Fees payable:(excludingvat)
Recruitment Initiative / Date / AmountComputing Sciences & IT Careers Fair / 30 March / R4000 ex VAT
Careers Fair / 26July & 27 July / R7000ex VAT
Accounting & Law Day / 3 August / R4000 ex VAT
Graduate Recruitment Programme / Early Awareness:
1 March – 18 May
Formal Programme:
24 July – 14 September / R2000ex VAT
SECTION A: Company Details:
Company Name:Vat registration no: / Webpage:
Postal address: / Code:
Street address: / Code:
Tel: (Code & Number) / Fax: (Code & Number)
Details of company representative/s who will participate in the Fairs: (This person will receive all further communication regarding the initiatives)
Name / E-mail:Cell/Tel:
Details of company representative who will receive the invoice:(Our finance department will send the invoice to this person)
Name / E-mail:Cell/Tel:
SECTION B: Company Preferences:
Please tick appropriate box:
Would you like to participate inComputing Sciences and IT Careers Fair
Careers Fair
Accounting and Law Day
Graduate Recruitment Programme
We provide a 3x2m exhibition stall with facia signage, table, table cloth, 2 chairs, plug point and spotlight. If booked for theComputing Sciences, Careers Fairor Accounting & Law Day,please state if you’d wish to:
-Build your own stall at the exhibition
-Make use of the stall that we provide you with.
If booked for a GRP Presentation:
State thepreferred date and time of yourvisit:
Dates: (1 March– 18 May) & (24 July – 14 September)
(Fridays are excluded)
Would you like to reserve INTERVIEW ROOMS? / Yes / No / If yes, please state number of rooms:Preferred Interview Date/s:
Please list fields of study including levels: (e.g. BCom C3 – 1st to 4th year, BPharm, 3rd year, etc, – this information will be used to promote your visit on campus)
Commerce: (2nd and South Campus)Science & Applied Sciences:(North and South Campus)
Law:(South Campus)
Computing Sciences & Information Systems & IT: (North and South Campus) / Health Sciences: (North and South Campus)
EngineeringThe Built Environment : (North Campus)
Arts, Media, Communications, Marketing & PR: (South Campus)
At which campus (es) would you like to give a presentation?
Campus / Venue / TimeSouth Campus / Council Chambers / 12:10 – 13:00
North Campus / Senate Hall / 12:10 – 13:00
2nd Avenue Campus / TBA / 12:10 – 13:00
NB: Application Method
Would you like students to apply to your company prior to your visit? / YES / NO / Please state your closing date for all applications:Indicate method of collecting applications from students by ticking the appropriate box(es). (NB: It is important to give us this information to facilitate speedy collections of all applications and dissemination of correct information to students).
Via the Graduate & Student Placement Office. (Our office will collect CVs from students on your behalf and courier them to you for screening. Please supply relevant application forms if required.)Students must apply on line only
Please provide URL:
Apply directly to the company
Would you like to interview students for bursaries? / Yes / No / If yes, state year of study:
Services offered include:
- Notifications regarding campus visits, presentations, messages to students, and advertisements via email, website and Facebook.
- Scheduling of Interviews (Shortlists to be provided at least one week prior to interviews)
- Companies wishing to hire students as brand ambassadors to assist with on campus promotions of their visits can liaise with our office (student fees/rates for such services canbe negotiated between individual students and the company in question).
- Please send company brochures, along with posters, at least two weeks before your visit, with all relevant company information (dates and times of presentations and interviews) written on the posters. Please provide your company name and contact details on the parcel.
Couriers can be sent to:
Graduate and Student Placement Unit, Main Building, Ground Floor, South Campus, NMMU, University Way, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth, 6001
SECTION C: Write up in GRP Handbook:
The below table will appear in our GRP Handbook. Please fill in the information you would like published
Organisation / Required Qualification(s) / Contact details / Campus Visits and application ProcessProvide a brief description of your company and a list of careers opportunities available to students. / list the fields of study and qualifications you will be recruiting / The contact details stated here should be the representative of the company that students can phone or e-mail regarding opportunities or positions available.
Please provide the following:
Name and surname:
Email: / Here you should state how the students can apply as well as closing dates for applications.
E.g. they can either apply online, directly to the company or via the Graduate and student placement offices.
Please also state in which recruitment initiative you will be participating
Will you be providing the following: / Yes / No
- Bursaries or Scholarships
- Vacation work
- Graduate Opportunity
- Employment opportunities for international students
- Location of employment
SECTION D: Advertising in GRP Handbook:
Would you like to advertise in the Graduate Recruitment Programme Handbook? If yes, please tick in the appropriate space: Advertising space will be allocated on a “first come, first served” basis.* Outside back cover full colour / R7 000
* Inside front or inside back cover - full colour / R4 620
* Inside page - full colour / R3 850
Material can be supplied in any one of the following formats:
- Corel Draw up to 10; Freehand Illustrator; Acrobat Reader or any Apple Mac programme. Minimum bleed of 3.5mm is required.
- Trim size: 148mm x 210mm. Wording size: not wider than 138mm and 180mm top to bottom
- As the Programme booklet is A5 portrait, advertising material should be designed accordingly. If not, your advert will be printed landscape. In order of preference for receiving advertising material: CD, email (), or A5 litho positive.
NB: Advert Material deadline:28 April 2017.
Please take note of the following:
- Companies participating in the Computing Sciences and Information Technology Fair, Careers Fair/Accounting & Law Dayneed to comply with the exhibition dates & times as scheduled.
- Stalls should be manned at all times, as the university will not take responsibility for any losses suffered.
- All fees must be paid within 30 days of the invoice date. Payment details will be reflected on our invoice.
- The standard exhibition rates will still apply even if companies choose to bring their own furniture & branded signage.
- All bookings will be treated as tentative pending the submission of a completed registration form and subsequent payment of the applicable fee.
- It imperative to indicate all important dates that you require students to comply with well in advance and to also communicate such dates with our office.
- It is important to ensure that all your promotion material reach our office well in advance in order to assist in creating an awareness of your campaign to the students.
- We cannot guarantee attendance of GRP Presentation sessions by students, but do assist with ensuring that students are aware of your visit.
- A 50% administration fee will be charged on cancellations made before 28thApril 2017 and no refunds will be made after the closing date.
Name (Please print): ...... Signature:......
Date: ......
Bookings can be made either telephonically or via e-mail by contacting one of the following:
Ronel Rizzo on 041 504 2951, e-mail
Amy Butler on 041 504 2619, e-mail
Noxolo Gqirana on 041 504 4398 e-mail
Sisanda Hanabe on 041504 4619, email
We look forward to welcoming you on campus.
Updated: 07/11/16