Date Issued: 29th May, 2017
Request for Proposal: 2017/Supply/9132039
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) seeks to engage research firm for capacity building on social norms change to end violence against children for UNICEF’s partners and UNICEF staff (FCT, Plateau, Gombe, Cross River and Lagos)
Technical and Financial proposals should be forwarded to UNICEF Nigeria supply section mail box and or hard copies in sealed envelopes and should be dropped in the bid box placed in the reception room at the entrance hall of UNICEF, or be sent through courier service.
Address to: Supply Manager, UNICEF, Old CBN Building, Area 11, Garki, Abuja, Nigeria.
The reference RFP - 2017/Supply/9132039 must be shown on your offer.
The proposal format should align with the technical evaluation criteria when replying to this invitation. Failure to submit your bid in this format, or failure to complete the details as requested, will result in invalidation.
Offers MUST be received on or before 14:00hours Nigeria local time on 20th June, 2017 and may be publicly opened at 14:30hours Nigeria local time same day. Proposals received after the stipulated date and time will be invalidated.
Please visit our website and download our supplier profile form (SPF) and fill same with necessary information to evaluate you.
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This request for proposal is approved by:
Michael Zanardi
Chief, Supply & Logistics Section
Children have the right to be protected from all forms of abuse, violence, exploitation and neglect. The challenge is how to best support Governments to realise this right. In recent years, the global community has increasingly recognised that (i) the number of children experiencing abuse, violence, exploitation and neglect is significant, and is rising in some areas (2008 Secretary-General’s Study on Violence Against Children) (ii) efforts to address child protection issues have been poorly coordinated and resourced, with a focus on stand-alone / single issue based projects (such as on sexual exploitation, child trafficking, street children, child labour etc.) with limited sustainability; and (iii) children face multiple risks – abuse can be combined with exploitation and/or abandonment.
For the first time in Nigeria, the prevention of and effective response to violence against children has been linked to the sustainable development of Nigeria as a nation: “All children are safe from abuse, violence, exploitation, and neglect” is one of the six commitments of the National Priority Agenda (NPA) for Vulnerable Children 2010–2013. These six core commitments of Nigeria’s government will, if fulfilled, contribute to the achievement of the strategic objectives of Nigeria’s Vision 20:20. This elevates the importance of the issue of violence against children in this country and recognizes that reducing children’s vulnerability will positively and directly impact Nigeria’s economic and social well-being and development.
In order to develop coherent interventions which can tackle violence against children, it is necessary to understand the prevalence, manifestations, locations, perpetrators and impact of violence. Therefore, the Federal Government of Nigeria, led by the National Population Commission (and supported by UNICEF Nigeria and Centers for Disease Control), carried out the first comprehensive and nationally representative survey on violence against children (VACS) in 2014, covering every State in Nigeria. Nigeria is the first country in West Africa to undertake this Survey, and the 9th country globally.
The results of the 2014 Violence Against Children Survey (CVACS) provided, for the first time, national estimates that describe the magnitude and nature of sexual, physical and emotional violence experienced by girls and boys in Nigeria. The findings indicate that violence against children is a serious problem in Nigeria: with over half of children experiencing at least one form of violence before the age of 18. Approximately 6 out of every 10 children experience some form of violence. Half of all children experience physical violence. One in four girls and one in ten boys experience sexual violence and one in six girls and one in five boys experience emotional violence. Violence is rarely an isolated incident. The majority of children who experience physical, sexual or emotional violence in childhood do so on multiple occasions (over 70%). Girls are significantly more likely to experience both sexual violence and physical violence than other combinations of violence. Boys are significantly more likely to experience both physical and emotional violence, than other combinations of violence. Violence also starts at a young age. Over half of children first experience physical violence between the ages of 6 and 11. Approximately 1 in 10 children’s first experience is under the age of 5. A third of girls experience their first incident of sexual violence between 14 and 15, while almost a third of boys experience their first incident of sexual violence at 13 years and below. Approximately half of children first experience emotional violence before the age of 12.
The VACS highlighted that most children who suffer violence never tell anyone and very few seek services. Less than 5% of children who suffer violence receive the services that they need to recover. The VACS explored some of the reasons perpetuating silence, including stigma, fear of not being believed, not knowing where to seek help. The VACS also found that some children did not speak out because ‘they did not think it was a problem’.
In October 2016, the President of Nigeria launched the Campaign to End Violence Against Children by 2030, in line with Sustainable Development Goals. This built on the momentum created by the Presidential Year of Action to End Violence Against Children.
During the launch of the 2030 End VAC Campaign, President Buhari committed to develop a National Social Norms Change Strategy in line with the 2030 SDG to End VAC in Nigeria as an integral part of a National Action Plan to End VAC by 2030. The National Social Norms Change Strategy intends to delineate the objectives, the social norms, behaviors and practices that tolerate VAC to be addressed, perpetuate silence and prevent children seeking the services that they need to recover, the key messages, the channels as well as the responsibilities of the different stakeholders throughout society to progressively related change social norms with a clear timeline and budgets to sustain by 2030.
While the Government develops the National Social Norms Change Strategy to End VAC, there is a need to build the capacity of federal and state government to understand strategies to change social norms related to VAC and implement programme leading to sustained results in the long run. UNICEF is therefore looking to engage an international institution through UNICEF Global C4D LTAs, building on the VACS, to develop and implement a 6 month capacity building strategy to increase the knowledge about Social Norms Change and capacities to implement Social Norms Change Strategies and Programmes to End Violence Against Children (VAC).
