Orientation for Junior TE Candidates

Early Childhood Education (ECE)

Elementary Education (ELE)

Fall 2016

Dear Early Childhood and Elementary Teacher Education Candidates,

This document includes useful information for your junior and senior year. If you have any questions, please contact

Dr. Kathryn Bojczyk

Early Childhood Teacher Education Program Coordinator


Dr. Agnes Cave

Elementary Teacher Education Program Coordinator


Dr. Liliana Maggioni

Director of Teacher Education



In this document you will find information on

  • PRAXIS Content Test prior to Student Teaching
  • Student Teaching
  • Getting Ready for Program Completion
  • Additional Information

PRAXIS Content Test prior to Student Teaching

The PRAXIS II content test needs to be taken at least two months before the student teaching semester begins (no later than November for spring student teaching), and the PRAXIS II pedagogy test should be taken two months prior to applying for a license (in March of your student teaching semester if you want to apply for a license right after graduation).

You MUST take (not necessarily pass) the PRAXIS II content (not pedagogy) test before student teaching. Check the ETS website at for the appropriate number of the PRAXIS II content vs. pedagogy tests. Do not confuse the 2 numbers please.

In order to get a license, candidates must pass (not only take) their PRAXIS II tests (both content and pedagogy).

*Please note that if you are asked for a license at an interview before you obtain your DC license, the Director of Teacher Education can write a college completion verification letter on letterhead stating that you are eligible for a license upon completion of all your program and licensure requirements.

  • DC Test Requirements: (Tests Required for Specific Licensure Areas)
  • Licenses can be obtained in additional subject areas as long as the required PRAXIS II content and pedagogy tests are passed! You can apply for additional licenses online, whenever ready to do so.

Continue using or create an account at and sign up for your PRAXIS II tests there.

If you need special accommodations for the PRAXIS tests, you need to request those accommodations four (4) weeks prior to registering for the tests.

Make sure you mark CUA and OSSE (District of Columbia) as one of the recipients of your scores.

When your scores are delivered to you (either hard or electronic copies), please save your scores on your computer immediately. (I would recommend scanning in the hard copy so that it can be E-mailed. The digital copy needs to be saved from your ETS account also as it is available on the internet for a limited time.)

Content Area Knowledge and Principles of Learning and Teaching Tests

Helpful material to prepare for the tests can be found by clicking on the individual tests (

  • Early Childhood: the new content area test is 5025. If you do not have a serious reason for doing otherwise, please take 5025 rather than 5022. OSSE will accept 5022 only during a transition period.

  • Elementary

Student Teaching (ST)

  • Placements are designed to provide candidates with the greatest variety of experiences and are arranged based on faculty decisions.
  • Application for ST-ing in LiveText. Let the office of Teacher Education and Dr. Liliana Maggioni () know that you are planning to ST so that the URL for the application form can be sent to you.
  • Deadline for submitting ST-ing application is the first week of the semester prior to student teaching. (For instance, if you want to student teach in September, your application is due the first week of the spring semester in January.)
  • Contact Ms. Neely (), Director of Field Experiences and practicum liaison before being absent from practicum. All missed hours must be made up.
  • ST-ing course numbers:
  • ECE: 400 (specific sections will be communicated to you), 401, 402, 403
  • ELE: 400 (specific sections will be communicated to you), 411, 412, 413
  • Before student teaching:
  • TB test
  • Background check
  • PRAXIS II content test
  • Security Clearance: Below are the instructions for clearing security at the schools to which you are assigned.

Charter Schools:

Stokes Charter School requires you to go to a local police precinct to get fingerprinted. You then present evidence that you have done so to the student teacher coordinator. You may go to CUA security office in Leahy and they will take your fingerprints. If the school does not discuss the clearance requirement with you, do it anyway, so if they do mention the security requirements, you will have met them. You also need the results of your TB test, social security card and photo ID.

Concord has an internal security process. You do need your driver’s license or some form of photo ID, results of your TB test, and your social security card.

Ask Ms. Neely for the specific form required for Yu Ying’s security clearance –You do need your driver’s license or some form of photo ID, results of your TB test, and your social security card.

Catholic Schools:

Go to the ADW website and select Protecting Our Children. You may then complete the applications for child protection training, fingerprinting schedule, volunteer application, and complete volunteer checklist. You must have results of your current TB test, which health services will provide, and some form of picture ID, passport, social security card, driver’s license, or birth certificate. Once you have submitted all of this information, you must call the school to which you are assigned and ask to speak to the child protection coordinator, who will assign you a Virtus number. Once you view the video and complete the application, you have 60 days to clear security, and you can work in the school until that time.

