is involved in the Georgia Nurses Association (including their education committee). Is very active with the National Black Nurses Association, is faculty with UoPX, and has a legal nursing business. Has been a member since graduating her masters and wanted to become more involved.