Specific Tasks for the Institutional Consultancy
In collaboration with the FMWASD and the State Ministries in Lagos, Cross River, Plateau and Gombe, UNICEF Nigeria would like to engage with Global LTA partner to:
1) Develop a 6 month capacity building strategy for federal and state government partners, PEPFAR and NGO partners and UNICEF Child Protection and C4D staff in Abuja (FCT), Gombe, Plateau, Cross River and Lagos;
2) Develop appropriate training materials for the different target audience; and
3) Implement the strategy carrying out (technically and logistically) a series of workshops, trainings and other related capacity building events.
- The contractor is expected to develop capacity building strategy to target the following audiences:
o Federal Government partners (Federal Ministries of Women Affairs and Social development, Education, Health, Budget and Finance, Nigerian Police Force among others) (Abuja).
o State Government partners from state and local government areas (Gombe, Plateau, cross River and Lagos states).
o Traditional and religious leaders at state and local government areas (Gombe, Plateau, cross River and Lagos states).
o Communities (Child Protection Networks, Child Protection Committees) and schools (Gombe, Plateau, cross River and Lagos states) at local government areas if not possible at the state capital city.
o UNICEF staff (child protection and C4D) in Abuja
- The capacity building strategy will include a monitoring and evaluation framework to track progress against objectives as well as evaluate impact of the learning on target audiences.
- NGO partners including PEPFAR partners at federal and state level.
- The contractor will need to define in the capacity building strategy how many trainings/events will be required for each target audience and on the need to have combined trainings.
- It is expected that some of the trainings will be Training of Trainers.
- Trainings are expected to take place in Abuja for UNICEF and Federal partners, state capital of the four focus states (Gombe, Plateau, cross River and Lagos states) and possibly in the concerned local government areas as per the table below:
CPSS Geographical FocusFocus State / Selected LGA
Plateau / Mangu
Jos North
Gombe / Balanga
Cross River / Calabar South
Lagos / Ikeja
- The contractor is expected to technically lead the development of the training materials, the strategy and the facilitation of the trainings as well as the logistical arrangements such as booking venues, making payments of meeting space and daily allowances for participants and transportation, stationary and other materials, and printing etc.
The contractor will make reasonable time at the beginning of the assignment and end of the assignment to meet and discuss the assignment (methodology, draft strategy, learning objectives and outcomes) and coordinate with UNICEF focal point on a monthly basis the implementation of the plan. These lines of communication and liaison will remain open for regular contact throughout the assignment, and staff will remain available to assist and participate in the assignment as necessary or appropriate. Ultimately, the contractor is expected to have self-sufficiency to work independently in Nigeria wherever possible.
(HB= home based, IC=in country)
No. / Tasks / Proposed number of days / Dates1 / Develop the capacity building strategy and specific implementation plan for the consultancy. / 2 HB days / 31st July 2017
2 / Develop training materials / 15 HB days / Aug-Sept 2018
3 / UNICEF ToT / 7 IC days / October 2017
3 / Federal trainings / 15 IC days / Oct/Nov 2017
6 / State ToTs and step down trainings for LGAs and communities / 60 IC days / Dec 2017-Jan 2018
7 / Finalization of training materials / 5 HB days / Jan 2018
8 / Evaluation report and Final consultancy report / 5 HB days / Feb 2018
· Inception report outlining proposed consultancy implementation plan (31st July 2017)
· Training materials (15th Sept 2017)
· UNICEF ToT (30th Sept 2017)
· Other Federal trainings (30th Oct 2017)
· Gombe and Lagos trainings (20th Nov 2017)
· Cross River and Plateau trainings (15th January 2018)
· Final training materials (31st January 2018)
· Trainings evaluation report and final consultancy report (28th February 2018)
Team Requirements
This assignment requires a team of 2 international consultants and one national coordinator (administrative/finance) support focal point. One of them being the team leader reporting directly to UNICEF Nigeria while the second international consultant will be supporting the team leader with the facilitation of the trainings and development of materials. The team is required to complete the full assignment (all phases) as detailed in this TOR. The composition of the team would need to combine the following expected profiles and experience:
· A relevant advanced university degree in communication, Health Promotion, Social Science or a relevant field
· Team leader with at least 15 years of experience in the area of communication and C4D
· Second international consultant with at least 5 years’ experience in the area of communication, child protection, health promotion, violence against women or children
· Experience of undertaking C4D work in Africa is an asset
· Proven experience in leading capacity building on social norms change
· Knowledge of working on social norms change relevant to violence against children and/or women would be an advantage
· Excellent interpersonal communication and facilitation skills in English
· Previous working experience with UNICEF is an advantage.
It must be clear to which activities each consultancy team member is assigned with.
Administrative Issues
· UNICEF will identify a focal point in the Child Protection section to act as a liaison officer to support the consultant team throughout the assessment and will help facilitate the contacts with national stakeholders and key ministries as well as support in country activities
· The consultant team will have a team leader working under the direct supervision of the Child Protection System Strengthening Specialist in consultation with the Chief Child Protection and Chief of C4D
· The assignment will be combination of desk-based and field work, with frequent site visits throughout the Federal Capital Territory and Plateau, Gombe, Cross River and Lagos states
· The consultancy team will be expected to travel to Plateau, Gombe, Cross River and Lagos states (States capitals and selected Local Government Areas) to complete the assignments.
· The consultancy team is expected to work independently, although UNICEF and relevant ministries will assist within reasonable parameters to ensure the smooth running of the assignment.
· The consultancy team will have access to UNICEF Nigeria offices to undertake in country work and meetings, where needed
· The consultancy team will organize their own transportation for field visits and local level consultations with UNICEF support as required