The Mid-Atlantic Athletic Trainers Association

Edward Block Undergraduate Scholarship

To be eligible for consideration an applicant shall:

1.  Be a student member in good standing of the NATA/MAATA or a NATA student member in good standing and enrolled in a college or university within District III.

2.  Be enrolled in a CAATE accredited Athletic Training program.

3.  Have distinguished himself/herself academically with an overall minimum accumulative grade point average of 3.0 (based on a maximum of 4.0) or its equivalent, from ALL institutions attended.

A.  Records of students shall be judged on his/ her grade point index at the completion of the fall semester of his/her undergraduate sophomore or junior year.

B.  Students engaged in undergraduate graduate programs requiring more than four years for a baccalaureate degree shall be considered for a MAATA scholarship during their final year.

4.  Have performed with distinction as a member of the Athletic Training Program (NOTE: The degree of the athletic training student's clinical achievements shall be weighed at least equally with the degree of his/her academic performance).

5.  Signified an intention to continue academic work toward the baccalaureate degree as a full time undergraduate student and have been judged capable of this study by the major professor, major department head, or dean of the college in which the candidate is enrolled.

6.  Indicate the intent to pursue the profession of Athletic Training as the means of livelihood.

7.  Have conducted himself/herself in a manner which has brought credit to the candidate, the institution, intercollegiate athletics, and the ideals and objectives of American higher education. This includes demonstrated ability to uphold the NATA Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.

8.  Once a scholarship has been awarded to an individual, he/she is no longer eligible for MAATA scholarships in the same category (i.e., undergraduate, postgraduate, and Master’s degree).

NOTE: Need shall not be a factor in granting MAATA scholarships. Also, an award of assistance from other sources to a MAATA applicant will not affect the applicant’s eligibility for a MAATA award (NOTE: the recipient is expected to remain enrolled in an undergraduate program except for military service or church obligations).


1.  Nominations shall be restricted to students who are NATA/MAATA members or who are NATA members and full- time students within District III.

2.  Each Certified Athletic Trainer may submit no more than one nomination.

3.  The four steps to complete a nomination are:

A.  The application is completed and signed by the nominee.

B.  An evaluation is completed and signed by the nominating certified athletic trainer.

C.  An evaluation is completed and signed by a team physician, head coach, athletic administrator, or professor.

D.  A student essay is completed.

4.  Official transcripts from all institutions which the applicant had attended must be included

5.  Complete applications must be postmarked by March 1st and mailed to the chairperson of the scholarship committee.

The Mid-Atlantic Athletic Trainers Association

Edward Block Undergraduate Scholarship

All information must be typed


Last First Middle

Date of Birth

College or University

Address while at college

Street or P.O. Box

City State Zip

Telephone Email

Home Address

Street or P.O. Box

City State Zip

Undergraduate Major Undergraduate Minor

Athletic Training Major GPA Overall GPA

Current Class: Sophomore Junior

Current NATA student membership number

How long have you been a NATA student member?

Nominating Athletic Trainer


Nominating Athletic Trainer’s certification number

Nominating Athletic Trainer’s signature

Athletic Training Activities

Identify the clinical experiences you have had as an AT student since being accepted into your school’s Athletic Training Program. (What activities and athletic teams have you been involved with, what were your responsibilities, and what was the extent of your involvement?)

Identify extracurricular activities you have participated in at your institution outside of your Athletic Training clinical experiences.

Community/Public Service

Identify activities and leadership opportunities in which you have participated either within the AT Program or outside of the AT Program at your institution.

Academic Awards (i.e., identify the name of the award and a brief description of the award):

Research (i.e., ongoing, published; oral, written, poster, etc.):

Presentations (i.e., community, state, regional, etc.):

Applicant’s Signature

Student Essay

Use this space to describe yourself, the reason you chose your athletic training program, your athletic training experiences, and your goals for the future. Please limit your response to 300 words.

Edward Block Scholarship Recommendation

(To be completed by Nominating Athletic Trainer)

A. Student’s Name:

Last First Middle

B. Rating:

Top 5-10% / Excellent
Top 25% / Good
Top 40% / Needs
Improvement / Unable to Judge
Punctuality and attendance
Positive attitude and enthusiasm
Self confidence
Emotional maturity
Shows respect for others
Ability to receive constructive criticism
Completes tasks as assigned
Communication skills with all appropriate personnel
Follows policies and procedures of the clinical setting
Fitness for a career in Athletic Training

C. In a separate letter, please support your ratings in section B.

Submitted by:

Name: Title:


Edward Block Scholarship Recommendation

(To be completed by Team Physician, Head Coach, Athletic Administrator or Professor)

A. Student’s Name:

Last First Middle

B. Rating:

Top 5-10% / Excellent
Top 25% / Good
Top 40% / Needs
Improvement / Unable to Judge
Punctuality and attendance
Positive attitude and enthusiasm
Self confidence
Emotional maturity
Shows respect for others
Ability to receive constructive criticism
Completes tasks as assigned
Communication skills with all appropriate personnel
Follows policies and procedures of the clinical setting
Fitness for a career in Athletic Training

C. In separate letter, please support your ratings in section B.

Submitted by:

Name: Title:


Mid-Atlantic Athletic Trainers Association

NATA District III

The Mid-Atlantic Athletic Trainers Association (MAATA) has a scholarship award program honoring students from the MAATA membership who have excelled both academically and as athletic training students.

At present, a first place grant of $1,500.00 and a second place grant of $1,000.00 are awarded annually to selected candidates in a college or university who have participated with distinction in an athletic training program. This award is meant to encourage the continuing education of the individual toward completion of a baccalaureate degree.

Each Certified Athletic Trainer is requested to nominate no more than one candidate for this award.

Each candidate must forward the completed forms to the Chairman of the MAATA Scholarship Committee by March 1st.

The MAATA Scholarship Committee will evaluate each candidate’s application form and announce the award winner’s to the membership committee at its annual business meeting.

The members of the MAATA Scholarship Committee are:

Joseph A. Beckett, EdD, ATC
MAATA Scholarship Committee Chair
Marshall University
1 John Marshall Drive
Gullickson Hall 108
Huntington, WV 25755
304-696-2929 (Office)
304-696-2928 (Fax)

Eric Bengston – North Carolina Representative

TBD – District of Columbia Representative

Lori Bristow – Maryland Representative

Drue Stapleton – West Virginia Representative

Sara Pittelkau – Virginia Representative

Adam Weyer – South Carolina Representative