District of Columbia Public Schools:

Candidates need to complete the two applications included below. Once they fill out the applications, they must go to DCPS Central Office to get fingerprinted, 1200 First Street, N. E. Go to the tenth floor, bring a state issue picture ID, social security card, and a TB test that has been completed within the last 12 months. Once candidates clear fingerprinting, they will receive an email letter stating they can begin student teaching. The process can take from 3-10 days to clear.

If you have any questions about security, please contact Elsie T. Neely – 202-436-0233

4. Getting Ready for Program Completion

  1. Juniors: Please schedule an appointment for your junior audit http://arts-sciences.cua.edu/undergraduate/advising-handbook/Junior-Audit.cfm
  2. Make the most of your practicum: two ½ days in the Fall and two full days in the Spring
  3. Maintain a 3.0 GPA (cumulative and in education)
  4. Retake courses below C- (licensure requirement) - Talk to your advisor before retaking any course. (You don’t need to retake the same course to fulfill a particular distribution requirement. You do, however, need to take a course that is listed in the slot detail for the particular requirement on the tracking sheet.)
  5. Only one probationary semester can be given to candidates.
  6. Appeal process information for (1) decisions in the Unit Assessment System (if e.g., someone is denied continuance in TE) and (2) dispositional concerns can be found in the Unit Assessment Handbook http://education.cua.edu/Undergraduate/TEDOCS/ugtedocs.cfm
  7. Key assessments: All required course assignments must be submitted in LiveText in order to continue in the teacher education program. Make sure you save your assignments on a flashdrive also. You will include some of your previous work in your Electronic Portfolio.
  8. Please check your CUA E-mail account regularly (or forward your CUA mail to your preferred non-CUA E-mail address).
  9. Information about student teaching and licensure is provided at the student teaching orientation.

5. General Policies

  1. Disability Support Services – Policy for Candidates Registering for Field Experiences

If you are a teacher education candidate (in early childhood, elementary, secondary or special education) and have a disability, we encourage you to inform Dr. Liliana Maggioni, Director of Teacher Education () or Ms. Elsie Neely, Director of Field Experiences () of your disability so that we can best help you in terms of accommodations that you may need for your field experience. We further encourage you to coordinate with the office of Disability Support Services to ensure you obtain support for completing the program. If you choose not to reveal this information, understand that there are consequences for that decision. Accommodations are not retroactive. Please visit the DSS website at http://disabilitysupport.cua.edu for additional information.

  1. Educational Record Release: We can discuss your educational progress with your parents only if you give us permission to do so. If you want to give permission, please do the following:
  2. Obtain the Education Record Release Form at http://enrollmentservices.cua.edu/res/docs/Education-Record-Release-Form.pdf and
  3. Submit the completed form to the Registrar’s office.
  4. Absenteeism: Please refer to CUA's policy regarding absenteeism: http://arts-sciences.cua.edu/undergraduate/advising-handbook/formabsence.cfm
  5. Academic Dishonesty: CUA's Policy on Student Academic Dishonesty can be located at the following URL: http://policies.cua.edu/academicundergrad/integrityfull.cfm It is all candidates' responsibility to become familiar with this policy.
  6. Additional CUA policies for undergraduates: http://policies.cua.edu/academicundergrad/index.cfm
  7. See also http://policies.cua.edu/academicundergrad/index.cfm and CUA Advising Handbook (http://arts-sciences.cua.edu/advising/) for other policies.
  8. University Graduate Announcements: http://graduatestudies.cua.edu/res/docs/Graduate-Announcements.pdf

6. Additional Information

  • CUA’s professional education unit has been accredited by CAEP/NCATE since 1975, and all programs are state and SPA approved.
  • All important documents (Conceptual Framework [documents, videos], Unit Assessment System) are uploaded at the following website: http://education.cua.edu/Undergraduate/TEDOCS/ugtedocs.cfm
  • Study Abroad
  • If you’re interested in studying abroad, meet with your advisor/program coordinator and then see Dr. Maggioni for more information.
  • Communicate with your instructors and advisor
  • Be careful and wise in posting personal photos/videos on internet
  • Use and be aware of CUA’s resources for academic and emotional support

I verify that I have attended the orientation meeting and received all TE materials. I understand that if I have any questions, I can contact my advisor and Dr. Liliana Maggioni () in the Teacher Education Office located in O’Boyle.


Signature of Teacher Education CandidateDate